Aelios Reginald

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Aelios Reginald
A.K.A. Charge Commander Aelios
Age 30
Voice Actor
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Aelios Reginald
  • Age: 30
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Battle. Charging. General Desenth.
  • Dislikes: Weaklings. Retreats. Cowards.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 210lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Brown


Tall man, shaped by war, usually carrying a large sword and wearing heavy armor.


Boisterous Bruiser.


  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Alertness: Good


Grand Knight: Aelios is a grand knight, the son of a Plegian noble family, who was trained in the ways of the sword and shield since an early age. He is quite adept with them, rapidly rising through the ranks on a display of personal force and power. Despite his inexperience as a commander, he has the respect of his men by virtue of his strength and prowess with the sword, and is known to be an expert cavalier, as well.

  • Counterstrike: Parrying a blow with his shield, Aelios can immediately twist and knock an enemy's attack before delivering a powerful counterblow, using the force of their impact to drive his hit in while they're off balance.
  • Grand Knight Smash: Using both hands, Aelios can deliver a powerful strike which can cleave through a horse and its rider.

Charge Commander: Large Scale Battle Stats.

  • Stats: +300 ATK
  • Special: Twice per battle, Aelios can force his troops to push into an attack that was successfully defended or left an unclear winner, dealing an additional 300HP damage to the enemy army (On a loss or tie).


Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.