General Desenth

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General Desenth
A.K.A. The Heaven General
Age 42
Voice Actor Akio Ohtsuka
Relatives General Aleesa, Fiancee.
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Desenth
  • Age: 42
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Plegia. Justice. Loyalty.
  • Dislikes: Treason. Weak Will.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 200lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Brown


Older man, well maintained and rather strong. Wears an eyepatch. Well dressed and carries himself with dignity.


Honorable. Loyal. Devoted. Careful. Stoic.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Leadership: Amazing
  • Expression: Incredible
  • Empathy: Very Good


Grand General: Desenth is a highly experienced soldier, who rose his way to the top of his military academy, then proved himself time and time again as both a warrior and a leader. He is unmatched with the sword, and is said to be the second greatest warrior of Plegia, a title he relinquished to his star pupin, Varan Dyagon, the King of Plegia. Desenth is equally adept with both hands and is known to take out entire divisions of men on his own.

  • Heavenly Strike: Desenth can funnel energy through his sword and strike from a distance, or hit the ground and disperse the energy all around himself, to damage and disperse enemies trying to strike him or surround him. Any sword used by Desenth is considered magical, and can deliver massive punishment to any type of being.
  • Surrender or Die: Desenth can disarm anyone at any time. Moving with exceptional speed, he has learned to remove any type of weapon from any hand, and can deliver the blow incredibly quick, leaving his opponent disarmed and at his mercy. Desenth has become so good at this he can get disarmed and move to counter-disarm his opponent with his other hand instantly. This is followed by a takedown and an offer to surrender, as his honor dictates.


Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.