Takeo Masaki

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Takeo Masaki
Age 26
Voice Actor Koyasu Takehito
Relatives Tenchi Masaki (father)
Ryoko Hakubi Masaki (mother)
Aeka Masaki (step?mother)
Washu Hakubi (grandmother)
Noboyuki Masaki (grandfather)
Yosho Masaki (great-grandfather)
Azusa Masaki (great-great-grandfather)
Funaho Masaki (great-great-grandmother)
Kouji Masaki (younger half-brother)
Kaida Masaki (younger sister)
Jade Masaki (younger half-sister)
Series Tenchi Muyou
Player Paul (Exacerangutan)
  • Name: Takeo Masaki
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: April 10th
  • Parents: Tenchi and Ryoko Masaki
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Juraian/Japanese
    • Specialty: Swordsmanship, science
    • Hobbies: Music, engineering, puzzle games
    • Likes: Problem-solving, upholding justice, music, nifty gadgets, sane people
    • Dislikes: Bigotry, abuse of power, excessive drama, mind-control
    • Favorite Food: Sukiyaki, onigiri with savory fillings
    • Least Favorite Food: Salad (really, just eating leaves?)
    • Favorite Music: Rock-Opera and other classical/modern hybrids
    • Favorite Sport: Kendo
    • Most Valuable Possessions: The Tenchi-ken and his own Key (even though they're inactive)
    • Level of Education: Home-schooled
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Koyasu Takehito
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 200lbs
    • Eyes: Amber
    • Hair: Black
  • Missions: 14 (8 B, 4 C, 1 D, 1 E [for Excalibur])
  • PARADIGM Income: 10.2M¥ ($102k)


Visually, Takeo takes very much after his great-grandfather Yosho and great-great-grandfather Azusa, although he has his mother's eyes and mouth. There's a regal aspect about his looks which he used to cover up by acting like a bitchy teenager, but over the last few years, he has grown more and more Princely in his bearing. His relatively high weight listed above is due to the higher muscle and bone density in his body.

Takeo will also trigger alien/demon sensors, being as he's Ryoko's kid: the energy signature of the "Mass" is very similar to youki, and it certainly doesn't smell exactly human. His irises may take on a red glow, if he becomes extremely agitated, and if his self-control begins to slip, the Mass's natural plasma generation reflex starts to kick in and may create arcs of plasma around him.


Takeo has gone through a lot of changes of direction in his life, but at the heart of it all, he’s essentially a frequently-disappointed idealist. He’s got a deep vein of tragedy after all the death and loss and pointless suffering and destruction he’s seen, but he’s grown to be far less angsty and re-learned about the good things in life. Those who believe strongly in astrology would probably say he's finally growing into his nature as an Aries, after years of being stunted into something a lot sulkier. Although deeply dedicated to the Jurai Empire, driven in no small part by his sense of justice, he’s fiercely loyal to his friends, and also knows the value of extending good deeds outside the bounds of Jurai. He can be rather proud, but he’s been learning a lot of temperance, and isn’t quite as much hotheaded as he used to be.


Right, let's go with the short form.

Takeo grew up in a loving family and given a first-rate education in particular by the greatest swordsmen and the greatest scientific minds in the galaxy, but was surrounded by some people who were less than open-minded about his heritage. Although raised for leadership, the environment drove him away from accepting his duties for a long time, but he has begun to step up to the plate seriously after seeing an alternate future where his family was wiped out by their rivals.

However, activity of a spacetime rift near where he grew up dislocated him, and although he was able to summon to himself the spacetime transit device he'd once built to search for his brother, he found it impossible to pilot his way back to the reality he called home. In his efforts, he crash-landed at a PARADIGM central facility, the machine crippled. Although unable to offer a way home just yet, perhaps due to the effects of that rift's spacetime turbulence (just ask about it and I can technobabble you a short article), PARADIGM offered to set their experts working on it in exchange for Takeo's engineering and assistance in appropriate missions.

Eager to get home to his duties, his family, and his fiancee but unable to get there himself, Takeo agreed to the deal. He has been working at an R&D facility to share what he could, now ready to move to the field base.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2)
  • Streetwise: Novice (+1)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2) [not counting situational bonuses from displays of strength, etc]
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)
  • Performance
    • Guitar: Incredible (+4)
    • Flute: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Incredible (+4)
  • Investigation: Novice (+1)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Law
    • Juraian: Incredible (+4)
    • General Principles: Very Good (+3)
  • Occult: Novice (+1)
  • Politics: Very Good (+3)
  • Science: Amazing (+5)
  • Technician: Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Novice (+1)
  • Empathy: Good (+2)
  • Languages: Japanese, English, German, Russian

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Kachu Tenshin Amiguriken: An extremely high-speed striking technique learned from Ranma, back when Takeo was one of his students. Takeo's KTA isn't the fastest, but combined with his strength, it can be devastating. Takeo expanded on the technique to the used with a sword, as well, although the rangeing of the sword makes it much more predictable.

Bakusai Tenketsu: The technique used to fracture the binding ki structure of inanimate objects, taught to Takeo by Seraph.

Hou no Tsume (Phoenix Talons): A technique Takeo developed on his own which, rather than forming a sword or blast, forms sharp “talons” of plasma-lighting around his fingers. These talons function much like his energy blade, but shorter, and also serve as a protective “glove” of energy around his hands for defensive use, if needed.

Tensai Kudakeru (Broken Horizon): Another technique Takeo developed, in which he uses the Tenchi-ken to set up an opposing energy resonance, matching up with the resonant energy patterns of an energy barrier like a force field or the like, and then forcibly rips them apart. Although there are of course limits to the strength of a barrier he can force open in this way, the technique is like unzipping a zipper rather than trying to punch it until it breaks, and requires much less power than brute force pummeling. NB: This only works if he has a working Key or another source of Holy energy he can control, so unless something is done to rectify the Key situation, he can't actually use this.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Superhuman Physical Abilities: Takeo has about 5 tons of raw lifting strength. That makes his muscles and skeleton hard enough to turn aside massive amounts of blunt impact, although only slightly more resistant to damage from laceration, incision, burning, etc. Also because of his strength, he can move very fast, although his reflexes are still limited, so this is more useful for closing distance than dodging. His healing rate is dozens of times faster than a normal human's, his limits of exertion are greatly extended relative to a human's, and he doesn't scar from normal wounds, but he's more like an Amberite than Wolverine in this regard.

Plasma Control: Takeo can generate plasma energy and throw it or form a sword. The primary focus for this is in his hands. In principle, he could learn to extend this power somewhat (Hou no Tsume is the first example of him doing so), although it's still limited--the sword itself is hardwired in the design of his Mass-element, and not learned. In principle, he could also learn to control his youki-like energy and blend the two, but this would require training from someone actually able to teach it.

Barrier: A basic forcefield. Takeo can only form it around himself, but a couple of people very close to him could be protected, too. The barrier can easily turn aside most small arms, even those accessible to the Galaxy Police, and most light anti-materiel equipment from Earth, but the harder it's hit, the more strain it causes him. The barrier is two-way, however, and blocks attacks originating from inside, as well.

Flight: Takeo can fly at high speeds, up to about 100mph. His hovering strength is close to his lifting strength, meaning that he can maintain a sizeable fraction of this speed even with a few hundred pounds of cargo, such as a couple of other people. Large objects will slow him down more because of their air resistance. In theory he can fly in vacuum, but he needs air, and decompression sucks.

Phasing: Takeo can phase through inanimate matter as though it wasn't there. This includes most plants, but not animals, and also excludes energy fields like forcefields. If his phasing were deactivated while inside an object, he and the object would push each other away with a very strong force as they suddenly feel one another's Fermi Pressure (where much of the solidness of solid objects comes from), probably putting him through walls and hurting a hell of a lot.

Teleportation: Takeo can teleport to a known, visible, or familiar location. This operates fast enough for blinking (combat teleportation), although rapid teleporting can get disorienting for him, and unless he has a tactic in mind, the best he can do is to blink away to dodge and hope where he lands is safer. His limit is in principal up to a few miles, but he needs to either know the location or have a realtime view of it. If he accidentally teleports into a solid object, his body reflexively phases; if phasing is inhibited for some reason, he would be ejected as above.

Doubling: Takeo can split into two, but his strength and concentration are cut to much less than half, and his powers are seriously limited when Doubled. This means the ability provides little advantage in combat, other than allowing Takeo to implement some unique tactics, but it's obviously far less effective then ninja-type cloning techniques in this regard. All the powers of Doubled Takeo are reduced in potency by a factor of ten or so; the plasmasword still hurts and cuts, for example, but more like a red-hot rapier than a lightsaber.

Juraian Blood: This isn't a big power, but because of his Juraian lineage, Takeo can handle the Tenchi-ken safely and can commune with the Holy Trees, as well as being harmonized automatically to Tsunami's form of holy power.


Ability Aptitude, Superscience (+1): Trained by one of the greatest geniuses from a starfaring society, Takeo has a wide range of experience in advanced scientific areas. (+1 on rolls for superscience-ing)

Graceful (+2): Between training with the Saotome family and with his great-grandfather in two styles with a strong focus on mobility, Takeo's agility is finely honed. (+1 on Dexterity-based rolls)

True Love (+1): ...now if only she weren't busy with other matters, in Makai.

Unaging (+2): Being a Mass Hybrid, if Takeo gets older, it's on a timescale of millennia rather than decades.

Well-Traveled (+3): Takeo has literally been all over the galaxy, plus Makai, some alternate futures, and so on, making him somewhat genre-savvy and at least passingly familiar with the gamut of weirdness one can run into. (Diff 6 roll, once per mission, to have picked up information about something-or-other, or to get an inkling about it due to similar things he's seen before).

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Tenchi-ken: The Holy Key tied to the Holy Tree Funaho. It can produce standard Juraian Kekkai (dimensional barriers), and form an exceptionally powerful Holy blade. Unlike most Holy Keys, the Tenchi-ken as a "Master Key" is specially protected: non-Royalty who touch it get zapped like youkai touching a high-power Ward. Takeo's learned a moderately advanced level of control over it, able to call it to his hand from wherever it may be, and to sense energy patterns by using it as a focus, like an antenna. NB: Due to separation from Tsunami, the Tenchi-ken isn't working; neither is Takeo's Key liked to Ryu-ken. Right now it's just a piece of wood.

Items Of Note

Personal Armor: A coat, boots, pants, and gloves that look and feel like black leather, but made of a synthetic polymer weave with a tough nonferrous alloy mesh. The armor is fairly heat-resistant, but more importantly, it's quite bulletproof and will stop most normal bladed weapons; insanely sharp or "magic" weapons can still penetrate it, as can immense brute strength or energy weapons. It's mostly good against thugs and Regular People types, kind of like Batman's.

Havermeyer 15mm: A super high-power coilgun pistol which fires bullets from a variety of portal-connected magazines at up to Mach 8 or so. The high-density armor piercing rounds will rip through tank armor, at full power. The Havermeyer takes Takeo’s full strength to control, and would probably shatter a normal human’s arm if they tried to fire it at maximum output. It has recently been upgraded for additional firing modes, including Flamethrower and Watergun. NB: Due to his crash-landing wrecking most of his equipment, the Havermeyer is currently nonfunctional and needs to be rebuilt.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Because Mass Entity energy is so similar to youki, Takeo is vulnerable to reiki and other such anti-demon attacks. This excludes those empowered by Tsunami, due to his Juraian blood. He doesn't get his accelerated healing rate in recovering from anti-demon attacks, and they have the potential to cause permanent (or at least very, very long-lasting) scars.


Intolerance, Neocon Types (-1): Having grown up surrounded by politics, and the target of the hatred of noblemen who despised him for reasons like his heritage and his policies which lean toward favoring the people over the nobility, Takeo has learned to despise people with extremely "us-versus-them," "dog-eat-dog," exclusionist worldviews.

Otherworldly Taint (-2): Takeo's bright golden irises and vertically elongated pupils, his Juraian ears, and his somewhat unusually sharp teeth are all telltale traits that he isn't quite human. Also, the Mass Element doesn't smell human, so dogs and so creatures with enhanced senses of smell will be able to tell something's different about him. (Others can make an Alterness diff 7 roll to try and figure out what he is--at least the 'not human' part; obviously if his control slips and he starts arcing with plasma, this roll may be much easier!)

Compulsion, Problem-solving (-1): Takeo has a hard time leaving a problem unresolved for long without at least making an attempt to fix it. This includes injustices, misunderstandings, light switches, etc. (Diff 6 roll to suppress the impulse to fix something that seems broken or wrong, or at least waste time trying to figure out how to fix it.)

NPC(s) to go with char


Engineering Projects


Phase: Implemented.

A holographic simulator allowing agents to train in a safe, highly adaptable environment.

Machine Room

Phase: Implemented.

Takeo's own personal workshop with advanced machining and fabrication systems, as well as some more basic functions. Includes automated nanofabrication facilities able to (quite slowly) construct materials from the nanometer scale upwards. Still requires raw materials, many of which can be quite expensive or even illegal. Limited baryon-driver fissor/fusor facilities allow for some control of protonicity and isotope, but this isn't going to make gold from lead in quantities large enough to offset the cost of operation. The machine room is built into a dimensionally transcendent (bigger-on-the-inside) closet off of Takeo's room.

Holochamber Upgrade: Psychic Field Actuators

Phase: Implemented.

While the holochamber previously was only able to generate audio, video, and tactile sensations, the addition of Psychic Field Actuators (PFAs) has expanded its range of simulation abilities dramatically. Additionally, Takeo has expanded the data storage space and model-generation capabilities of the holochamber, allowing for private libraries and generation of object and character models by scanning of samples.

Spacetime Incursion Alarm

Phase: Assembled.

A sensor suite which detects the spacetime wake of an interdimensional portal or craft (such as the TARDIS) entering or exiting local spacetime, and triggers an intrusion alert at the security control panel. The TARDIS and the PARADIGM Booth can both be equipped with spacetime signal emitters which transmit an identifier signal upon arrival; each machine is given a unique identifier signal whenever it leaves, making it impossible to fake the transmitter signal without somehow breaking or hacking into the machine. If deemed necessary, this security can be further enhanced by designing a mechanical component into the transmitter, essentially mechanically encrypting the actual transmitted signal and making the computer's information useless without schematics of the mechanical data-isolator. At present, the system is constructed and the sensors are installed at the inn, but is waiting on PARADIGM authorization to be activated at the security panel side; also, the PARADIGM Booth will need to show up for installation of its transmitter.

Nonlethal Weapons: Psychic Field Inhibitor

Phase: Testing.

Based on his Psychic Field Actuator (PFA) work for the holochamber, Takeo has been developing a nonlethal weapon which generates a ray that locally inhibits the psychic field. The ray has almost no interaction with (and thus passes harmlessly through) nearly all matter, but is deflected by many energy barriers. It also weakens rapidly as it passes through space, having an effective range of about 50 meters at most. Unlike neuroinduction devices, the Psychic Field Inhibitor design has no risk of causing cardiac arrest or lung failure: it blocks conscious control rather than stunning the nerves themselves. A shot to the head would cause unconsciousness; a shot to the limb would cause loss of conscious control for several minutes. Any object held in the beam will tend to slip out of people's attention, but only while the beam is on it; since the beam is conspicuous, this is merely a curious side-effect, and not likely to be a useful way to hide an object. Telepaths may be able to defend themselves against the effects of the PFI, and it should have no effect on mechanical parts, unless they are driven somehow by psychic fields.

Holochamber Upgrade: Magic Simulation

Phase: Testing. Collaborators: Jaden Beleren, Jach Swiftblade

In order to make the holochamber more useful for a more diverse set of agents, Takeo has agreed to work with Jaden and Jach to develop a magic-simulation system using something akin to Letty Carmichael's TPU in order to analyze, cancel, and then simulate spells in order to avoid damaging the holochamber, and to ensure that simulated targets are fully affected as they normally would be.

This project is currently up for testing by magic-users. Although preliminary tests suggest it's working fine, new users should have a holochamber expert, preferably Jach Swiftblade overseeing, in case of (unforseen) problems.

The Living Word

Phase: Testing.

Intended as a reading aid for Tyler, the concept is to use microbes in a fluid suspension to print text and/or images onto a surface, allowing Tyler to read using his Life Sight. The current version uses a colony of "astrophage" microorganisms known as void krill, which dwell in interstellar space and feed on astral energy, meaning they need almost no maintenance, so long as they are kept in an astrally rich environment. The system uses a much smaller and lower-power version of the astrally-coupled energy system Takeo used to power the TARDIS, in order to power the display circuitry and the systems which guide the void krill into particular patterns, and to enhance the astral energy density to keep the krill well-fed.

Initial testing by Tyler started July 2nd.

Secure Communications: Open Bridge Optical Link

Phase: Development.

Based on previous work with stabilized wormholes, the OBOL secure communication system establishes a very small open wormhole (based on the unstabilized "Einstein-Rosen Bridge") inside the telecommunciation device, which has one and only one connection, to a central hub, and the central hub has one unique link for each handheld device. This means any missing device can be disconnected from the hub, or its access individually limited and monitored. It is also practically impossible to intercept or wirelessly hack into a communication network of this type, since it is effectively hardwired, although the physical device is of course still vulnerable.

Although the basic concept is one Takeo has worked with before, the system is in need of revision, miniaturization, and optimization for low-power operation. Takeo has provided PARADIGM HQ with two directly linked early prototype mockup devices as a proof-of-concept.

Astral Pattern Scanner

Phase: Preliminary Research. Collaborators: Jach Swiftblade

Based loosely on a prototyped previously developed for tracking Letty Carmichael and Revision Two, the Astral Pattern Scanner is intended as a means of distinguishing and tracking the being known as Tendou. This would have the two-fold purpose of A) enabling agents to avoid deception by Tendou's shapeshifting abilities, and B) making it much easier to track Tendou when it attempts to escape. The concept is predicated on the assumption that if Tendou were able to perfectly shapeshift itself astrally, it would not be vulnerable to forces such as holy power, although this theory has not yet been empirically tested.

Nonlethal Weapons: Kinetic Blaster

Phase: Research.

Based on his kinetoprojector work for the holochamber, Takeo has be researching nonlethal weapon designs generating wide-surface kinetic impacts with minimal effective recoil at the weapon.

Analysis Device

Phase: Research.

After a couple of field missions, Takeo has noticed that a lack of scanning equipment has made it difficult to act very effectively as a science expert. To that end, he has started developing ideas for possible portable scanning devices, although he isn't yet at a design phase.


Phase: Research.

For the same reasons as his pursuit of an Analysis Device, Takeo has started thinking about how to construct a tool able to perform a range of tasks other than cutting and hitting really hard, which he can do himself, in case maintenance or other technical work is needed while in the field.

High-Stress Sword Blades

Phase: Research.

Even a high-quality sword can be broken or at least severely damaged in the hands of a strong but normal human--given Takeo's strength, this makes all normal swords relatively fragile weapons in his hands. Therefore, he is investigating the fabrication of ultra-high-stress sword blades, both for use by people with extraordinary strength, or for more typical swordfighters looking for a weapon that can tolerate extreme abuse. This will require extreme toughness combined with the ability to hold an edge in a material blade so that it can be used and draw minimal attention while operating discreetly.