Prae Shinra

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Prae Shinra
Age 16
Voice Actor
Relatives Rufus Shinra
Series FF7
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Prae Shinra
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: October 10th
  • Parents: Rufus Shinra
    • Place of Birth: Midgard
    • Nationality: Midgard
    • Specialty: Robotics
    • Hobbies: Tinkering with gadgets, Minesweeper
    • Likes: Power, Money, Secrets
    • Dislikes: Other people
    • Favorite Food: Squid
    • Least Favorite Food: Asparagus
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: None
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her prize robot
    • Level of Education: Officially High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Sayaka Ohara
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'8
    • Weight: 96
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Pink (Originally Blonde)
    • Special:


She been described as lithe and having blonde hair, much like her father. Recently, she has dyed her hair pink, desiring to do something...different.


Prae, no longer having the option to hide constantly behind the mask of Cait Sith has growng up a significant amount emotionally. She smiles, laughs, and enjoys the company of friends, where once she was a cold hearted and cruel girl, she's become a lot...nicer to her distaste.


Daughter of Rufus Shinra, Prae has been the quiet observer for quite sometime. While not many are sure of her agenda, what is known is she he works to find a way to bring her father's company back to the world dominating power it used to be. What isn't known is how she intends to go about such a plan. As she grew up, she found that others just...weren't smart enough for her. Private schooled, only the best her intellect demanded, she never went wanting. The spoiled princess eventually decided that Shinra being a mere R&D department wasn't enough, and set forth "Project Repeat", following the footsteps of Reeves, she designed her own Cait Sith with some improvements, in her eyes, and went out to play the part of "the hero".

Since her time at PARADIGM she's begun to make friends and has come out of her shell. By day she goes to school, Ballet class, Martial arts at Ryosuke's Dojo, and Training with Major Jackal, in her off time, she frequently works at designing new sims for PARADIGM'S danger room. She has also begun to date Zack.


Alertness - Good (+2)
Subterfuge - Incredible (+4)
Intimidation - Very Good (+3)
Leadership - Good (+2)
Ettiquette - Good (+2)
Computers - Amazing (+5)
Investigation - Novice (+1)
Politics - Novice (+1)
Science - Amazing (+5)
Robotics - Amazing (+5)
Repair - Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Powers & Merits

Natural Genius - Prae is incredibly intelligent, but her intelligence has come with the price of a major ego, she rarely will admit anyone as an equal.

Self Confident (5)
Iron Will (5)

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Cait Sith Plushie

Weaknesses & Flaws

Ulterior Motive - She has her own agenda, and she will see it to it's end, with or without the group's approval
Overconfident - See Natural Genius
Probationary Member - As a member of Shinra, people have right to not trust her.

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