Shuu S.

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Voice Actor
Relatives K', genetic Father;
Kula Diamond, genetic Mother;
Series King of Fighters
Player Frank
  • Name: Shuu
  • Age:
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: A good fight
  • Dislikes: Losing

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 190lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blonde


Sharply dressed, athletic young man with a strong body hidden under stylish clothes.


Pleasant, clever, confident, challenging.


  • Stealth: Incredible
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athetics: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Incredible


Flame: The K' genetic material allows Shuu to generate flame, using it in all sorts of attacks like a flame spike, a flame tongue along the ground and a flaming breath weapon.
Frost: The Kula Diamond genetic material allows Shuu to freeze the air around himself. He is able to throw ice spikes at an enemy, or generate a cone of cold in front of himself then kicking it into a wave of freezing spikes at the opponent.
Fighting Style: Shuu's fighting style is pure, graceful violence, including a short range teleport move (Shadow Slide) where he can attack the opponent with a blur and crash into them feet first to knock them off the ground, a spinning kick attack which he can make either frosty or flaming, and an overhead axe kick to knock them into the ground.


Barrier Jacket: Shuu's leather jacket is actually impact and bullet resistant.


Competitive: Shuu never backs down from a challenge, and will absolutely fight anyone no matter how low his chances are to win (for example, third match in a row).