Shuu S.

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Age 19
Voice Actor Hiyama Nobuyuki
Relatives Go, Father;
Yoko S., Sister;
K', genetic Father;
Kula Diamond, genetic Mother;
Series King of Fighters
Player Frank
  • Name: Shuu
  • Age:
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: A good fight
  • Dislikes: Losing

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 190lbs
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: Blonde


Sharply dressed, athletic young man with a strong body hidden under stylish clothes.


Pleasant, clever, confident, challenging.


  • Stealth: Incredible
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athetics: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Incredible


Ki Manipulation: Can form ki balls, imprinted with spiritual energy, and toss them. He can also make homing ki spikes and throw them at opponents. He can't quite make people explode by filling them with ki, however. He can form the Ki into whatever shape he wants, so he can often make spikes or balls, or both, or detonate them before or after impact. Also, Shuu can throw ki around with the best of them, without fear of running out any time soon. It's as natural and effortless to him as using hands and feet.
Force Field Generation: Can create a forcefield around himself. This is an aggressive force barrier, and whatever touches it takes damage. This can withstand roughly 50% of the damage Nakago's barrier could take.. however, heavy damage attacks will cause him serious pain, regardless of whether or not he can block it. Lesser attacks most likely will not.
Psychokinesis: Relatively good control, quite strong, Can, however, toss things around with it, stop weapons in midair, and hold people down, though the last one takes more effort, as it's will against will. He has roughly 50% of Nakago's ability, but has never been through the incredible trauma (tm) necessary to unleash the true power of his TK, unlike Nakago.. and well, most psychics of note.
Superhuman Body: The extreme experimentation by NESTS has given Shuu a body which is in every single way Superhuman. His strength, stamina, reflexes and speed, irregardless of her martial arts training, are all far past the level that can be reached by human bodies, and makes his effectively superhuman. He will also live for twice the time of normal humans, though he'll age normally until around age 40, where it'll slow down but keep going. By the time he's 150 (around the maximum age for the body, unless he makes other precautions), he will have the body of a very fit 75 year old.
Saotome Style:
Saotome-Ryuu Hi-Waza - Saotome Secret Technique: Technique that bases on three fundamental Combat concepts: Reversal, Distance, and Strategy. In essence, run away until you think of something better. Ironically, Shuu has become a master of this technique.
Moukotakabisha: Focusing One's Pride into the energy necessary for a ki blast. The higher the pride, the more powerful the blast, and vice versa.
Double Moukotakabisha: Firing two Moukotakabishas at once.
Mouko Ken: Concentrating energy around one's fist, the same way one does for Moukoutakabisha, by focussing on your pride, but around your fist.
Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken: A speed training technique which consists of picking roasting chestnuts from an open fire. This augments overall reflexes and coordination. Can be used as a multi-hit punching strike but is primarily to augment overall speed.
Hiryuu Shouten Ha: The technique of drawing your opponent into the center of a circle, making your opponent hotter and hotter while keeping yourself cool, then releasing your cool punch at the center so that the temperature difference generates a whirlwind. Based on heat differences.
Nunchaku Rendan: Splitting his staff into the multi-part nunchaku, Shuu uses his TK and the speed learned from Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken to dish out dozens upon dozens of all angle attacks with the tips of the weapon, or entangle an enemy with it.
Hara Ki Bakurendan: Forming about a dozen Ki-Spikes behind him in a pyramid, Shuu can focus and send them out to attack an enemy in a spiral. This in and of itself isn't so much a technique as a power he has. However, once all the spikes at in place and moving to pin the opponent where it is, Shuu steps forwards and releases a vaccuum-like Hiryuu Shouten Ha from all the heat released by the spikes, sucking them into and against the target, furthering the damage. This is his version of the Hiryuu Korin Dan.
Saotome Final Attack - God Hand Smash: Named after an attack in Super Robot Wars, Shuu's Final Attack, which can be released like a Limit Break, uses every single one of his powers, to their fullest extent. First he punches at someone then lifts them an inch off the ground with TK. Then he rams them into the nearest wall with his full force, before using his multipart nunchaku to stab out at them repeatedly, like the KTA but using his TK to do so. Following that, he makes four Ki spikes appear in front of him and explode, stabbing into the opponent, which is still suspended off the ground. Finally, he raises his hand, creating a giant ball of ki, which he smashes into the enemy and the ground, before sending out four smashing pillars of pure, raw ki directly under them. He then lets go of them with the TK. Note that he has to be in the zone to do this like any other high level Limit Break. He learned this from Go's instructions, though Go himself doesn't exactly remember where he picked it up.


Multipart Nunchaku


Competitive: Shuu never backs down from a challenge, and will absolutely fight anyone no matter how low his chances are to win (for example, third match in a row).