Investigation Log

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This section has been created for Agents to make proposals for their own personal investigations.. either in their own worlds/dimensions or just areas where they think would harbor vital information.

Investigation Entry #1

Proposal: Following up to find information on Ain and the other two companions that were present in Operation #2 and Operation #4. Going to go to Nibelheim, an old town, to see if there are any leads.

Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: FF7 World
Agent Posting: Izumi
Status: Closed

Vaelgir Stormblade
Toki Stingray
Aimi Utada
Luca Sparda
Kenji Kakita
Zack Strife


Paradigm agents landed right outside of Nibelheim and went straight for the ShinRa Mansion, noticing that there were recent steps leading to it along with leading to the Makou Reactor in the distance. Deciding to check the mansion first, the agents had to solve a riddle with a bunch of clues given to them by a note they found on the floor. Toki was able to spot something about the last clue of the note that made figuring out the riddle easier. By the end of their clue-hunting, the group realized that the riddle was in fact combinations of a safe. On the second floor of the mansion they found a book entitled 'Loveless' in the library, once Aimi and Luca tugged on the book, two doors opened. One door was directly in front of them, showing a safe.. and the other door opened on the first floor, showing a hidden basement lab. Aimi and Aku went to investigate the hidden lab beneath while the rest of the agents fought a surprise hidden monster inside the Safe, just after acquiring a basement key. During the fight, Toki had disappeared but the heroine, Neo-Sailor Saturn showed up just in time to help shield the gang from a devastating attack.

After defeating the monster with major help by a buffed up Belle (courtesy Vaelgir, the group went below to check what the basement door was but unfortunately after tinkering around, the basement started to collapse as the entire building was VERY old. Aku and Aimi were able to escape just in time and the entire group ran out of the mansion before a section of the Mansion totally fell through. Right outside they were greeted by a new agent, Zack who agreed to help lead them to the Makou Reactor. After reading some notes that Aimi and Aku were able to snag, they realized that someone named Valentine was involved and there were notes of JENOVA and Geostigma. Agent Izumi informed the group that JENOVA was an alien that had caused trouble recently, however no one was able to understand what Geostigma was.

The group them proceeded to the Makou Reactor, where they saw a bunch of pods and a central chamber that said JENOVA on it. After turning the incubation pods off, realizing the chamber was empty, the group then left. Just as they were able to head back down the path to Nibelheim, a dragon appeared and the group battled it.. where truth of Sailor Saturn was revealed, along with the surprising transformation of Sailor Sirius. Agent Kenji noted that the dragons weakness, after many futile attempts to harm it was that the weak spot was its mouth, after a powerful attack from Aku (which made the dragon scream in pain), the group shot their attacks into the dragons mouth and destroyed it. The agents then went back to Nibelhiem, got back into the phonebooth (now with Zack) and returned safely.