Aya Hanabishi

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Aya in her standard kunoichi gear.
A.K.A. Healing Flame, Little Butterfly.
Age 18
Voice Actor Ayana Taketatsu
Relatives Kamen, Ayame, Kurei, Hotaru Hanabishi.
Series Flame Of Recca
Player Sparda
  • Name: Aya
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 1
  • Parents: Recca Hanabishi and Yanagi Hanabishi
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Flower Arrangement.
    • Hobbies: Horseback Riding, Sumo Wrestling (watching)
    • Likes: Friends, Helping others.
    • Dislikes: Suffering, Animals getting killed.
    • Favorite Food: Dango. Most Sweets. (Amai!)
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything bitter (Nigai..)
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Butterfly Hair Ornament
    • Level of Education: Nursing School Student.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Ayana Taketatsu
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'3"
    • Weight: Secret
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Has a very distinct mole.


I have a lot of pics. But basically, a very healthy young woman, in great physical shape, with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Pale skin, perfectly healthy body. Also has substantial breasts.


Happy, very friendly, and generally self-effacing and sweet. Aya is a proper young woman in every way, except perhaps a bit too outgoing. She appears naive, though when in 'ninja' mode, she's mostly business. Despite her upbringing and training, she was always more interested in the poison/medical aspects of ninja training, especially with her gift of the Healing Flame. Due to this, Aya is usually looking for non-violent solutions and tries not to volunteer for assassination missions. She has a girlish, vulnerable side, that makes her very good at seduction.


The daughter of Recca and his wife, Yanagi, and their second child. Aya grew up in a loving, normal family... well. As normal as it got with those two weirdoes. She had little interest in following in her family's fireworks factory, but found herself endlessly fascinated by her grandmother Kagerou's stories of ancient Japan and the Healing Girl there, because much like her mother and sister, Aya was also born a healer. She found this out really quickly, which her parents tried to keep under wraps, a problem with her soft-hearted nature.
As Aya grew older, she realized she wanted to help people, and made herself actually undergo training in ninjutsu, despite originally having no intention to fight. The reason for this is sometimes, she could heal people without being noticed, and ninja training let her sneak in, heal someone, and sneak out with people being none the wiser. Recca thought this was genius, and helped her practice, though most of her direct training came from Kagerou. If you have a direct access to a ninja master, after all.. before high school was let out, Aya was happy knowing she'd helped heal many people.
She entered nursing school after that. She considered medical school as well, but the bar for entry there was a lot higher.. and a lot more expensive. So she figured she could be a nurse and use her powers to heal the wounded in that capacity. Like some sort of superhero nurse, on the night shift. A Night Nurse, one might say. However, it was during this time she found out about things her parents had previously hidden. The history of the Hokage, of Mugenjou, of other things that lurk in shadows, and Aya's awakening to all these things made her realize there were people to help that normal people probably can't help. But she can. So she started looking for those things, and found Mugenjou.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Leadership: Very good
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Incredible
  • Performance: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Novice
  • Medicine: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Science: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Riding: Amazing
  • Survival: Amazing
  • Empathy: Incredible
  • Animal Ken: Incredible

Special Abilities

Ninjutsu: (忍術) The Arts of the Ninja, the 18 disciplines of the shinobi. Kamen has lived, breathed and grown up mastering them. As such, he has superior athletic and physical abilities, incredible sneaking skills, the ability to shadow others, resistance to hanging upside down and several other advantages, such as breathing techniques, meditation, the ability to wear a personality like a second skin and immense concentration. The 18 Skills [1] of the ninja is what Kamen has studied.
Taijutsu: (体術) The Arts of the Body, the ninja 'Martial art'. Kamen has been trained in various forms of hand to hand combat by Raiha and Joker all his life, learning several fighting techniques and tactics, and then forging them into a single coherent and well oiled single fighting style. Kamen's training has focused primarily on Aikido, various Kempo styles (mostly soft), Jiujitsu and Capoeria, for the versatility and fluidity of these styles, but he has also learned more dangerous techniques from various styles, such as Boxing (quick punching and defense), Karate (very hard, decisive strikes), Escrima (for weapon fighting), Krav Maga and Hapkido(for control and disarmament), Tae Kwon Do and Savate for kicking.
Utsusemi no Jutsu: The fabled ninja substitution technique. Aya learned this from an early age, the ability to substitute yourself with a log, or any other available item, to trick an opponent's attack. She has become very good at this.
Poison Use: Aya has learned a lot about medicinal and poisonous plants and animals, as well as mixing and brewing them chemically. She is incredibly adept at them, and can be used to harm or to heal. She can identify plants on sight and touch, and knows how to dilute venom from animals into antitoxins.
Weapon Use: Aya is proficient at the use of chain and escrima stick weapons, for long range attacks and disarming opponents. She prefers to immobilize and disarm than outright murder her opponents, but if push comes to shove, that's why she has the sticks. To whack them. She is very good at counterstrikes or taking people off-balance, as well as immobilization.

Powers & Merits

Hokage Flame Master: Aya's primary power is the fact that she is a Flame Master. The Hokage Flame is hereditary from parent to child. This flame is spiritual in nature, and burns unnaturally hot, to the point where most normal fires can't compare to it. She can only control his flame while wearing a Tekkou. These are a metal bracer on her arm. If she removes this at any time, her flame will grow out of control and consume her, slowly but surely, unless it is replaced. This flame grants her the following abilities:
Superhuman Resistance to Fire and Heat: Aya will burn much, much slower than she should. However, she is not immune to flame, not even her own, The advantage to this is that other mystical flame or flame-like attacks burn her much slower than they should, so a magical fireball will not hurt much.
Flame Aura: Aya's flame aura can cause her shirt to burn off her.
Healing Flame: Aya can choose to make her flame a healing, purifying strike in lieu of a burn or attack. This flame will purify from corruption, natural, supernatural, or otherwise. She will destroy low-level undead who aren't exceptionally powerful, and remove poisons. The Healing Flame can, if used quickly enough, reattach limbs that was relatively intact (I.E., can put an arm that was cleaved off someone else, but probably not an arm that was pulverized on impact). It cannot cure diseases, but make those who suffer from them feel better.

  • Healing Damage: Aya's flame can heal wounds made from any source. Blades, magic, poisons, etc. Her flame will mend the lesions and lessen the bruises, and if used quickly enough will prevent scarring. She can reattach a limb if it was severed neatly enough and if it was put back in place while she was healing. Otherwise, the wound will seal up and will make re-attaching the limb impossible. Aya's flame can rarely cure diseases born of infection, bacteria, or of a cancerous origin, but drug-induced, magical or otherwise unnatural diseases may be cured (GM's call). Note that healing around a bullet or sword is a terrible idea, and Aya is better off waiting for the source of damage to be removed before healing.

Unique Items

Herbalism Kit: Aya is a medical ninja. As such, she carries with her an herbalism kit, which she can unroll to pick herbs, calculate amounts, mix them together, etc. This is relatively advanced and lets her mix herbs like a Raccoon City Police Officer. This allows Aya to brew concoctions or drugs like a doctor, but on the field, quickly and efficiently.

Toxicology Kit: An extra to her herbalism kit. Aya has the tools to extract poisons from plants and animals if she has to, as well as leeches (not those types) to draw out poison from an infected area. She can mix antitoxins, and tends to carry a few 'general use' types in this.

Medical Kit: Basically a first aid kit.

Items Of Note

Ninja Tools: Aya carries with her a set of ninja tools.

  • Climbing Claws, Pepper Bombs, Fireworks, Lockpicks, Rope, Grappling Hook, Bamboo 'Flute', Razor Blade.

Ninja Weapons: Aya carries a contingent of ninja weapons hidden on her person.

  • Shuriken, Needles, Wires, Knife, Poison Darts, Ninjato.

Chain Weapon: Aya has a Mankiri-Gusari, a chain sickle, with one end weighted and the other on a grappling hook. She can use this expertly, as it's her weapon of choice.


Weaknesses & Flaws

Soft-Hearted: Aya dislikes suffering. She makes for a poor assassin and wide-scale combatant. She prefers to take espionage or seduction missions instead of assassination or the like. Even if an enemy, she would rather they not suffer.
Airhead: Aya is a good ninja, and she can be focused and skilled if she needs to be, but in her 'relaxed' state, she's relatively naive and prone to believe what people she trusts say. She's quick to make friends and sometimes spaces out instead of looking as focused as she should be. It's easy to mistake her for someone not trustworthy. This being said, she has a good memory.

NPC(s) to go with char

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