White Silk Syndicate

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White Silk Syndicate
White Silk Crest.png
Also Known As Upstarts
Organization Type Criminal
Leadership Shiruku Hakubi
Membership Mummy, Hakubi Family Assassin;
Kassim, enforcer and leader of the 101.
Associated With Yellow Star Drug Ring
Related To Makishibi Syndicate; Yumiguchi Group.

The White Silk Syndicate is one of the new Yakuza powers that emerged post-KIRA, and has rapidly expanded, known for its brazen flouting of old traditions.


The White Silk Syndicate was founded by Shiruku Hakubi, by promising vast amounts of money and power to family friends and former Captains and heads, under her banner. Using her family's vast fortune, and boasting a blatant disregard for traditions of the Yakuza, in a few short years, the Syndicate has aggressively taken over the shipping and drug distribution of Tokyo's greater metropolitan area. Through cunning headhunting and bribery, the young Shiruku has placed her family members, all loyal to her due to both blood and blackmail, as the heads of the various branches of her group, but only trusting those she hand picked as advisers and lieutenants.
Within the time it's been active, the White Silk Syndicate has brought in hard drugs into Tokyo, and Japan in general, absolutely ignoring the traditional Yakuza understanding with the Diet officials to not let them into the country. More notoriously, the Hakubi Family has invested a large amount of money into various pharmaceutical laboratories to develop more addictive and powerful designer drugs, such as the currently purest form of methamphetamine available in Asia, as well as several dozen overseers in more specialized, designer drugs.
They took over the docks and trains of Tokyo, controlling a lot of the shipping in the area, with several ships having to pay protection money and being used to ship their cargo of illicit drugs, weapons, and even people.


Overthrowing the traditional Yakuza methods has been the Syndicate's primary apparent goal. Their power has been gained by expanding into things the Yakuza never did, and it has seriously helped them. They eschew traditional Yakuza practices of involving themselves with society and being part of the community and instead act above it, and the law. They seem to have an ideology that if something has worked in the past, it must be changed today.
Due to Shiruku Hakubi's well known hatred of women, she has become the premier exporter and importer of human slaves in and out of Japan. Almost no flesh trade takes place without the White Silk Syndicate having a say in it, except the prostitution areas of Shinjuku. Escort services and slavery, however, is the prerogative of the Syndicate, and they will fight tooth and nail to acquire more aspects of the flesh trade.
The White Silk Syndicate has been adamant at bringing new drugs to Japan, especially the hard ones usually kept out by the older Yakuza families, such as cocaine, heroin, opium and other more addictive and devastating drugs. They control the production of almost all designer or high-chemical drugs in Tokyo proper, and moreso in the rest of Japan, with strong ties to the chemicals provided for the Yellow Star Drug Ring.
Their primary goal since their inception has been to rapidly expand and destabilize older Yakuza families and practices, forever growing in power as they expand from the docks and into the city proper, one dead family, or hopelessly addicted businessman, or schoolgirl forced into slavery at a time.

Known Members

The One Hundred and One

White Silk's claim to fame. Shiruku Hakubi has had 101 specially trained fighters, each gifted in the use of swords, knives and various forms of karate and jiujitsu, who act as her personal 'Death Squad'. A powerful message in the post-KIRA underworld, the 101 walking into a building usually means everyone is going to die and their white suits will become red. The members of the 101 wear identical suits, and either masks or sunglasses to cover their identity, the focus on their strength being that each of them is not an individual, but as a group of anonymous, highly trained killers, they are death. They wear white both to honor their master, and because of its association with death.
Despite them being ostensibly 'assassins', the 101 are anything but subtle. They are a message of strength and are under orders to use whatever tactic is necessary, bypassing traditional Yakuza mentality and methods to enforce their master's ideal, and personal ambition is not important. As some of the most highly paid and well compensated professional criminals in Tokyo, the 101 are known for their undying loyalty and brutal messages, usually walking in en masse into gathering places of rival Yakuza gangs, or even family homes and painting the entire area red. Their group-based anonymity makes the 101 more terrifying, because traditional retaliation isn't even possible.


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