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Dallurn is one of the kingdoms located in the realm of Ethion, and is the only kingdom on the planet with connections to PARADIGM. Dallurn is located on the westernmost peninsula of the main continent. It is surrounded on three sides by ocean, and has land borders with Selven, with nearby southern neighbor Bosco. Additionally, the kingdom Caelum and Dallurn combine their sea trade routes. At present, Dallurn is a place savoring in general peace with its neighbors, with a population of almost twenty million people.

Administration and Government

It is a state in which the current regime is a monarchy and is ruled by a King, who is the head of the government. Next to the King is the power exercised by the government. The part of the government responsible for the supervision of the Magic and the guilds is the Magic Council. It supervises guilds, including outlawing their activities, has the ability to appoint Wizard Saints, gives official orders and sends complaints to the Guild Masters. The rest of the government is broken up with surprising diversity, ranging from territorial lords to elected mayors, different from town-to-town, though the King remains in full privilege to overrule any local governments. Its capital is a gigantic city by the name of Crocus, and the monetary unit in Dallurn is Jewels.

Life in Dallurn

Life in Dallurn (and true to most of the surrounding kingdoms) is a generally pleasant day-to-day with hard working citizens, though trouble could always brew around every corner. Wildlife and monsters can be dangerous in travel, ranging from giant beasts to intelligent Vulcans (prime-ape like monsters with super human strength, sometimes rumored to have magical abilities). On top of this, the distance between settlements across the kingdom can lead to overreach of opportunistic bandits or other groups of greedy or nefarious purpose. For the quality of life, technology and magic have a subtle intermingling. Steam technology has been discovered and is in use (with many train lines connecting spaces across the kingdom), and on top of this, personal vehicles exist in the form of magic cars which use a wielder's mana as fuel, sitting among more simpler engineered counterparts running on fuels. Electricity is not entirely unheard of but fairly sparse in its usage. One of the major impacts on Dallurn (and Ethion as a whole) is its presence of magic, detailed below.