Largias Religion

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Worship of the Gods
Also Known As N/A
Organization Type Religion
Leadership Varies.
Membership Harmon
Associated With Council of Sages
Related To Largias Continent

Here is where you should put in a short but concise writeup of the organization.


A long time ago, the gods waged a war. It was a bloody war, and from the blood spilled, the other races sprang forth. The gods of magic fell to the world and bled out, filling the world with the different forms of magic. This war was fought by the gods' children, in the names of Hynlena and Nemesis, the Dragons. The battle was brutal and vicious, and the continent was formed with the fall of celestial bodies, and the fighting of beings beyond the ken of mortals and immortals alike. When the war was over, when the other gods stopped supporting Hynlena and Nemesis, the celestial order was restored, and peace returned to the heavens.
The Gods that remained held the Balance of the world. They had lost children to the war between Hynlena and Nemesis, and none of them were particularly forgiving. They swore to themselves and each other they would never war in the heavens again. The gods of light and darkness did not approve of this, but they were unable to force their brethren to fight in their name anymore. Thus, three camps were formed among the gods. The gods of light and darkness would fight via mortals, and the other gods would take over the duties of their departed children, gathering followers among the mortals that now spread across the continent of Largias.


There is an organized council of clerics across Largias, called very simply The Church. The high Clerics of the Elemental gods gather and share knowledge and philosophical beliefs and insights from their gods to one another, writing scripture as it comes to them from their communion with their gods. The Church exists to assist the peoples of Largias with spiritual and health issues. Most of the Clerics have a role to fill, as assigned by their patron god, and seek to serve these duties as best they can, with the Clerics of Fire assisting in wars, and the Clerics of Water helping to heal the sick and injured.
Politically, the Church is the most widespread and influential independent force across Donias, with some pull in Nehekara and Rafisto. Very, very few Clerics of the elements exist in Bagonia, though several priests exist among barbarian tribes. Due to this widespread influence, the Church has been instrumental in diplomatic liaisons across the lands. They have counseled temperance and peace where war was imminent, and have had the ear of many Kings in the process.
Obviously, the Church exists to expand its influence. Traveling Clerics teach their religion to villagers, then induct new recruits into the robes, adding more servitors to their ranks and expanding the number of devoted to their cause. A higher Cleric will teach and convert, then ordain a beginner, and begin his training as a true Cleric of their shared faith, granting him the blessing of their god. These in turn either travel the world to spread the word, follow the call their god gave them, or simply remain in their village and help however they can.

Cult of Light

Other than The Church, the disciples of Hynlena are spread across the Largias Continent. Their Clerics are the most likely to travel and adventure. They have a widespread presence, but very little political influence. They selflessly devote themselves to healing others and vanquishing evil wherever it dwells. They are generally the most well regarded Clerics in all of Largias, because those who uphold the principles of morality, law and justice will always have a powerful ally in the Cult of Light.
However, they are not as organized a religion as The Church. The Cult of Light usually has more devoted members than almost any member of the Church, but they display a level of zealotry in regards to spreading the Light. They are often involved in fighting against the corruption in Nehekara, or attempting to destroy a nest of evil, or going against corrupt wizards or Chaos Knights. Because of this, their numbers are always fluctuating, and they lack the real political staying power of The Church. This said, a High Cleric with the ear of a King or Archduke tends to have much influence in the land, and is generally a force for Good in the world.
The Holy Knights are the real political and military power of the Cult of Light. Paladins, as they are called, are divinely empowered devoted warriors of Hynlena. They carry their word like their sword, and channel the power of their goddess with every blow. They are the physical manifestation of hope and justice in the world, truly Good beings, who will do whatever they have to to save the day. They are the equivalent of Superheroes, and legends of their accomplishments are known across the whole continent, even in the wastes of Bagonia.

Worshipers of Nemesis


  • God of Darkness:
  • Name: Nemesis.
  • Influence: Darkness, Chaos, Death.
  • Description: A corrupter, defiler and all around horrible god. He profits from any calamities and encourages dishonor and strife, the pursuit of glory and wealth over ethics and order, and the use of violence over words.

Goddess of Light:

  • Name: Hynlena
  • Influence: Light, Order, Life.
  • Description: A beautiful and loving woman, but a strict one. She benefits when things are just and orderly, as well as when law and duty is enforced.

God of Fire

  • Name: Etar
  • Influence: Fire, War, Industry
  • Description: A brutal and tempestuous god, he benefits from war and all it entails. Magma is his domain, and armies are his power. Warriors often pray to him for blessings and luck in battle.

Goddess of Water

  • Name: Adia
  • Influence: Water, Medicine, Peace
  • Description: A kind and calm woman, who hides hidden strength within. She benefits from calmness and peace, but can enchant armies to bring said peace. Healers usually call on her for support.

God of Earth

  • Name: Pitarus
  • Influence: Earth, Wealth, Knowledge
  • Description: A stout and serious man, patient and tireless. The pursuit of knowledge or money is where he benefits, and he is known to give tidings of fortune to those who ask for his blessings.

Goddess of Air

  • Name: Asnera
  • Influence: Air, Storm, Magic
  • Description: A temperamental woman, seemingly flighty and unfocused. She can be as playful and brutal as they come. She benefits from the use of magic and free reign of nature. She usually favors magicians.


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.