Largias Religion

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Worship of the Gods
Also Known As N/A
Organization Type Religion
Leadership Varies.
Membership Harmon
Associated With Council of Sages
Related To Largias Continent

Here is where you should put in a short but concise writeup of the organization.


A long time ago, the gods waged a war. It was a bloody war, and from the blood spilled, the other races sprang forth. The gods of magic fell to the world and bled out, filling the world with the different forms of magic. This war was fought by the gods' children, in the names of Hynlena and Nemesis, the Dragons. The battle was brutal and vicious, and the continent was formed with the fall of celestial bodies, and the fighting of beings beyond the ken of mortals and immortals alike. When the war was over, when the other gods stopped supporting Hynlena and Nemesis, the celestial order was restored, and peace returned to the heavens.
The Gods that remained held the Balance of the world. They had lost children to the war between Hynlena and Nemesis, and none of them were particularly forgiving. They swore to themselves and each other they would never war in the heavens again. The gods of light and darkness did not approve of this, but they were unable to force their brethren to fight in their name anymore. Thus, three camps were formed among the gods. The gods of light and darkness would fight via mortals, and the other gods would take over the duties of their departed children, gathering followers among the mortals that now spread across the continent of Largias.


The goal of the organization in detail.


  • God of Darkness:
  • Name: Nemesis.
  • Influence: Darkness, Chaos, Death.
  • Description: A corrupter, defiler and all around horrible god. He profits from any calamities and encourages dishonor and strife, the pursuit of glory and wealth over ethics and order, and the use of violence over words.

Goddess of Light:

  • Name: Hynlena
  • Influence: Light, Order, Life.
  • Description: A beautiful and loving woman, but a strict one. She benefits when things are just and orderly, as well as when law and duty is enforced.

God of Fire

  • Name: Etar
  • Influence: Fire, War, Industry
  • Description: A brutal and tempestuous god, he benefits from war and all it entails. Magma is his domain, and armies are his power. Warriors often pray to him for blessings and luck in battle.

Goddess of Water

  • Name: Adia
  • Influence: Water, Medicine, Peace
  • Description: A kind and calm woman, who hides hidden strength within. She benefits from calmness and peace, but can enchant armies to bring said peace. Healers usually call on her for support.

God of Earth

  • Name: Pitarus
  • Influence: Earth, Wealth, Knowledge
  • Description: A stout and serious man, patient and tireless. The pursuit of knowledge or money is where he benefits, and he is known to give tidings of fortune to those who ask for his blessings.

Goddess of Air

  • Name: Asnera
  • Influence: Air, Storm, Magic
  • Description: A temperamental woman, seemingly flighty and unfocused. She can be as playful and brutal as they come. She benefits from the use of magic and free reign of nature. She usually favors magicians.


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.