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Orc Keishig
Also Known As The Orc Tribes
Organization Type Horde
Leadership Khan Bilge VII
Membership Scarlet Moon Tribe; Rampage Tribe, Torghuds
Associated With Ylisstol
Related To Frozen North

The Northern Orc Tribes are more like a series of related Orc encampments who can, at the call of their Khan, move as a single horde-like force. They have a long and proud warrior history, though a lot of that has been spent in an alternatively cold and hot war with the Frost Elves.


Originally, each village was a separate clan of Orcs and lived by their own traditions and beliefs, with an in-born need and lust for violence and battle, continuously clashing with one another, and starting selective breeding among their people, to produce the biggest and strongest offspring. Because of this, the average temperament and reasoning of Orcs tends to veer towards the brutish and vicious rather than the philosophical or peaceful, but they aren't exactly stupid, simply easily blinded to solutions that don't involve brutality.
Each tribe produced their champions and then waged war, with each other, with the Humans, and with the Elves. Because of this, the Orcs were considered a nuisance more than a threat. As phenomenally violent and vicious as they could be, a single tribe of Orcs would never organize itself well enough to match the military might of the Humans or the magic of the Elves. That all changed when the first true Orc warlord, Khan Bilge the First, was born. Bred to fight and trained in both war and mysticism, he realized that Orcs fighting Orcs would leave the Elves and Humans laughing all the way to the end. He took a chance and got himself captured by humans, allowing that so he could watch their training and spy on their strategies, then used his Shamanistic abilities to get himself free. Once out, he went back to his Tribe, and used his newfound knowledge to utterly crush a rival Tribe. Instead of destroying or assimilating them, he spared them all if they would join him and become the single strongest Orc tribe. While originally reticent, they accepted, and did not regret it.
Over the next 100 years, the Khan Bilge (as he became known) and his son organized the Orcs into a singular, horde-like fighting force, called the Keishig. Every tribe they conquered was made to join them, and soon enough other tribes sought him out after killing their retrograded elders. The great Orc Empire was born from there, and suddenly, the Elves and the Humans weren't laughing anymore. Generations of warmongering had made the Orcs incredibly strong, their lines bred for battle, and now they had organization and spread. Their attacks on the Humans and the Elves weren't massacres anymore. Several of them were captured and taken as Orc slaves. From this began the Orcs' desire to expand their Keishig from beyond the Frozen North. They knew how to do it, too. They would raid, pillage, and mate with (or rape) their conquests, adding Humans and Elves to their half-breeds and making them part of the Keishig, intending to spread Orcs among the royalty and nobility of every land, granting 'legal' tenure to their 'empire'. And once that happened, the Orcs would become the true rulers of the Frozen North and everything beyond.


Organized more as loose, separated armies with their own rulership and fighting tactics, all united under a single Khan, originally there by blood but over time having become a position attained by strength and cunning more than the factor of birth, though by and large Bilge's lineage only produces amazingly strong children, the Orcs' Keishig is divided into the Day (Krotchin) and Night (Khevtuul) armies, with the Krotchin being the offensive force and the Khevtuul guarding their encampments and holdings. Orcs have, since then, added several different groups into their organizations, using Assassins, Shamans and Warlocks, and breeding many with an adventuring spirit. A few generations ago, the concept of 'Knights' even made their way to the Orcs, who, dismissive at first, eventually realized an armored, well disciplined fighting force was a good idea. The Khan established the Orcish Knighthood (Torghuds), as his own personal fighting force, with every knight fiercely loyal to the Khan, and every son of the current Khan who isn't a Shaman is required to serve as a Torghud, to instill both loyalty and honor into him.

Known Members

A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.


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