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Also Known As The Orc Knights
Organization Type Knight Order
Leadership High Torghud Varkgorim
Membership Darius, Feldgulg
Associated With Keishig
Related To Frozen North

An order of Orcish knights, loyal to the Keishig and working directly under the Khan.


The Torghud were founded based on Human knightly orders, which was an idea originally opposed by Orcs. Their might had always been personal and physical, not through any kind of artificial code of enforced unity. However, the idea of getting organized directly under the Khan did appeal to several less physically powerful but more even-tempered Orcs, and several Half-Orcs, making the Torghud start from a small but noticeable order, into the most potent fighting force of the Orcish Keishig. Ironically, their unity and discipline has mostly fallen to the wayside, with individual knights being exceptionally skilled and powerful, regardless of their origins. They only organize as a group during Orcish campaigns, but generally act as envoys from the Khan and slayers of the Orcs' enemies, such as Giants and White Dragons.


The Torghuds, or Orc Knights, get a special mention. While they officially do not actually have a rank in the military Hierarchy of the Orc Keishig, they are the direct guard, enforcers, and envoys of the Khan, so they are granted many powers and much respect. They are, as a whole and as individuals (mostly), the most powerful members of the Keishig, and while their numbers are technically limited, any and all Orcs can join the Torghuds and make a name for themselves. All members of the Torghuds are guaranteed a place to live and their reward in their old age is land and women. Their fierce devotion to the Orcish ideal is generally looked up to, and their skills in warfare and personal combat are, theoretically, without peer among the Keishig. They act as both Krotchin and Khevtuul to the Khan, in equal measures, and if the Keishig as a whole moves, the Torghuds are expected to be the first Orcs in, last Orcs out.
The highest honor an Orc can get is to become a Torghud, as their legacy and lineage is assured when they get past the demanding, grueling tests, and become personal servitors of the Khan. While several Orcs would rather be a Chieftain or jarughachi, those who aren't born especially strong, or are from an as-yet-unknown lineage have nowhere to go but up as a Torghud. The demands on a knight are many, and they have limitations, such as being unable to become a Chieftain, but their prestige and set of skills makes them the most valuable Orcs on the battlefield, or on an adventure.

  • High Torghud: The leader of the Torghuds. This is either someone who was passed over for being Jarughachi, or otherwise an exceptional Orc, both as a leader and as a warrior (of course). His word is law among the Torghuds.. in theory. In practice, he and the Knight Captains share the power, but he is their representative in a society that respects strength and follow the leader. The High Torghud is expected to help train and discipline the Torghuds, lead by example, and provide the standard to which all Torghuds need to live up to. In strength, discipline and honor, the High Torghud is supposed to be the top. In the overall Orc Hierarchy, when the High Torghud appears, he is outranked by the Jarughachi, but Chieftains are expected to follow his orders in a war effort, and he is generally as well regarded as the Jarughachi, even if he will follow them as a point of pride and honor.
  • Captain: Trainers and group captains, the Torghuds' secondary commanding position. Technically, they follow the High Torghud, but they all share equal say in a seat when matters of the Knighthood are discussed. This increases loyalty and respect among the knights. The Captains are responsible for training and generally more strategically minded (usually) than the average Torghud Orc. They also tend to have to stay in their keep until the war effort, as they primarily interact with other knights. In the overall Orc Hierarchy, it isn't uncommon for a Torghud Captain to take the position of a Raid Leader, or something equivalent with his own troops. They tend to be treated with respect, even from those they 'usurp', due to their reputation and undeniable skill.
  • Torghud: The rank-and-file Orcish Knights, they are anything but. Torghud are the elite of Orcish Warriors. Able to fight with heavy armor, trained to the peak of their ability, and instilled with loyalty and discipline, the Torghuds are incredibly skilled and powerful warriors, that only the most experienced and naturally talented Orcs can match. While they aren't necessarily the strongest, every Orc knows that a Torghud, whether be come from a weak line, strong line, or even a Half-Orc, is a force to be reckoned with, and with strength being the only mark of respect among the Orcs, every Torghud is awarded respect by all but the most idiotic of Orcs, and even then those know they're poking a bear. Carrying themselves with dignity and presence, the Torghuds are known to have some level of civility ( Orcish standards), and are able to reason, plan, and work well with anyone. The Torghuds are generally awarded 'Pack Leader' positions by default within their Clans, and they are able to command those already there by virtue of their presence.
  • Peons: Named after the Chess pieces, Peons are the squires of the Torghuds. Still in training, not fully knighted yet, and inexperienced. For as many high-borne Clansorcs are there are, there is a whelp or a Half-Orc among them, and they all go through the exact same training, which is designed to bring out the best potential in recruits. The selection process is grueling and harsh, but it DOES enhance their abilities, rather than put an arbitrary wall to climb. Even those Peons who fail are kept as lorekeepers and smiths in the Torghud Keep, though they will never have the right to claim women (though they can win one the old fashioned way) or to land. Many Half-Orcs and whelps are perfectly fine with this, as this is still a more respectable life than being the runt of their Tribe. By virtue of wearing the Torghud banner, Peons are treated as equals by Clansorcs, and thus are part of the Orcish Keishig.

Known Members



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