Special Equipment

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These are the special devices PARADIGM agents have gotten on missions or have access to on a permanent basis.

PARADIGM Exclusives

These weapons were designed by and for PARADIGM agents for on-field use and sometimes very specific reasons.

The Zwi Death Ray


Appearance: The Zwi Death Ray has an odd design, looking like a science fiction weapon. It was designed for function and not form, based partially on The Dinosaur Empire's actual Zwi super weapon, partially on the other scientists' ideas. It is linked to a power system which can be either worn with a power cord connecting them, or a single battery.
Type: Semi-long range energy weapon, molecular destabilizer, Death Ray.
Abilities: The Zwi fires a powerful stream of energy, which encapsulates a target in a field of its own. Within this field, the molecular bonds are dissolved, forcing the target to be disintegrated, as all of its individual atoms split off into the ether. The weapon needs to be fired at relatively close range, preferably on an immobile target, because for a beam-based weapon, it is neither especially fast nor subtle. Note that it is at least as fast as a bullet, but for most enemies the Zwi will be necessary against, bullets are most likely not THAT fast.

  • Ammo/Power Source: Powered by a Palladium battery, capable of three full power shots. A dual battery is possible, if used on a power cord, but only for one Zwi at a time, allowing for 6 shots.
  • Range: 500 feet, after which the weapon's energy grows less and less powerful. Over 500 feet, the effect is not as grand, and after 600 feet, it's merely a stun weapon. Past that, it's just warm.
  • Limitations: The Zwi is neither fast nor used for sniping. It is a mid-to-short range weapon, and missing could cause serious damage to anything it hits after missing, like a building's wall or a piece of the street.

Devil Arms

These weapons were created from Hymns gathered from the Host, and Rodin made weapons out of the Devils that came for them.

Inspector Stansfield

Inspector Standsfield

Appearance: Inspector Stansfield is a very stylized pure white Mateba Revolver, with a 6 bullet chamber barrel and engravings on the sides and on the grip. It looks very unwieldy and is surprisingly effective for someone who knows how to shoot. It is currently unaligned.
Type: Long range high powered handgun.
Powers: As with all devil weapons, it has unlimited ammo, but needs a bit of cooldown after firing six times, which is probably good because it kicks back like a mule. The Inspector Stansfield is a little moody, and can backfire relatively frequently. However, it's advantages outweigh the possible drawbacks. Every time it's fired, roll a D6, with one of the following effects happening.

  • Roll of 1: The user is berserked, and will keep shooting (with no magical effects) into his targets even after they're dead, over and over, ranting about a slight, real or imagined, until talked down, which can only happen during the 'cooldown' after the sixth shot.
  • Roll of 2: All six bullets are fired and hit the target in a single shot, immediately entering cooldown but hitting with the force of a truck and causing immense damage to the enemy.
  • Roll of 3: Bullet explodes into the target, causing extra damage and usually stunning them. Will regularily bypass armor.
  • Roll of 4: Boom, Head shot. The bullet, no matter what it was aimed at, will hit square between the eyes of the target, or the closest equivalent to, with everything that implies.
  • Roll of 5: Bullets become empowered, each firing from one of the classic elements, going through the cycle of Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Thunder and Void, in that order. Obviously if 'cooldown' is hit before the 6 shots are fired, the gun returns to normal.
  • Roll of 6: Dead Man's Click. Gun is empty. Enters 'cooldown' immediately.

Tristan and Isolde

Tristan & Isolde (on top)

Appearance: A pair of fans which can be linked together by a chain into makeshift nunchaku, or can be used separately as twin weapons or throwing weapons.
Type: All-range melee weapons.
Powers: Tristan is the agressive male fan, and can be used to attack the enemy, with powerful wind gusts and blade-like vaccuum strikes. Isolde is the more passive female fan, whose attacks do almost no damage, mostly distracting, until the user is done and then snaps the fan shut, immediately hitting with a delayed reaction with phenomenal impact. However, to use the secondary ability of Isolde she must be separate from Tristan's attacks. Both can be used as throwing weapons which will return to their owner's hand.

  • Tristan:
    • Sword of Purity: Moving Tristan incredibly fast in a direction then snapping it shut, letting a powerful vaccuum blade fly out. Can be done in rapid succession.
  • Isolde:
    • Guardian of the Hearth: Staying perfectly defensive, Isolde can catch physical enemy attacks. However, even trying to counterattack or dodge causes it to revert back to it's more passive form and cancels out the pinpoint defense it has. The speed of the user is irrelevant, Isolde can block it.
  • Tristan and Isolde:
    • Doomed Romance: Bringing both fans together, literally touching them and opening them will join them by a mystical chain, and then it can be thrown at the enemy. If it ensnares the enemy, the fans wrap around them and choose death together, exploding with incredible force, directly on the enemy, usually killing them, before returning to the user, inert for a minute.


Achilles, the invulnerable shield.

Appearance: Shield, perfectly round, can expand to cover the whole body from the inside.
Type: Protection, short range shield with some ranged capabilities.
Powers: Achilles is a protection-type Devil Arm. Whatever direction Achilles is aimed at will be immune to damage, literally redirecting the impact. Its sides are also razor sharp, so a warrior can use it as an aggressive short range weapon as well.

  • Round Trip: The user can throw Achilles, slashing or slamming into enemies from afar, and have it return to his hand. Before this mighty shield, all enemies must yield.
  • Severing the Chains: Jamming Achilles into an enemy, the user can make it expand and spin, cutting into the enemy like a buzzsaw, complete with reving noises.
  • Air Hike: The user can drop Achilles in mid air, jump on it, and have it return to his hand in the same time, allowing for two mid-air jumps.

Shen Gong Wu

Mantis Flip Coin
Two Ton Tunic

The 'Godly Tools' Grand Master Dashi used in his battles with the Heylin Witch Wuya, the Shen Gong Wu are objects anyone can use to allow them to perform great feats.

Mantis Flip Coin

This Shen Gong Wu greatly increases its user's jumping abilities, and allows them to jump and flip with extreme height and skill.

Two Ton Tunic

When activated the tunic becomes a massively heavy cuirass. It is said to be invulnerable, though it is extremely cumbersome and those without enhanced strength may find it difficult to move while wearing it.

Star Hanabi

When this Shen Gong Wu is activated, it shoots a jet of fire at a target from the gem in the center.

Fist of Tebigong

When worn and activated, this Shen Gong Wu lets the user strike with extreme force, able to easily shatter rock and crush many common metals.

Special Gear

This gear is special equipment, which is generally unassigned and can be used for missions by agents who feel they need it. These come from various sources, and are usually very powerful or notable.

Selene's Light

Selene's Light.

Description: An ancient brace crafted by the Egyptian witch Cleopatra. When it's wearing is attacked, Witch Time will be instantly triggered, expending Magical Power. As leader of the Egyptian practitioners of magic, Cleopatra developed this guard to assist those who had trouble grasping the finer points of Witch Time.
Activation: Activated when struck by an enemy.
Effect: Whenever the user takes a hit, roll 1d6. On a roll of 6, an afterimage forms and takes the damage for the user, leaving them unharmed and not even slowed down. This said, this is only for instant attacks, not AOE or continuous hits.

Dark Specter Bat Suit

Dark Specter Batsuit.

Description: The Dark Specter Batsuit is an Iconic Battle Suit Style set for Tech-based Heroes. Bestowed upon his "Agents of the Bat", this batsuit allows the wearer to carry and enforce the influence that Batman's image has over the criminal underworld.
Characteristics: The Dark Specter Batsuit is made of Waynetech Nanoweave technology, allowing maximum flexibility and versatility when in use. It also has a neural interface and top of the line sensors lining the armour. This allows the wearer to actually modify its appearance to one more suited to his own, if he does not want to carry the mantle of the Bat.
More specifically, the armour's chest, leg, shoulders and back area are well armoured ands the nanoweave actually provides ballistic, thermal and kinetic resistances, basically acting like a full body bulletproof vest, increasing the wearer's ability to take hits.
Advantages: The Dark Specter Batsuit is hyper flexible and the nanoweave and neural networking make up for human foilibles. Wearing it will grant its wearer enhanced agility and light reflection, the sensors warning when too much light is on the costumes and helping to adjust for falls, wind and any other variables. (Game Terms: Athletics +1, Stealth +1)
The Batsuit also comes with Detective Vision, as nicknamed by Nightwing, which allows the user to turn into every different spectrum of light, allowing to see heat signatures, find traces, and with the proper information, track specific chemicals, scents and other types of trails (When Detective Vision is on, Investigation difficulties are lowered by 1).

Bottle Gnomes

Bottle Gnomes

Quantity: 3
Description: One foot tall, self-powered and sustaining clockwork soldiers. Able to fight with pikes, halberds or spears. Extensive knowledge of feudal combat. Generally obedient and skilled at performing basic tasks. When not called upon to perform any tasks, enjoy standing at attention and natural light. Each Gnome has a detachable head and a glass sphere for a stomach, filled with a blue liquid.
Medicinal: In an emergency, the head of a Bottle Gnome can be removed, allowing access to the powerful healing liquid inside, capable of instantly healing significant damage, or potentially stabilizing a critically wounded individual. As the liquid also maintains the Gnome's systems, draining it leaves the gnome inert.