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A.K.A. Air; Midori Naoe
Age 15
Voice Actor Maria Kawamura
Relatives Nagi Naoe (Adoption, Gene Therapy); Leben (Adoption)
Series Weiß Kreuz
Player Sparda
  • Name: Paria
  • Age: 15
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: May 22nd
  • Parents: Unknown. Nagi Naoe, adoptive father.
    • Place of Birth: Okinawa
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Getting her way.
    • Hobbies: Shopping. Dancing. Kareoke.
    • Likes: Herself
    • Dislikes: Being told 'No'.
    • Favorite Food: Anything sweet.
    • Least Favorite Food: Spicy foods.
    • Favorite Music: Pop. J and K especially.
    • Favorite Sport: Nothing.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing, but does have an unnatural love for Leben.
    • Level of Education: Middle School equivalent, Lifelong assassin training.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Maria Kawamura
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'9"
    • Weight: 100lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Greenish Teal
    • Special: Cute.


Paria is a beautiful young girl, with long green hair she holds up in pig tails to accentuate her girlishness. When she wants to appear professional, she actually wears it in a short braid. Her figure is lithe and slender, and she usually dresses in age appropriate ways, and very girlishly at that. The most 'boyish' she dresses is with loose or baggy shirts instead of a blouse or otherwise girlish clothes. She emphasizes her harmlessness and cuteness to make people underestimate her.


Paria is a selfish brat raised to kill on command. She prioritized herself above others, and her satisfaction and accomplishments were always her primary motivation. After being freed from the Rozenkreuz camps, and some time in rehabilitation, she has learned a little more about others. While she's still immensely self-centered and self-righteous, she's learning to make others a priority. She lacks sympathy for others and does not let others wallow in self-pity. Unless she cares for them, such as Leben. She is rather friendly and outgoing, but incredibly judgmental of others and does not tolerate meanness, idiocy or failure more than once. If even that.


Midori [Naoe] was born to a loving and well off family. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a professor of computer science, both pioneers in their fields. The day their daughter was born was the happiest day of their lives, and they wasted no time in trying to expand the family. Around her 1st birthday, Midori already knew how to read, and she knew.. literally knew how much her parents loved her, because she could see it in their eyes, and read it in their thoughts. She even predicted she had a little brother in her mommy's belly. And then Schwarz came. Having tracked down the incredibly powerful psychic by simply being near her, they killed the parents and took Midori away from them, to Rozenkreuz, to be raised as an assassin from literally before she could walk.
The next ten years of her life were a regime of nonstop training, competition, power jockeying, and death. Raised in a camp where other psychic or special children lived, only the best of the best were allowed to progress and not just be used as targets for others. When she finally learned the basics, she was thrown into a series of grueling tests, which she passed with flying colors. she 'earned' the name Paria at that time, because her ability grew, as did her sense of superiority, and she considered herself above and distinct from others.. a true 'Pariah'. At the discovery of her potential, half of Paria's time was spent learning how to use her abilities, and the other half were spent in virtual reality training (from the Mikage Corp) and in gene therapy, getting simultaneously brainwashed and enhanced to be more and more like Nagi Naoe, whom she came to view as a father entirely.
Kept for weeks and months on end away from her 'father', it was only the rare times she saw him that made her want to push herself more and more, having learned from his brain about her 'mother' and 'sister', and growing more and more attached to them, too. The promise of seeing him praise her made her excel at what she did, and drove her into 'perfection' as an assassin. Joining a group of similarly skilled women, Paria became part of a crack all-woman assassination team, despite her young age. For the next two years, she and her team took out targets of increasing priorities, though targeting primarily drug-dealers and triad leaders, allowing for the mind being Rozenkreuz's plans to come to fruition. To her credit, Paria has never been used against innocent targets, usually sent in to murder dictators or subversives, sometimes using their perversions against them, and sometimes just appearing as eyecandy that turned deadly. Paria experienced the death of many people, which played havoc with her sense of self, and drove her to seek out more and more different experiences, including dangerous sports and even recreational drug use.
Eventually, though, Paria was separated from her fellows, and taken in for rehabilitation. After a series of sessions to remove her brainwashing, mostly to clear her of being 'just' a weapon and be a regular person again, she agreed to make up for her crimes by attempting to help others, which is when PARADIGM was contacted.

Background Notes

Feel free to skip this. These are facts about Paria which have little bearing on her background and includes an extended cast, as well as a few explanations to her attachment to the Naoe family, which had no place in the background proper.

[show details]


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Good
  • Stealth: Very Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good
  • Performance: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing
  • Investigation: Good
  • Law: Novice

Other Skills:

  • Empathy: Good. Amazing when using her Telepathy.
  • Animal Ken: Very Good
  • Languages: German, English, French, Japanese, Russian.

Special Abilities

Assassin: Paria has had lifelong assassination training. She is competent in stealth and various assassination techniques, with her specialty being low-yield firearms and knives. She is proficient in knife combat, and knows how to fire a handgun, as well as use various smaller submachineguns. She is by no means an expert or a perfect shot (without her powers), but she knows how to make an opponent die if she needs to.
Hand to Hand: Paria, as an assassin, has received combat training, in various forms of hand to hand combat, favoring her small stature and lithe body. Basic training in Aikido and Jiujitsu, as well as Kempo regimen for her flexibility. She is far from a master at any of these styles, but is surprisingly good for her age and apparent lack of discipline.. not to mention her power.

Powers & Merits

Telepathy: Paria is an incredibly gifted telepath. While she hasn't developed too many disciplines based on her telepathy, she knows how to use it to talk to others, and read the minds of her opponents, allowing her to plan moves ahead and avoid damage. She can talk up to 6 people at once in a mind link, and she can break through mental barriers to read into thoughts, provided the opponent isn't a more skillful telepath.
Telekinesis: Paria is a phenomenally powerful telekinetic, but she isn't actually as skilled as she could be. She needs a focus for her power, or she can't do much more than a forceful shove or mundane utilities (closing doors, flipping switches, TV channels, etc). At her full power, she can actually do a ridiculous amount of damage, but she isn't actually able to dish it out without extreme emotional duress. This is her most practiced talent, and she can do the following with it.
Remote Weapons: Paria's special skill, she can control specially designed weapons with her mind. Her combination of telepathy, enhanced awareness, and telekinesis let her use these weapons as an all-range multi angle attack, or even defense. She can control up to 6 at one time, if she focuses on nothing else. If she's doing anything else (such as typing, or trying to telepathically communicate with someone), she can only control two, and even then, only two of the same type.

  • Shielding: Using her Shield Rods, Paria can cover herself from damage from anything up to assault rifle fire. Stronger weapons may or may not pierce the shield rods, but they would probably be relatively simple to dodge. She combines this with her telepathy to block incoming attacks, and can cover up to two people who are close to her at the same time, against up to three different attackers. Only one if they're using a full auto weapon.
  • Striking: Using her Strike Rods, Paria can direct them from any angle and direct them to hit her opponents at any angle. She usually aims for blind spots like joints and the back of knees. Nothing particularly special about this technique, but she has amazing precision with them. She can also use this technique with almost any object of comparable size and weight (like knives or tonfa), but she generally prefers her strike rods due to familiarity.
  • Shooting: Using her shot bolts, Paria can aim and fire crossbow bolts at her opponents from any angle she chooses. She usually maneuvers them so she can hit in vitals or weak spots where the opponent is unaware. This technique is much better as a surprise attack, since she needs to pause for a moment to fire, and even with telepathy she can't predict well enough for a precise shot, and will fire blind if she doesn't take a moment to 'aim'. This is her best attack. In a pinch, she CAN use handguns instead, but the speed is considerably less due to the added weight, and the attacks come out much slower. She also prefers the silent surprise attack, as handguns are, as she describes it, a boy's toy.


Eidetic Memory (2 Pts): Paria never ever forgets anything. Ever. If she pretends she does, it's because she thinks it's stupid and you need to not mention it ever again.
Poison Resistance (2 Pts): Paria underwent Rozenkreuz' poison resistance training, so she can mostly negate the effects of toxins on her body. This sadly includes painkillers.
Innocent (2 Pts): Paria can fool people into thinking she's a pure innocent with ease.
Danger Sense (3 Pts): Newtype Flash. Paria gets a tingly feeling when something bad is about to happen to her.

Unique Items

Paria uses her specially made rods for combat, manipulating them with her telekinesis. She has rather precise control over them, as they were made to accommodate her particular talents, and were developed to work with her abilities.
Shield Rods: Two rods that spread out to block attacks, moving to defend her consciously, made of titanium steel with chobam reinforcements.
Strike Rods: Low weight high speed sharp weapons which fly out and instinctively target her enemies' soft spots.
Shot Bolts: Specially designed rods which hold crossbow bolts, fired at three times the speed and strength of actual bolts when she wills them to, each carrying 10 bolts. These do require to pause before shooting.

Items Of Note

Laptop: Paria usually brings a laptop with her on all missions she feels it will be necessary. So anywhere without elves.
Lockpicks: Paria has a set of lockpicks if she needs to break and enter for a job.


Weaknesses & Flaws

Physically Weak: Paria is not physically strong. She is athletic, she is agile, and she has a fair amount of cardio.. much more than anyone her age should. However, she takes hits like a little girl, and dishes out exactly like one ...because she is. Her assassination training is weapons and guile-based, her physical power is mediocre, and she can't actually do much damage if she is unarmed, even with a crotch shot.
Glass Jaw: Not literally, but Paria has no ability to take damage. A good, strong physical hit will probably send her down or knock the wind out of her. This is why she practices dodging, but a good solid hit, even if she survives it, will leave her down and out.
Co-Dependent: Anyone Paria emotionally bonds to, she will be practically psychotically devoted to. She will take even the smallest rejection as betrayal and will expect the other side to be as devoted to her as she is to them. This can be romantically or otherwise. This is an effect of her psychic power, causing her heart to reach to another's, and what she gives, she feels the other should do as well. Whether they like it or not.
Psychic Backlash: Overusing her abilities can seriously affect her body and mind. She is prone to getting sickly or weak from using her telekinesis, and is prone to massive headaches or periods of lunacy if she overextends her telepathy. Attempting to use either of those powers in a 'Brute Force' manner will leave her in a very, very bad spot.. but she will try to use more than she can of her rods if she has to, which can have the same effect overall.
Vanity: Paria will ABSOLUTELY not take well to her beauty being tarnished. Scars, crippling or otherwise disfiguring, even as a threat, can break her resolve and cause her to flee or do whatever she can to murder this threat. This doesn't extend to silly things like dirt or mud, but actually damaging her looks or body could trigger a borderline psychotic rage.. or terror..


Weak Willed (2pt Flaw): Due to Rozenkreuz conditioning, Paria, as fiercely independent as she is, is easy to control and manipulate by other psychics, or any magical form of thought control. Any attack that gets through her defenses will likely leave her easily controlled.
Child (2pts): Paria is a child. She is short, undeveloped, emotionally unstable, and not allowed to drink, drive, or vote. Her presence is a dead giveaway on a mission, and she may not be allowed to go into certain situations that PARADIGM may come across.
Airhead (1pt): Paria is incredibly smart, terrifyingly so, but she has a serious lack of self-discipline, and if something loses her interest, she clearly lets it show. This makes her look like an airhead, or a flake.
Group Enmity - Rozenkreuz (2pt): Rozenkreuz and related people will treat her as a traitor, even if it isn't her fault. Her presence may cause problems for missions involving them. (Listed as Group Enmity because most of them do care for her, but they have to act as if she were dead to them. Most will not willingly do anything to harm her unless they have to.)
Compulsive Speech (1pt): Paria does not know when to hold her tongue, and she's incredible judgmental. This tends to get her in trouble.
Curiosity (2pts): Paria likes to experience new things, and has a sense of being invincible due to her gifts. She is incredibly likely to ...well, 'push the button', so to speak.
Sensation Junkie (2pts): As above, Paria likes to experience new things. Even if it seems dangerous, she may just give it a shot... just in case.
Addiction - Hard Drugs(0pt): Due to her Poison Resistance, Paria suffers less the effects, but the widespread use of drugs among Rozenkreuz graduates has left her with a taste for some nose candy. She doesn't need it, she doesn't crave it, but she won't pass it up. She won't do any intravenous drugs due to her vanity, and she won't do drugs that cause physical changes (meth) for the same reason.
Disturbing Mannerism (0pt): There is a definite un-childlike vibe to Paria. She is far more aware of things in the real world than one would expect, and often has opinions and knowledge of things children should not. This can cause some problems with people expecting her to act her age. She can hold it in if attempting to act innocent or her age.
Twisted Upbringing (1pt): Paria was raised with the idea that praise and rewards came from performing exceedingly well, and that murder was part of the job. She does not shy away from cutting people down (verbally) over failure, and she sees nothing wrong with the most expedient way of doing things (up to and including murder or seduction).