Tarius Stormblade

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Tarius Stormblade
A.K.A. Tarius the Woodsman, the Black Bear and Steward of Valeron, Sigiled and Annointed of Bant
Age 31
Voice Actor
Relatives Vaelgir Stormblade, Lynde
Series MAgic: the Gathering/Original
Player Radical
  • Name: Tarius Stormblade
  • Age: 31
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday: March 15th
  • Parents: Vaelgir Stormblade,
    • Place of Birth: Valeron, Bant, Alara
    • Nationality: Bant
    • Specialty: Black Mage, Summoner
    • Hobbies: Geomancy
    • Likes: Nature, chivalry, fighting
    • Dislikes: Necromancy, cybernetics, tyranny, deception
    • Favorite Food: Venison
    • Least Favorite Food: Good Question
    • Favorite Music: Harp
    • Favorite Sport: Wrestling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Behemoth Sledge, Bonesplitter, Shield of the Righteous
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'8"
    • Weight: 275 lbs
    • Eyes: brown
    • Hair: black
    • Special:


A massive man with broad shoulders and tanned bronzed skin. Curly black hair cut short frames his head eyes the color of chestnut, which glow white, red and green when calling on his spellcraft. Bears many scars on his arms and torso from fearsome beasts and dangerous foes alike, and a series of red tribal tattoos over his right arm, with the sigil of the Incindiary Command on his shoulder


Tarius is loud and boisterious. He tends to act first and think later, if at all. He is likely to take words of caution as a challenge, and claims to fear no man or beast.


Once, not long ago, a powerful Planeswalker of the Great Forests came to a strange and magical kingdom. There he met a woman with a kind and gentle heart, who could take on any form she chose. The two returned to the Planeswalker Vaelgir Stormblade's home base in the Forests of Valinor, where Tarius learned the arts of forestry and spellcraft. Tarius was a wild boy, roaming the forests, though as he grew he settled well into responsibility, eventually claiming a seat as a Steward of Valeron's vasts forests and becomming a Sigiled Knight of Bant. As an adult, his mother took him to many distant planes, where he faced and conquered many perils, including crossing wits and blades with the Sorceress, Anastasia


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: +4
  • Athletics: +3
  • Stealth: +2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: -1
  • Streetwise: 0
  • Intimidation: +4
  • Leadership: +3
  • Expression: +2
  • Etiquette: +1
  • Performance: +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: -1
  • Investigation: +2
  • Medicine: +3
  • Law: +1
  • Occult: +3
  • Politics: 0
  • Science: -1
  • Technology: -1

Other Skills:

  • Driving: +1
  • Survival: +4
  • Empathy: +2
  • Animal Ken: +4

Special Abilities

  • Red Spells

Firebreathing: An enchantment allowing the recipient to breathe fire like a dragon
Fists of the Anvil: Magical Gauntlets of black steel, greatly increase physical strength for about one minute
Shock: a bolt of lightning from the caster, striking one target
Incendiary Command: Choose Two Effects -
Pyroclasm: creates a wave of flame from around himself which flows forward in a cone, dealing moderate fire damage to everything in its path
Flame Javelin: creates a long narrow fireball of intense heat and speed, dealing heavy fire damage to one target
Tectonic Rift: causes the ground to open up and erupt, usually causing a 10ft+ long fissure and causing shock and shrapnel damage to any standing nearby
Shatter: Attempts to cause one metal object or artifact to disintegrate, will instantly destroy most man-sized objects or smaller if successful, and will cause significant damage to anything larger. Magical or Legendary Artifacts or weapons are generally immune.

  • Green Spells

Wall of Vines: Summons a Wall of Vines, which to all appearances is a simple bramble patch, which however is mobile, if very slow, and sentient, if barely. Usually used as a mobile shelter. Can be called upon to sprout thorns or flowers.
Runeclaw Bear: Summons a grizzly bear with rune-like markings on its forelegs. A unique creature, only one may be summoned at any given time.
Bear Umbra: Magical armor in the shape of a bear. Gives the wearer the strength and speed and form of a bear, though their person is kept safely inside. Any damage recieved will be dealt to the bear armor first, elthal damage causing it to vanish. Any weapons or items inside the bear armor can be used normally by the wielder
Naturalize: Uses nature magic to attempt to dispel an active enchantment or to destroy a mundane artifact. Magical or Legendary Artifacts or weapons are generally immune.
Vines of Vastwood: Magical vines from the Vastwood that will protect one person targetted by a spell and give them a temporary boost in strength.
Howl of the Night Pack: Summons a pack of between 4-12 Spirit Wolves who will obey the summoner's commands and attempt to defeat their enemies. Will vanish after five minutes or when the battle ends. Can only be used once per battle, and has a high mana requirement, generally only castable after several rounds of combat.

  • White Spells

Sunlance: a bar of white fire, deals Holy damage to one target
Pitfall Trap: If one enemy attacks Vaelgir alone, he can magically conjure a simple pitfall trap with sheer walls and wooden stakes at the bottom
Armored Ascension: Summons a suit of magical armor for one target granting the power of flight, with barding if the target is mounted. If cast near plains, grasslands or holy places, offers a slight boost to strength and durability.
Totem Guide Hartebeest: Summons a massive antelope the size of a large warhorse, with cracked red skin and unusual antlers. As a Totem Guide, the Hartebeest is a fearless mount, able to obey the commands of its rider and perform feats or daring and lyalty unusual in even trained familiars. A unique creature, only one may be summoned at any given time.

Command Skills

  • Bonus: +500 DEF
  • Special: Green Knight - Three times per battle, Tarius can add +300 ATK or DEF to his army. This is permanent, and also adds to the HP total of the army.
  • Super: Nature's Wrath - Tarius can cause the terrain to switch in his favor, granting his army a +1 bonus to any consecutive roll, and causing any HP damage the enemy does to cause them 300 HP in return. Darius is then out of the battle.

Powers & Merits

Beast Affinity (3): Raised in the forests of Valeron, Tarius' unique upbringing and heritage grants him an aura that appeals to animals of all types.

Nobility (3): You are recognized as a member of the local Nobility. This grants many advantages both socially and economically, as well as allowing you access to things that commoners cannot be part of, such as the Knighthood. The amount of power and nobility bestowed upon you depends on your merit's cost, with one point being something like a Knight and three points being a minor baron.

Green Thumb (1): Not only do plants thrive in your care, they almost seem to burst into bloom from your touch.

Unique Items

Behemoth Sledge: A massive war sledgehammer of epic proportions. Able to deal shock damage even through most armor, and provides slight magical healing to the wielder with every landed blow.

Shield of the Righteous: A large kite shield embossed with depictions of battle, made of magically enhanced metal, it will turn aside most non-magical weapons and projectiles. Additionally, whenever a melee attack is thwarted by the shield, enchantments on it will slow down the attacker for a few seconds (about the length of one action). Must be summoned.

Bonesplitter: A heavy single-bladed axe made from brone, ornately etched and enchanted to give a boost to strength when wielded. Sharp and heavy enough to cleave most armor.

Items Of Note

Heartwood Spears: Made entirely of a special wood from the Valeron Forests of Bant, this wood has a light and supple exterior, but a steel-hard core and point. Makes excellent spears and javelins Valeron Armor: Thin steel plate armor which protects the vital areas while leaving the limbs and joints uncovered for greater mobility Sigil of Distinction: An emblem proclaiming Vaelgir as a veteran of several campaigns, proclaiming his valor and merit Spell Components: A pouch containing many common spell components, even though few of his spells require them. Herbalist's Kit: Containing a mortar and pestle and various other implements for the mixing, heating and storing of herbs and poultices.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Intolerance (1): Tarius distrusts any mechanical or partially mechanical people, as to him, they smack of Phyrexia. People with simple prosthetics are probably fine, robots and cyborgs not so much. Similarily, Tarius cannot abide the undead, as necromancy runs completely contrary to the magics of light and life he serves.

Otherworldly Taint (2): Other than his peculiar mannerisms, Tarius' eyes glow when drawing upon mana, giving away that he is not of this world.

Rival (1): Tarius has made a rival of the Sorceress Anastasia, the two are like oil and water and will quarrel over the smallest thing.

Enemy (3): Mekarth, Destroyer of Life

Compulsive Speech (1): Despite being a Knight, Tarius believes in honestly and directness, and will often speak hard truths and rash opinions, and often finds amusing or fitting nicknames for people.

NPC(s) to go with char

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