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A.K.A. Destroyer of Life
Age 1143
Voice Actor
Relatives Kuoloth the Firestarter, Father; Sorrith the Magnificent, Mother.
Series Original/MTG
Player Sparda
  • Name: Mekarth the Destroyer of Life
  • Age: 1143
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Chaos. Death. Destruction.
  • Dislikes: Order. Mages.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'/Variable
  • Weight: Variable
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Platinum


An attractive man wearing fantasy-like clothing, looks cold and distant from others.


Aloof. Sadistic. Petty. Vengeful. Greedy.


  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Occult: Amazing
  • Intimidation: Very Good/Amazing
  • Subterfuge: Incredible


Dragon: Mekarth is a Dragon. A millennial half-breed, in fact, but fully draconic. Having literally no empathy or understanding of beings lesser than himself, he has grown with a lust for power and an all consuming greed to grow stronger and richer, leaving desolation and despair in his wake, earning him the title of 'Destroyer of Life'. This grants him a few special abilities due to his nature.

  • Immunity to Fire and Toxins: Mekarth is virtually immune to fire and is unaffected by toxins, magical or otherwise.
  • Shapeshifting: Mekarth can take a humanoid (generally elven) form, but he can alter his shape into anything he wishes.
    • Supernatural: Mekarth is unfairly strong, swift and alert. Even his skin feels like metal when struck, though he's still far more vulnerable when in a humanoid form than in his true form. This can unbalance people who see a mage suddenly snap a horse's neck or shrug off a blow from an axe, but even with those advantages, his humanoid form is considerably weaker than his full on dragon form.
  • Spell-Like Abilities: Affect Normal Fires, Pyrotechnics, Heat Metal, Detect Gems - Numbers - Kind (100' radius).
  • Magic Resistance: Mekarth has a straight 50% chance of resisting harmful magic, regardless of his state of awareness. This doesn't protect him from summoning spells or other indirect effects, or enchantments made on people and items. Casting a spell against him, however, is a gamble.
  • Draconic Form: Mekarth can turn into a large, golden Dragon with vibrant red eyes and spikes, granting him a series of important advantages. Obviously comes the size and weight advantage, coupled with natural body armor and amazing physical strength and the ability to fly. However, this is very taxing for him due to his dual nature, and he usually keeps in his humanoid form.
    • Breath Weapon: Mekarth can, after inhaling for a moment, release a stream of beyond-lava-hot flames from his mouth, in a cone, causing intense fire damage, of a mystical nature. This flame is hot enough to melt metals instantly and vaporize other materials with ease.

Magic-User: Mekarth is a magic user. Over time, he's learned quite a few spells, which he has on his repertoire. While he can cast some spells without thinking about it (See Spell-like abilities), he has a spell repertoire available to him at all times. He carries multiple spellbooks (all of which are kept in a pocket sphere he can magically recall), and traded in his natural spells per day for access to actual magical knowledge and tomes. A (small) sample list of his spells.

  • Flame Wave: A replacement for his Breath Weapon in humanoid form, Mekarth can form massive amounts of fire to wash over an area, causing a remarkable amount of damage to all within it.
  • Blightning: Mekarth can cast a spell which blasts his opponent with lightning. If the attack connects, the person is not only zapped, but corroded as well, attempting to melt him from the inside out.
  • Pain Magnification: Heightens a target's nerves supernaturally, so that even a breeze hurts and a kick feels like a massive attack. While this doesn't cause actual damage, the pain they feel is enough to knock out many.
  • Suffocating Blast: Countermagic spell. Mekarth can use this against another spell caster, causing their mana pool to not only evaporate mid-cast, but also self-destruct around them, burning up all the oxygen and causing the mage some trauma and stunning damage from the lack of oxygen.
  • Obliteration: A very powerful destructive spell, Mekarth has made his reputation with this. The drawback being that it takes quite a lot of his mana, and some actual time to cast, the spell causes a massive magical explosion, capable of tearing smaller cities apart and destroying large parts of armies. This spell cannot be cast in the Eye of Sorrith.
  • Regeneration: Mekarth can cast a spell of healing, on himself or others. This takes place over time, but it can save him from grievous wounds.
  • Hearth: Mekarth can turn any location into a comfortable home for himself and his allies. Outdoors will become a campsite, complete with ever-lasting fire, and indoors will become a comfortable room with suitable beds and a fireplace.
  • Empower: Mekarth can enchant items and weapons to give them supernatural toughness and the ability to harm demons and other supernatural entities, like undead. He can also do the exact opposite and disenchant a weapon (temporarily) or make a regular weapon practically broken (temporarily).


Eye of Sorrith: A magical glove, filled with power, which has the particular ability to 'store' spells cast by Mekarth. To use it, he can chant a spell and focus it into the eye, storing it for later use, where, with a spoken word, he can instantly cast the spell without having to bother with the words or spellcraft. He can store up to 7 spells in the eye and it will last as long as it isn't cast. He cannot 'replace' a spell without first spending one of the ones already in the glove.

  • Magical Trap: The real power of the Eye of Sorrith is that, if it has unused storage space, Mekarth can use it to absorb a spell cast at him directly. This requires him to purposely mute his magical resistance, but if he is in fact targeted with a spell, he can steal it and recast it later, the eye analyzing and detailing to him what the spell does and many things about it, albeit vaguely. He rarely uses it as such, but it's available if he needs it.


Cold: Is not particularly fond of cold, while he isn't really vulnerable to it, it will make him hesitate and step back if directed against him.