Izumi Saotome

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Izumi Saotome
Izumi Saotome with her current look. Artwork by Cinnie
A.K.A. Master Ninja and Materia Hunter! or 'Girl of Water'
Age 21
Voice Actor Megumi Hayashibara
Relatives Ryosuke Saotome - older half-brother
Konami Saotome - older half-sister
Makoto Saotome - younger brother
Kurama Amano - younger cousin
Hiyami Amano - younger cousin
Ranma Saotome - Father
Yuffie Kisaragi - Mother
Series Ranma 1/2 & Final Fantasy
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Izumi Saotome
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: November 18th
  • Parents: Ranma Saotome & Yuffie Kisaragi
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese/Wutaian
    • Speciality: Ninjutsu
    • Hobbies: Adventuring, training, making friends, getting rich!
    • Likes: Money, beating challenges, getting stronger, guys who are FIT
    • Dislikes: cats, people who are mean, evil stuff, any type of ship.
    • Favorite Food: everything pretty much.
    • Least Favorite Food: nothing.
    • Favorite Music: Anything
    • Favorite Sport: Everything
    • Most Valuable Possession: her Materia.
    • Level of Education: finished highschool-ish education.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Megumi Hayashibara

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 130
  • Eyes: green
  • Hair: black but it was colored light brown
  • Special: (B:38 W:24 H:38) Also has makou green florescent eyes.


When Izumi was fifteen years old, she sported short hairstyle similar to Nabiki's. She also wore a blue-themed ninja outfit (blue chinese styled top and blue pleated skirt). Izumi continued to keep that outfit until her later teens and then she was forced to change her appearance due to being wanted for an arson crime that accidentally happened to a department store in downtown Tokyo.

Izumi's new look was having longer hair which was colored to a lighter brown and her outfit was changed to a red chinese-style top, grey pleated skirt, orange arm guards, and black boots. Sometimes, if the weather permits, Izumi rather wears tan colored shorts and a green tank top with black sandal-flipflops.


Energetic. Incredibly energetic. Fun-loving, optimistic.. goofy. Silly. Also incredibly uncomfortable with any sexual situations!


Adventurous and strong, Izumi Saotome is a Martial Artist, Just like her parents.. <toggledisplay>

Izumi at age fifteen when she first arrived at the castle.

However, unlike them, having received training from Clef in combat, as well as control, she's a bit more calm and relaxed.. Trained as a Ninja, she's an expert in hand to hand combat techniques, and she's confident in her abilities. Often striking out on her own to explore things, or take odd jobs for extra money and to relieve boredom, she's managed to get herself into a few jams.. but nothing she can't handle. On occasion in her younger days, she's seen with her half sister Konami or half brother Ryosuke, she of course knows she's better than either of them.. but that still doesn't seem to stop her from being good friends with them.

Rather unfortunately.. much like her mother, she seems to have some slight.. problems, with riding in vehicles... and.. due to a slight miscommunication, Yuffie read about an invincible technique in an ancient text that was left where it shouldn't have been, and decided that it would be a great idea to throw Izumi into a pit of starving cats, covered in fish sausage...

After continuing her training and also hanging out with her younger brother Makoto, Izumi decided to head to the castle where her parents first met. She decided that if there was a good place to start adventuring, it was definitely there. Izumi made a lot of friends and reaquainted with old friends like Matsumi, Sylph, Kura, and Gabriel to name a few. Izumi was also fascinated with a few of the other patrons, sometimes in a picking on sort of way.. especially Pepper, despite him being a great deal older than her.

Eventually her eyes however set on the resident android doctor, Akira. Having never met someone so diligent, quiet, beautiful, and smart.. and OH MAN THOSE -MUSCLES-! Izumi was instantly in awe. Often spying on him in silence from the medbay air vents.. she was caught by Akira and then formally introduced to him. Izumi ended up spending a great deal of time around Akira until he asked her if it would be alright for her to be part of a new program he developed to try to understand human emotions better. The program was concerning romantics.. and Izumi, albeit being a little shy, agreed. From that point on Izumi and Akira began dating. She developed a few programs for him which made him look very ridiculous, but it was all in good humor. Izumi then tried to get close to the rest of the people close to Akira, one of them being Eve. However Eve was absolutely not having it, and shunned Izumi off. Izumi, definitely not one to give up, decided she'd keep trying.. but on a later time.

Joining Mercs

Izumi then joined a mercenary group which consisted of Raziel, Matsumi, Sylph, and Yuriko. Taking random jobs, Izumi started to get rather wealthy and began making a name for herself. During this time Izumi was invited to join the Dark Tournament under Hiei (Kura's father)'s team. Izumi's battle was lucky in the fact that her opponent's weapon was to draw out her worst fear... which unfortunately made her slip into the Neko-ken technique. Izumi won the round and advanced with her team. The entire team won and Izumi along with the others were able to receive a wish. Izumi wished for a new summon materia, Neo Bahamut. Izumi was very pleased with the outcome of the tournament until she found out what her brother Makoto had wished for. He wished to become immortal, therefore becoming part youko (fox demon). He had also the ability to grant this immortality to one other person and he wanted to share it with Izumi. Izumi however declined.. she didn't want to live forever and knew that was a bigger curse than a gift. Makoto was very upset but did not press it.

The Start of Intimacy Fear

Izumi continued going on more jobs with Matsumi especially. Both of their mothers had been friends in the castle and Izumi related more so to Matsumi than the others because of their ninjutsu background. They also grew up together as childhood friends and the opposite personalities that they had made them the perfect pair. Izumi also continued to work with the mercenary group, dealing with a variety of things.. from alternate evil forms of the castellians to alien symbiotes.. everything ended up going pretty smoothly. Izumi also continued to get steadilly closer and close to Akira