Tiger Clan

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Tiger Ninja Clan
Also Known As Tora no Shinobi
Organization Type Ninja Clan
Leadership Kenshin Uchimiya
Membership Koryu Ushida; Ichimaru Hoouki; Ranmaru Teito; Kaede; Hibari.
Associated With Genmu Nation.
Related To Rankai Lands

The Tiger Clan are the ninja most people in the Rankai Lands are familiar with, as they are active in the main part of the continent, and serve the Genmu Nation.


The Tiger Clan was formed several decades ago when ninja families of the Genmu Nation and their allies decided to unite under a single leader, making their small organizations into a singular one, with a wide range of contacts. The Dragon Clan having some success in the north, the Tiger Clan, as they chose to be called, wanted to expand their power base and security. They pledged a level of loyalty to the Genmu Nation above others, and have since been an integral part of their military forces, using their skills as ninja to provide intel and assassinations for their lord. Eventually, it became normal that men from the Warlords' families of Genmu married with women of the Tiger Clan, to cement alliances and reinforce their partnership.


The Tiger Clan of Ninja are well known as one of the military branches of the Genmu Nation. Their current leader is also the leader of the Genmu Nation, born of a family of ninja and from a powerful samurai ancestry. They serve as the Intelligence section of the Genmu Military, as well as what we would call 'Black Ops'. They serve an essential purpose with sabotage and traps, making up for the Genmu Nation's otherwise less than exceptional military might. Between the skills of the Ninja, the advance intelligence gathered by such, and the traps and tricks used by them to compensate for the lack of brute force, the Tiger Clan's purpose is cemented as a powerful aspect of war against Genmu.

Known Members

  • Kenshin Uchimiya: Warlord of Genmu. Suspected of being a Ninja, or at least harboring them, his nation is known for deceptive tactics and incredibly intelligent maneuvers. He is often underestimated for his pretty face, and he more than makes up for it with skill and ruthlessness. Rival to Shingen Terada.
  • Koryu Ushida: An older ninja, trainer of many others. Highly skilled in all manners of infiltration and assassination, and the de facto leader of the Tiger Clan.
  • Ichimaru Hoouki: A young and upcoming ninja, raised by the clan after being found as an orphan. Highly skilled and proficient, especially in Taijutsu.
  • Ranmaru Teito: A troublemaker, but exceptionally skilled at infiltration, and one of the few ninjas in the Tiger Clan with actual jutsu. Known to not take things seriously.
  • Kaede: A kunoichi, girlfriend of Ranmaru Teito. Third daughter of a samurai family who ran away from home and became a ninja under her lord Kenshin.
  • Hibari: A kunoichi, known to use her charms to get intel on any opponent. Despite this, is known as a virtuous and kind person, when she isn't being coldly professional.



  • The name of the Tiger Clan comes from The Way of The Tiger Chose Your Own Adventure series of books.