Yoko S.

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Temporary picture of Yoko.
A.K.A. Shrine Maiden
Age 17
Voice Actor Kotono Mitsuishi
Relatives Go - Father
Shuu - Brother
K' - Genetic Father
Kula - Genetic Mother
Series King of Fighters
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Yoko
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 12
  • Parents: ???
    • Place of Birth: NESTS Lab
    • Nationality: Japanese and Chinese ... people think.
    • Specialty: Shinto Priestess, Martial Arts, Cooking.
    • Hobbies: Working out and making Tea. YEAH.
    • Likes: challenges, fighting, winning
    • Dislikes: Bad losers, Bad winners, anything sexual, losing
    • Favorite Food: Pandan Waffles
    • Least Favorite Food: Raisins
    • Favorite Music: Trance
    • Favorite Sport: Volleyball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Materia
    • Level of Education: Highschool
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kotono Mitsuishi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4
    • Weight: 125lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: When fighting Yoko's hair changes to purple.


Yoko generally wears either a school fuku, her shrine maiden outfit, or a tight leather biking outfit. The leather is what she generally wears when she fights because it does not get damaged when she uses her abilities.

Yoko Relaxing in casual wear.


While at times she can be friendly and SUPPOSED to be a polite and nice miko, Yoko is mostly known for being an arrogant jerk. Yoko firmly believes in being chaste and pure since it was firmly hammered into her head from her parents. She loves to fight and will almost NEVER back down from a challenge..practically to a degree of McFly-ness. She also loves to win and use people's heads as stepping stones. She has a weak spot for sweets and is almost clueless about the opposite sex. However, in a fight she completely becomes a different person.. much in the zone and very serious and ready to win however way she can.


Text goes here


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Amazing +5
  • Athletics - Amazing (+1 from Graceful) = +6
  • Stealth - Very Good +3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Abyssmal (-1) at lying and seduction. But good (+2) at reasoning!
  • Streetwise
  • Intimidation - Good +2
  • Leadership - Good +2
  • Expression - Good +2
  • Etiquette - Good +2
  • Performance - Good +2

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Novice +1
  • Investigation - Very Good +3
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult - Shinto Traditions (Amazing +5) other things (Good +2)
  • Politics
  • Science
  • Technology (repair, robotics, mechanics.. that sort of thing.)

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Good +2
  • Survival - Good +2
  • Empathy
  • Animal Ken

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)


    • Saotome-Ryuu Ougi - Saotome Secret Technique: Technique that bases on three fundamental Combat concepts: Reversal, Distance, and Strategy. In essence, run away until you think of something better. Ironically, Yoko has become a master of this technique.
    • Moukotakabisha: Focusing One's Pride into the energy necessary for a ki blast. The higher the pride, the more powerful the blast, and vice versa.
    • Double Moukotakabisha: Firing two Moukotakabishas at once.
    • Mouko Ken: Concentrating energy around one's fist, the same way one does for Moukoutakabisha, by focusing on your pride, but around your fist.
    • Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken: A speed training technique which consists of picking roasting chestnuts from an open fire. This augments overall reflexes and coordination. Can be used as a multi-hit punching strike but is primarily to augment overall speed.
    • Hiryuu Shouten Ha: The technique of drawing your opponent into the center of a circle, making your opponent hotter and hotter while keeping yourself cool, then releasing your cool punch at the center so that the temperature difference generates a whirlwind. Based on heat differences.
    • Bakusai Tenketsu: point breaking technique. allows you to poke a point on a non living object and make it explode.
    • Crouch of the Wild Tiger: THE I'M VERY VERY SORRY TECHNIQUE. Yoko doesn't like to use this technique anyway.
  • Shinto Abilities
    • Aku Ryo Tai San - "Aku Ryo Tai San" is a Japanese phrase used to exorcise demons, which translates into "Evil Spirit, Begone." Yoko is able to charge up an Ofuda by speaking "Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!" (臨、兵、闘、者、皆、陣、列、在、前!; when combined into a sentence, it literally means "all warriors have been lined up in formation here" and throw it onto an evil spirit/demon to freeze them in their tracks or harm/exorcise them. It could also be used to purify people of an evil influence. (GM's discretion on how this works or if it doesn't!)
    • Omikuji (お神籤) or Fortune Telling - When in a trance, Yoko can stare into fire to do a precognitive reading. (GMs can give her some tidbits of future things.)

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)


  • Fire: can control fire, shoot fireballs, do a flame throwing thing..make a wall of flame (usually does this with the right

side of her body)

  • Ice: can control ice, shoot ice balls, freeze the ground and walls, make a wall of ice (usually does this with the left

side of her body)

Yoko using her powers where her hair changes color.
  • Extreme Temperatures: can take both extreme heat and cold temperatures.
  • Teleportation: she can teleport within a radius of 10km
  • Superhuman Body: The extreme experimentation by NESTS has given Yoko a body which is in every single way Superhuman. Her strength, stamina, reflexes and speed, irregardless of her martial arts training, are all far past the level that can be reached by human bodies, and makes her effectively superhuman. She will also live for twice the time of normal humans, though she'll age normally until around age 40, where it'll slow down but keep going. By the time she's 150 (around the maximum age for the body, unless she makes other precautions), she will have the body of a very fit 75 year old.


  • Flame Spiral: basically does a flying twirling uppercut which rises a twirl of flame.
  • Ice Spiral: does the same thing with the Flame spiral but with ice instead.
  • Ice Blades: can extend ice blades out of her hair, fists, feet
  • Fire Blades: can extend fire blades out of her fists and feet


  • All Creation: A MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE Ki blast..like a Kame Hame Ha-like porportion.. but can ONLY do this if she's beaten to near death ^^;
  • S Final Attack - Yoko slams her fists into the ground causing a massive ice pillar to shoot up and trap her opponent inside.. then she runs in and sends a massive flaming punch to shatter it and hit her opponent before teleporting back and forth in front of and behind the opponent and pummeling them repeatedly with alternate flaming and ice fists and kicks (about 10 times each)


  • Self-Confident (5): One free successful roll during a mission, due to the strength of your self-confidence. This only comes into effect regarding rolls at difficulty 6 or higher. As with other rolls, this does not apply in combat (as your enemy is probably just as sure of himself as you are), but when it's time to get something done, you -know- it comes down to you.
  • Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
  • Time Sense (1): You have an inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.
  • Double-Jointed (1): Athletics rolls involving escape or dis-entangling are at -1 Difficulty.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Restore Materia: Level 1 Restore Materia: Able to cast Cure for 4 MP. Restores about 30% of her health and mends her broken bones and cuts.
  • Mini Materia: allows Yoko to turn herself or someone else mini-sized
  • Heal Materia: allows Yoko to case 'Esuna' on herself or someone else to cure status effects.

Items Of Note

Motorcycle, Ofuda, Shinto Priestess Robes.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!
arrogant AND EXTREMELY WIERDED OUT BY THE OPPOSITE SEX..if she sees a guy stripping or something, she will freak out. Yoko can easily be goaded into a fight or distracted because of her arrogance. She's also human in the end of the day (even superpowered but..) if caught off guard.. she can be taken down.


  • Amnesia (2): You have no memory of your past, or at least are missing a significant portion of it. You have the option of taking up to 5 points of extra flaws to be determined by the GM (you don't get to find out about them till you're playing...). She doesn't remember her parents or master other than the name 'Saotome'.
  • Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. When fighting, Yoko's hair turns a completely different color.
  • Compulsion (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this. Proving herself. If someone tries to challenge her abilities in something.. oh MAN does she have to try to prove them wrong.

NPC(s) to go with char
