Jesui Menteur

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Jesui Menteur
A.K.A. Staries.
The Lying Black Sheep.
Sphere Reactor.
Age 21
Voice Actor Soichiro Hoshi
Relatives Unknown
Series Super Robot Wars Z
Player Frank
  • Name: Jesui Menteur/Staries
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Unknown
  • Dislikes: Unknown

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eyes: Blue and Violet.
  • Hair: White


Sharply dressed young man with an immaculately beautiful face. Staries wears a powerful, high tech armor.


Everything you know is wrong. So forget the words and sing along.


  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Computers: Amazing
  • Science: Amazing
  • Expression: Amazing (See Items)
  • Performance: Amazing (See Items)


Swordsmanship: Jesui is highly skilled in many forms of fencing, and kenjutsu. He sis able to hold his own against most opponents in a sword fight, having heard of only one man who is capable of doing more than he can with a sword, but having not had the chance to meet him yet.


Staries MK-III: A prototype Sphere-powered Technological Armour Reactive Independant System (STARIES), improved once and rebuilt from the ground up, the Staries armour is also Jesui's heroic identity. It was built based on designed acquired by Axion Industries during the war some 20 years ago, and used to develop a smaller, man-sized combat machine to counter terrorist or war mecha effectively. It came with several weapons, but all were upgraded into the newest and best model. Note that this system only works via the Sphere Reactor, meaning the armor is basically at 20% of its capacities without Jesui piloting it, and to all system scans.

  • Primary Systems
    • Realtime Autonomous Movement: Allowing the Staries to fly about in the air perfectly, almost negating gravity. This is accomplished via the following systems, but it allows him to basically fly around and do mid-air combat and precise maneuvers.


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.