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(Notable Members)
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File:Alexander.jpg|Alexander Vlado, Sturmbannfuhrer of the SS.
File:Alexander.jpg|Alexander Vlado, Sturmbannfuhrer of the SS.
File:Carmilla.jpg|Carmilla, Vampiress and Blood Sorceress.
File:Carmilla.jpg|Carmilla, Vampiress and Blood Sorceress.
File:Andrei_Konstantin.jpg|Andrei Konstantine, Shaper and Shapeshifter.
File:Andrei_Konstantin.jpg|Andrei Konstantin, Shaper and Shapeshifter.
File:nosferatu.gif|Harry the Smelly, spy and saboteur.
File:nosferatu.gif|Harry the Smelly, spy and saboteur.
File:Laura.png|Laura the Blood Witch, childe of Carmilla.
File:Laura.png|Laura the Blood Witch, childe of Carmilla.

Revision as of 17:19, 15 August 2012

The Fang Clan
World War II Blood Clan.
Also Known As The Blood Clan
Organization Type Vampire Nazis
Leadership Alexander Vlado (WW2, Deceased);
Andrei Konstantin, (Modern times,Deceased);
Laura (Current);
Dracula (Overall)
Membership Carmilla, Currently Deceased;
Harry the Smelly, Deceased;
Associated With Odio, J-Revival.
Related To Vampires, Lycan Race.

The Blood Clan is a race of vampires, servants of Dracula, which were active in World War II, where they fought on the Axis side. Essentially, they are Nazi Vampires.


The history of Dracula is a long and sordid one and the Blood Clan's is only part of it. But it's important to know that they are all childer of the Dark Lord.
During World War II, a vampire who became an SS Sturmbannfuhrer (major), and led a special operations squad of Nazis in the European theater. Assisted by Dracula's servant, Carmilla, they added necromancy to the SS' arsenal, raising undead troops and eventually creating the dreaded cybernetic Nazi, Panzer Demons.
They were opposed by the actual Fang Clan, Werewolves who joined the Allied forces, into the elite squad called the Wolf Pack, combining several anti-Nazi sympathizers, such as Frank Andrea, Jack, and the field medic, Doctor East. After a long and bloody battle across the European Theater, the Blood Clan was defeated, and Vlado was given the True Death.

Current Objectives

Survivors of Vlado and Carmilla's lines aligned with other Nazi vampires, even those not from Dracula's blood, to gather up stored weaponry in the early millennium. They invaded a castle in France (Mont St-Michel), which had already been the theater of another supernatural massacre, where the Nazi Occupation had stored several Panzer Demons and other plans from Vlado's era.
They uncovered a genuine force, and carried them away to form a Private Military Company, intending to use the Nazi symbolism and their vampiric might to cut a swath of terror and destruction across the globe. They were then seemingly recruited by an unknown party, and added Plaguebearers and Totenkampfer to their arsenal, though one is new and the other was unused during WWII.
They renamed themselves the Fang Clan to mock their ancestral enemies, because unlike them, time has not withered their numbers into oblivion, and more are made to this day. Upon Laura taking charge of the group, however, they have re-dubbed themselves the Blood Clan, because she has recently come in contact with their founder, and he did not appreciate the change of his own christening.

Notable Members

  • Alexander Vlado: An SS Sturmbannführer (equivalent to major) from a race of ancient vampires called the Blood Clan. Appears pale and ghoulish. Currently deceased.
  • Carmilla: One of Vlado's officers, and of his same vampire race. Has little regard for human life. Currently deceased, probably.
  • Andrei Konstantin: Childe of Vlado, and leader of the renamed Blood Clan. A strategic mind with incredibly fleshcrafting powers. Currently deceased.
  • Laura: Childe of Carmilla, necromancer and blood witch of the Blood Clan. Playful and almost friendly, but heartless as her sire.
  • Harry the Smelly: A spy and infiltrator, possibly from Orlock's bloodline, and loyal to the Nazi ideal. Currently deceased.
  • moxom: A new vampire, with disturbing derangements and a fascination for apparently symmetry.
  • Oleksy: A new vampire, who uses mind tricks on others, and seems to focus solely on girls.


  • Nazi Zombies: Exactly what it says on the tin. They are Nazi soldiers (and allied soldiers..) raised through necromancy to work for the Fang Clan.
  • Panzer Demons: Cyborg Nazi soldiers. They are essentially walking tanks, and the backbone of the Blood Clan's military might.
  • Totenkampfer: Dead Soldiers. Nazi Supersoldiers, created through foul alchemy, science and necromancy. They are superhuman in every way, and undead.
  • Totenkannon: The mix between artillery and Panzer Demons. Nazi zombies mechanically grafted onto walking artillery. Called 'Mortillery' by the Clan.



  • The Blood Clan was renamed the Fang Clan because the GM is apparently illiterate. He fixed that with this page.
  • They are tied to Castlevania and Vampire: Master of Darkness' Dracula.