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Kanako Tsukiyomi
A.K.A. "Unprecedented Stylish Girl", Kana-chan, Kana-chi, "Queen"
Age 15
Voice Actor
Relatives Amu Hinamori - Mother
Ikuto Tsukiyomi - Father
Utau Hoshina - Aunt
Ami Hinamori - Aunt
Tadase Hotori - Family friend
Rima Mashiro - Family friend
Yaya Yuiki - Family friend
Kukai Suoma - Family friend
Kairi Sanjo - Family friend
Nagihiko Fujisaki - Family friend
Series Shugo Chara!
  • Name: Kanako Tsukiyomi
  • Age: 15
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: June 25th
  • Sign: Cancer
  • Parents: Amu Hinamori & Ikuto Tsukiyomi
    • Place of Birth: Seiyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Character Change & Character Transformation
    • Hobbies: Playing the piano, collecting wind chimes, hanging out with friends, building houses out of cards
    • Likes: Manga, photography, beating others at poker, various styles of clothing
    • Dislikes: P.E., large bodies of water, boats, shallow people
    • Favorite Food: Crepes
    • Least Favorite Food: Carrots
    • Favorite Music: J-Pop & Classical/Instrumental
    • Favorite Sport: None
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Fortune Lock
    • Level of Education: Seiyo Middle School (Senior - 8th Grade)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'5"
    • Weight: 126 lbs.
    • Eyes: Gold
    • Hair: Dark blue
    • Special: Pierced ears, always wearing a choker of some sorts


Kanako is a small-framed, petite young girl that shares many similar traits from her mother and father. She has warm, soft peach skin and a delicate face that accentuates her round, bright gold eyes. A trait she shares from her mother while her head sports a mess of straight, short, dark blue hair that is either left the way it is, tucked neatly behind her pierced ears, or held together with fashionable hair clips. Her features definitely belie her actual age and she seems far too cute for just a fifth-teen year old and instead, more or less seems like a twelve year old. It's not uncommon for many people to mistake her actual age or treat her younger by way of looks. Depending on the occasion, she wears many different styles of earrings, but will always seem to inevitably revert back to her mini butterfly ones, a gift from her Aunt Utau.

It also depends on the type of occasion what she would be wearing on a daily basis as well. Her outfits can range from something sweet or simple, to something dark or punish. It all depends on the type of mood she's in, so her choice of style is always left to be mystery which makes others more prone to liking her because they never know what to expect. Still, she seems to take a liking after her mom and dresses in a sort of cute, punk-goth style with her signature colors as orange and black or orange and pink. And just like her earrings, Kanako will -always- have some sort of choker around her neck that will match her outfit for consistency unless something happens otherwise.


As far as a personality, Kanako has grown into a cheerful, bright, collected, and mature young adult. She has her moments and her days just like everyone else. There are times when she's immensely cheerful and energetic: depending on how much caffeine and sugar she consumed or how well her day was going, and there are days where she's depressed or gloomy. Her moods are always fluctuating because she's not a full-grown lady yet and is still a bit fickle with her emotions, easily moving from one thing to next without warning sometimes. Still, lots of times she can be seen by others as a very calm and collected person, always polite and outgoing. However, despite being in shape and at a reasonable weight, Kanako shows no signs of ever becoming remotely interest in sports and has poor coordination skills with a noticeable dislike for anything athletic. Still, she's growing tired of putting on the random, spontaneous facade that everyone expects her to be lately.


The Beginning

With the wedding and reunion of her parents, Amu Hinamori and Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Kanako Tsukiyomi was born on June 25th in the local hospital known as, Seiyo Medical Elite. It was a wonderful and joyous day as many of their friends and relatives came to see the new arrival. At the time, Kanako was too small and overwhelmed to remember meeting her two aunts, Ami and Utau nor her only grandparents on her mother's side. It was also the first time she met their close friends such as Tadase, Rima, Yaya, Kukai, Kairi, and Nagihiko. Upon their arrival, there was a sudden, warm glow in the room eminating from Amu's Humpty Lock and Ikuto's Dumpty Key and with a startling surprise, the two items disappeared in a mass of sparkles. At first, everyone was speechless and worried until another lock reformed round Kanako's neck carried by a light gold chain. The close knit group realized that this was a sign of new things to come for them and Amu's daughter. So, they decided it would be a wonderful new start for a future generation of Guardians at the private elementary school, Seiyo Academy, with Kanako standing at the Queen's Chair. However, this time, it would be merely out of fun and encouragement for the student body instead of a secret organization meant to find the Embryo and purify the X-Eggs like in the past. Yet, it was still unknown as to what person possessed the reborn key to Kanako's lock now.

Childhood & The Guardians

After a loving childhood with plenty of praise and wonderful stories from those close to her, Kanako grew up to the proper age that she could be inducted into the grade school and after wards became a part of the 1st Grade Star Class. Everyone looked at Kanako with high hopes and standards, reminding her it was her destiny to do this and that they would always be around to support her endeavors, especially her mother and father. However, Amu and Ikuto were not new to the past troubles they had also faced to get this far and tried to make sure that Kanako did not get mixed up in their past affairs. Over time, other capable children were recruited into the Guardians little club and started to fill up the empty positions left behind. Kanako would find her true and most best friends in these specific children since she would spend most of her after school activities with them in the Royal Garden, a small, castle-shaped greenhouse in the back of the school surrounded by flowers and greenery. While in the Guardians and sitting at the Queen's Chair, Kanako took on many important duties such as taking student complaints, suggestions, comments, and ideas to make Seiyo Academy a better place. It was mostly paperwork, but having her close friends nearby made it fun and easier to take seriously.

The Fifth Year

In a few more years, Kanako grew older, more refined, and more capable of becoming independent as she made it all the way to her 5th year at Seiyo Academy. Still, during that school year in the spring, something was bothering her greatly. Many of her classmates would refer to her as the "Unprecedented Stylish Girl" since she would wear whatever she felt like and it was completely random from each day to the next. One day she would be wearing something lolita-like and then the next day wear something darker and more gothic. At first, she thought it was funny, but then over time it grew annoying and she grew confused. She felt it was wrong for them to judge a book by its cover and wondered why they would just notice this, but nothing else. Why didn't they notice the real her? Ironically, she went to her mother for help who had suffered the same fate as a kid herself, it only made her laugh kindheartedly and give her daughter one piece of advice, "Just find your true self".

Searching For Your Self

Kanako took her mother's advice to heart, but she became far too engrossed in Guardian work to really think about it deeply. Still, there were some days where it nagged at the back of her mind. So, one night she curled up on her bed after having another discussion with her mother and father and just laid in silence, thinking deeply. She thought and she thought, but kept getting no where until finally she just sighed and went to sleep. The next morning, she made a startling discovery when she awoke, at the foot of her bed, she found three colorful little eggs. She sat there dot-eyed and completely overtaken in a "what the hell" moment, wondering where on earth the eggs came from. She freaked out a little when they started to wiggle and move, nearly falling out of bed from sheer surprise. The eggs broke apart in half with a simple crack and from the eggs came three people. They were small in height and insanely cute, almost chibi-like. In response to their so-called "birth", her lock began to glow faintly as well, as if responding to them. They explained to Kanako that they were her wishes, her would-be selves called Guardian Characters that lie dormant inside her heart until she was ready to decide what she really wanted to be. Believe it or not, she took it rather well, much more well than her mother did initially when she had her first Guardian Characters. So, from that moment on, Kanako became inseparable from them as she continued on with her daily life having a series of ups and downs and some crazy moments whenever they cause trouble for her. And, just like her mother, she also doesn't appreciate random character changes either. It wasn't too long for the other Guardians to develop their Guardian Characters as well during that time and still no sign of the person who possesses what they deemed now as the "Treasure Key" to Kanako's "Fortune Lock".

Curiosity Vanished The Girl

Through the years of being a Guardian at Seiyo Academy and dealing with her Guardian Characters, Kanako graduated from Seiyo Academy and moved into the fresh start of middle school. Along with her came her friends from the Guardians as well as they graduated together, making sure Kanako didn't have to face middle school by herself and alone. In the following years, Kanako continued to grow up and currently faces her last year in middle school with her Guardian Characters still close behind as she remains undecided on her true self yet. On an outing after school with most of her friends already home, Kanako walks by a strange, abandoned house, at first she pleasantly ignores it until one of her Guardian Characters claim they see something shining in the light of one of its windows. At first, she dismisses the idea that anything would be in such a run-down place until she spots what she thinks might be a figure hurrying away from the window. Curious and confused, Kanako edges closer towards the main gates of the house and pushes them open, wondering if it was the person holding the key to her lock possibly. Little did she know that her curiosity and strong urge to find this person would bring into an adventure of her very own...


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Good
  • Athletics: Novice
  • Stealth: Abysmal

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Intimidation: Novice
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good
  • Investigation: Novice
  • Medicine: Novice
  • Law: Abysmal
  • Occult: Abysmal
  • Politics: Abysmal
  • Science: Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal
  • Survival: Abysmal
  • Swimming: Abysmal
  • Empathy: Good
  • Animal Ken: Good
  • Piano: Amazing
  • Poker: Amazing
  • Writing Musical Scores: Very Good
  • Photography: Very Good
  • Building Things Out of Cards: Good

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • None at the moment


(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.)

  • Character Transformation: Prism Sun
    • Guardian Character Used - Chi
    • Character Change - Kanako's earrings change from their current state to a pair of small, golden suns signifying she's using abilities from Prism Sun. Her choker's charm also changes to a sun.
    • Techniques -
    • Weapons -
    • Appearance - When Kanako says "My heart: Unlock", she undergoes a full character transformation with Chi and transforms herself into something entirely different from her current state.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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