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Physical Skills:
Physical Skills:
*Alertness: (+4) Incredible
*Alertness: ('''+4''') Incredible
*Athletics: (+5) Amazing
*Athletics: ('''+5''') Amazing
*Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.): Amazing
*Stealth: ('''+5''') Amazing
*Ninjutsu: Amazing
*Ninjutsu: ('''+5''') Amazing
*Taijutsu: Very Good
*Taijutsu: ('''+3''') Very Good
*Kenjutsu: Amazing
*Kenjutsu: ('''+5''') Amazing
*Shurikenjutsu: Incredible
*Shurikenjutsu: ('''+4''') Incredible
*Duel-Wielding: Amazing
*Duel-Wielding: ('''+5''') Amazing
**Throwing Weapons: Incredible
**Throwing Weapons: ('''+4''') Incredible
**Dual Cypher Swords: Amazing
**Dual Cypher Swords: ('''+5''') Amazing
Social Skills:
Social Skills:
*Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..): Incredible
*Subterfuge: ('''+4''') Incredible
*Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.): Very Good
*Streetwise: ('''+3''') Very Good
*Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..): Very Good
*Intimidation: ('''+3''') Very Good
*Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
*Expression: Good  
*Expression: ('''+2''') Good  
*Ettiquette: Good
*Ettiquette: ('''+2''') Good
*Performance: Incredible
*Performance: ('''+4''') Incredible
Mental Skills:
Mental Skills:
*Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly'): Very Good
*Computers: ('''+3''') Very Good
*Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly): Novice
*Investigation: ('''+1''') Novice
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Other Skills:
Other Skills:
*Driving (arguably physical, but..)
*Driving (arguably physical, but..)
*Survival (as in wilderness): Amazing
*Survival (as in wilderness): ('''+5''') Amazing
*Empathy (some people have more than others): Novice
*Empathy (some people have more than others): ('''+1''') Novice
*Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
*Animal Ken:
== Special Abilities ==
== Special Abilities ==

Latest revision as of 02:10, 4 April 2015

Hien Hayaboshi
A.K.A. The Flying Pervert, the Skirt Flip ninja
Age 20
Voice Actor Kousuke Toriumi
Relatives Kenji Hayaboshi(father), Miho Hayaboshi(mother), Sumi Hayaboshi (twin sister)
Series Original background but character based from Strider Hiryu (video game series)
Player Tommy
  • Name: Hien Hayaboshi
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: September 28
  • Parents: Kenji Hayaboshi(father), Miho Hayaboshi(mother)
    • Place of Birth: Konohagakure
    • Nationality: Uh Konohanese? Looks like of Japanese descent.
    • Specialty: Stealth(especially for peeking at girls/women), ambidextrous(due to learning to dual-wield his Cypher swords)
    • Hobbies: Reading, drinking, smoking (just to look cool in front of guys and girls)
    • Likes: Cute/sexy females(16 and older please)
    • Dislikes: Anyone who impedes his actions(usually his girl chasing or female baths peeking), intensely hates Hiryuu because of their rivalry(wouldn’t give a second thought about killing him), being pressured to do something in certain situations
    • Favorite Food: Spicy food, anything that is bbq’d and is of the meat persuasion
    • Least Favorite Food: Eggplant, brussel sprouts
    • Most Valuable Possessions: A silver chain-linked bracelet on his right wrist, a gift given to him by Mariya, his former teacher that he admired.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kousuke Toriumi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5' 8"
    • Weight: 140 pounds
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Grey scarf or his pony tail


Younger Hien (age 16)
Emo Hien when there's no hawt girls around
Head shot
Hien with the cypher blades, Winged Edge


Loyal, kind-hearted, generous... Everything that Hien is not. He is nowhere to any of those three things. People who really knows Hien know that he is a jerkface overall. He isn’t the type that is serious, so that whenever he says something casual it usually offends the other person if they took it seriously.

He cannot keep his mind focused on one thing and so whenever something else interrupts his train of thought or piques his interest, Hien usually changes his mind right away and go investigate that particular something. That along with the combination of puberty hitting him hard turned him into an openly-perverted teenager that continuously pursues any pretty girl or woman.

Along with the jerkiness, Hien may seem outright selfish, only wanting to cover his own ass in certain situations. This is no illusion, he really is selfish. Although after leaving his first ninja team (where Hiryuu was leader of), his selfishness has gone down to the point of being able to function with his current team.

Any remote signs of ‘normal’ behavior exhibited by Hien is usually when he is tired or around his family (dad+mom+twin sister).

Any seriousness can only be drawn out at the presence of a certain individual. One that he had grew up with in his childhood. That person is none other than Hiryuu. Hien absolutely resents Hiryuu and despises his very existence.


On the 28th of September, Kenji and Miho were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. They were named Hien and Sumi respectively. Hien and Sumi turned out to be identical twins. They grew up normally as possible. They were loud and rowdy kids but nothing particularly bad about them until the age of 5. That’s when Hiryuu first moved into their neighborhoods. Hien found a best friend in Hiryuu and Sumi found someone to adore. The twins began behaving, trying to impress Hiryuu since he was from a noble family. Hiryuu and Hien were inseparable, always hanging out with each other and looking out for each other’s back. As assumed they even formed a ninja team with each other with the inclusion of Kana, a girl placed to make the team a little more balanced. Who was their leader? A jounin named Mariya, Hiryuu’s older sister. It was puppy-love at first sight with Hien. He simply adored her and loved receiving attention from Mariya. It was around when they were 15 that he began noticing that everyone had favored Hiryuu immensely because of his family’s pre-established and highly regarded skills. At first, this did not bother Hien so much until what he thought was a minor thing turned into a daily major annoyance. Hien’s friendship with Hiryuu gradually diminished, and in the end they turned into rivals. The only thing that kept Hien on the ninja team was his infatuation with Mariya.

A year later, there was news of bandits marauding around outside of the village. Mariya was part of the team that was sent to track and exterminate the bandits. There were reports of the bandits using a weird kinjutsu. After the investigation was over, only one returned back alive. Mariya, covered and stained with the blood of what everyone assumed at first was the bandits. She had reported that the bandits were taken down for good, which was the truth. But what they didn’t know was that the bandit leader used a kinjutsu on Mariya where it would permanently implant a homicidal urge that would trigger involuntary at random times, along with altering the mind to cast off the reason why they just killed as simple mood swings and casually went about their lives as if nothing just happened.

Days later after Mariya’s return, Hiryuu decided to visit Mariya but to Hiryuu’s horror he would not find a warm scene where a teacher was passing her knowledge onto willing students. Instead, he found a gruesome scene of blood and human body parts splattered all over the walls and floor. The one responsible for this chilling scene stood in the middle of the room, grasping a dead student by the throat with her blade impaled through the chest. All Hiryuu could manage out was Mariya’s name before she rushed at him, forcing Hiryuu to fight for hours until they were both thoroughly exhausted. The both of them took heavy injuries. At the end, the two had only enough strength for one last attack. With their cypher swords drawn, they charged at each other with their last ounce of strength and swung their swords. As their swords traveled to one another, Mariya snaps out of her homicidal tendencies and quickly holds back on her attack to allow Hiryuu to deliver to killer blow. And it was only then Hiryuu realized he got back the sister he has always known, and pleaded to his dying sister why did she do such a terrible thing but he received no answer as Mariya took her last breath before passing on.

The next day, everyone was at an uproar over the student killings. When Hien discovered that Hiryuu was responsible for Mariya’s death, this drove Hien over the edge and he completely severed his friendship with Hiryuu completely. No matter how much Hiryuu tried to explain, Hien refused to listen. Hiryuu not only took the attention but also took away the one person that ever treated him nicely... the one he adored. Only on that day of Mariya’s death would he stand to tolerate Hiryuu's presence when it was time for both to visit Mariya’s grave to pay their respects.

He is a professional assassin and sabotage expert, as well as a master spy. Since he severed his ties to Hiryuu and the ninja team he was with, this has given him a lot of free time to allow him to pursue his one true happiness… chasing after pretty girls and pitching woo at them. <3


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: (+4) Incredible
  • Athletics: (+5) Amazing
  • Stealth: (+5) Amazing
  • Ninjutsu: (+5) Amazing
  • Taijutsu: (+3) Very Good
  • Kenjutsu: (+5) Amazing
  • Shurikenjutsu: (+4) Incredible
  • Duel-Wielding: (+5) Amazing
  • Weapons:
    • Throwing Weapons: (+4) Incredible
    • Dual Cypher Swords: (+5) Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: (+4) Incredible
  • Streetwise: (+3) Very Good
  • Intimidation: (+3) Very Good
  • Leadership:
  • Expression: (+2) Good
  • Ettiquette: (+2) Good
  • Performance: (+4) Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: (+3) Very Good
  • Investigation: (+1) Novice
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving (arguably physical, but..)
  • Survival (as in wilderness): (+5) Amazing
  • Empathy (some people have more than others): (+1) Novice
  • Animal Ken:

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)


- Tsubame no Kyuukouka (Swallow’s Nose Dive) Usually requires a couple of summoned bird familiars. Since Hien lacks a little in the physical strength department, he makes up the impact with high velocity. With the familiars summoned, he is usually launched straight up into the air then a bird familiar will interrupt Hien’s ascent by grabbing his outstretched arms then spins with the momentum to launch Hien back down to the ground with added velocity headfirst back at the opponent before quickly shifting his body to drive his heel into his opponent’s face/chest. The attack ends with a second part where he twists his lower body to swing his other leg to deliver a side kick to knock the opponent away from him before he lands.

- Senpuukyaku (Whirlwind Leg/Foot) Hien has to start with his back towards his opponent before leaping backwards with great force in order for him to spiral around to deliver a swinging kick. Persistent training will allow him to add more kicks into a succession of hits and include chakra into his feet to further increase the impact.


- Chisenpuu (Bloody Whirlwind) Similar to the the Senpuukyaku. With his swords in each of his hands, Hien will twist his body to start spinning at high speeds like a spinning top with the blades sticking out to slice down anything in his way. Unlike the Senpuukyaku, Hien can continue to spiral with the aid of chakra to maintain him in the air. At his current level, he has a hard time controlling the direction which makes it a little dangerous to allies as well as foes, but when fully mastered it will rip asunder anything in Hien’s chosen path.

- Hien (Swallow in Flight) With the swords combined at the hilt, Hien can now throw it to cut down his opponent or pretty much anything in its trajectory. If nothing is struck or it hits something incredibly dense, the combined swords will boomerang back to Hien for him to catch it back.

- Midare-Giri (Savage Slash) A chakra-charged wide slash that produces five additional slashes all converging at the apex of the original slash, giving the appearance of a hemi-sphere in front of Hien.


- Futon: Fuudou no Jutsu (Wind Release: Wind Tunnel) After succesfully completing the hands seals necessary for this jutsu, Hien will take in a deep inhale then exhale a large blast of wind from his lungs which immediately forms into a impenetrable tunnel of wind in one direction only at his current level. He can use the tunnel to travel to the other end of tunnel at inhuman speeds or use it to disperse weapon projectiles or dangerous mist.

- Futon: Kirisaku (Wind Release: Cut up/Tear to Pieces) After successfully completing the necessary hand seals to start the technique, Hien will be able to summon enormous amounts of chakra to flow into his twin Cypher swords. Once the swords are combined together at the hilt, all Hien needs to do is throw it at his grounded or trapped target. The motion of his throw generates the necessary force for the combined sword to spiral in a counter-clockwise Then Hien will perform the last seal followed by the incantation, “Hanatte(Release)!” which then releases the stored up chakra in swords which exits through the opposite tips. The sudden surge will cause the sword to spiral very rapidly much like the blade in a blender as a dome of air entraps his target after the chakra release. This can only performed if the opponent is on the ground and Hien is above somewhere, basically they have to be trapped with something solid in order for the air dome to encase the target. It takes a lot of effort and concentration to maintain the chakra in the air dome + keeping the spinning blade centered in the dome.

- Futon: Kasairyuu (Wind Release: Stone Wind) After forming the necessary seals, a tornado quickly forms right under Hien's opponent sucking them up into the center of the whirling winds. Chunks of earth also gets sucked into the tornado, bashing right into the victim from every single direction. The chunks breaking into smaller pieces and repeating over and over again while new earth chunks gets sucked in. In the finale, the tornado turns into a vertical column of violent wind sending the opponent straight into the ground (similar to being fired by a sling shot).

- Futon: Habataki (Wind Release: Fluttering of Wings) After forming the necessary seals, Hien will be able to summon hundreds of bird familiars to fly around randomly in the area to create an opportunity for Hien to make a hasty escape in the chaos. Hien’s pursuers will be deafened by the birds’ loud chirping/singing and the enemies' vision will be severely limited for a few moments by the massive amount of feathers and birds flapping around.

- Futon: Hikui Tenkuu Assaku no Jutsu (Low Air Pressure Technique) This technique makes the air pressure in a room drop dramatically, causing anyone inside to fall asleep. It can only work in an enclosed area like a building or room.

- Futon: Soyokaze (Wind Release: Gentle Breeze) Currently set at 30 min time limit starting at the end of the seal formation, any object coming in for a harsh impact at any part of Hien's body will be heavily cushioned by a chakra-empowered gust of wind that feels soft and gentle like running into a pillow.

- Futon: Ichijin (Wind Release: Gust of Wind) After forming the necessary seals, this jutsu allows Hien to quickly manifest wind-fused chakra anywhere around his body and using that to propel himself in any direction at ridiculous speeds. Commonly used by Hien in his zany, perverted antics, like a ground slide-by skirt flip, or severely confuse the f#@! out of his opponents by literally bouncing all over the place in random directions.

- Futon: Skirt Flip no Jutsu (Wind Release: Skirt Flip) This jutsu can be executed quickly due to the extremely short number of seals needed to performed. Hien will raise a hand to form a circle with his fingers then blow through it to send a quick gust of wind towards an unsuspecting female wearing a dress, skirt, flap, etc.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Ambidextrous (2): Due to training with his swords so much, handling weapons or items with either hand feels natural to him.
  • Catlike Balance (2): +1 Bonus to rolls relating to balance. Incredibly well-balanced and well-composed, even on the most awkward of surfaces or perch.
  • Double-Jointed (1): +1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping. All from years of practice sneaking in and running for his life to escape enemies and/or angry girls/women he offended/annoyed.
  • Daredevil (3): You love to take risks, and are damn good at living through them. +2 Bonus when risking your life. Because hawt women are totally worth it and chicks totally dig scars.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Winged Edge - Geometrical Cypher, range class. The Geometrical Cypher is a special variation of the common Cypher, a set of two Cypher blades capable of being combined into a single weapon. They are similar to a normal Cypher, but lack their standard tonfa-shaped hilt, instead replaced by a mechanism that allows them to be joined together in different forms. They have a small grip stowed away at the base of the blade, which is pulled out to hold the weapon. Pair of twin cypher swords that can be combined together at the hilts into a throwable boomerang-like projectile for ranged attacks, or seperate from each other for melee attacks. Like Hiryuu's cypher sword, he can channel his chakra into the blade(s) to form a plasma-like charge coursing up and down the blade's surface which gives the cypher swords the ability to cut through most known metals.
    • Techniques:
      Hien going through different stances while using the Winged Edge.
      • Twin Tigers
        • Hien cypher form1.png
        • Form 1: "Twin Tigers" (一の型「双虎」) is the basic form of the weapon, the two Cyphers are held separately and used as normal swords. The Cyphers are often used as twin swords and swung individually, and they are as deadly and sharp as a normal Cypher. They can also be used together for advanced techniques that use its plasma output, such as clashing the edges to generate a trail of plasma or crossing them to shoot a large plasma beam forward. This form is the most flexible of the three, as it has techniques to attack at close, mid and long range.
      • Dragon Claw
        • Hien cypher form2.png
        • Form 2: "Dragon Claw" (二の型「龍爪」) is a form geared towards defense. The Cyphers are joined in a straight line, with each Cypher pointing at opposite directions. The main technique seen with this stance is Hien's defense move, where he spins the Geometrical Cypher around and creates an effective shield which protects him from any attack. The weapon is also mounted in this form when not in use, connected to a small opening in the back of Hien's loose-fitting belt.
      • Phoenix
        • Hien cypher form3.png
        • Form 3: "Phoenix" (三の型「炎鳳」) is the most characteristic form of this weapon, a throwing form used for long distance attacks. Both Cyphers are joined in a boomerang or "v"-shape, with each Cypher pointing at the same direction[1]. Once thrown, the Cypher will home in on the closest enemy, fly away and then return to its wielder, slashing anything in its way. The form's only drawback is that, until the geometrical Cypher returns, the user is left defenseless and vulnerable to attacks.
  • Hien Cardboard Cutouts - Seemingly endless supply used with the kawarimi no jutsu (substitution jutsu). Usually used as a stand-in for him when he's in a group of people or with a girl and just discovered something else that piques his interest (ie. an even hotter girl).

Items Of Note

  • Basic ninja gear - Shurikens and kunais, rope, paper seals, explosive tags, etc.
  • Portable camera/camcorder - Never know when you are going to need one! Uses to record his adventures and any hawt girls he encounters. <3
  • Spy equipment - Your standard arsenal of nightvision goggles, track devices, tiny radio transmitters, etc.
  • Paralyze Knife - A magically-enchanted knife that causes paralysis but no physical damage. Received from Zan on Mission #40. (06/21/2012)
  • Magical Champagne Bottle - Received from Big Mama on Mission #40, supposedly whoever drinks the content will fall madly in love at first sight. (06/21/2012) Tonic wanted to take the magical champagne away from Hien for safe-keeping but Hien challenged her to a duel for it.. a game of rock-paper-scissors where he lost. :( So Tonic has the bottle now.
  • Achilles - Devil ARM gained from a mission. More info here.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

  • Girls. Simply that. Well, no. Cute, pretty, sexy or beautiful ones.
  • More of a speed kind of a guy, so he is kind of lacking in the strength department.
  • Hatred (3): F$@!-iing hates Hiryuu with all his being. Will not hesistate to attack and/or kill him.
  • Compulsion (1): Always compelled to peep at sexy ladies or generally anything perverted (panty raids, etc).
  • Vengeance (1): His lifelong goal is to avenge the death of the only woman that ever treated him kindly.

NPC(s) to go with char

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