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Ferrofluid Body: As it is controlled via nanomachines, and due to its inherent nature, magnetic fields and powerful magnets will desynchronize his nanomachines and make his ferrofluid useless. He's constructed himself with this in mind, so a simple refrigerator magnet won't make him completely useless, but a magnetic storm or something widescale will definitely deal a lot of damage.
Ferrofluid Body: As it is controlled via nanomachines, and due to its inherent nature, magnetic fields and powerful magnets will desynchronize his nanomachines and make his ferrofluid useless. He's constructed himself with this in mind, so a simple refrigerator magnet won't make him completely useless, but a magnetic storm or something widescale will definitely deal a lot of damage.
File:Jach-skies.png|Jach in his usual mood.
[[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Loche's Characters]]
[[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Loche's Characters]]

Revision as of 09:35, 10 September 2014

Jach Swiftblade
Age Over 1,000, Looks 17
Voice Actor
Relatives Galvan Swiftblade - brother
Series Original
Player Eric
  • Name: Jach Swiftblade
  • Age: Over 1,000, Looks 17
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday: August 1st
  • Parents: --
    • Place of Birth: The Old World
    • Nationality: Looks Caucasian
    • Specialty: Engineering, Science
    • Hobbies: Everything
    • Likes: Everything
    • Dislikes: Things he has to dislike
    • Favorite Food: Chicken
    • Least Favorite Food: Vegetables that aren't corn
    • Favorite Music: Techno
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Himself
    • Level of Education: Demigod
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 220 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black, sometimes brown
    • Special: Much of Jach's body, including the side of his neck, right cheek, forearm, ribcage, and left leg are covered in a sheen of metal.


Jach is about 17, so pretty young. He looks like his brother, Galvan Swiftblade, so slight resemblance to Johnny Depp if he were younger. Has a tendency to do big goofy Luffy grins like =D. A bit pale, with deep brown eyes that nearly match the trademark Swiftblade black hair. Doesn't have the sharp, angular facial features that Galvan does, so his face is less narrow - he's not fat or anything, just not very sharp in looks. He likes jackets.


Jach considers himself a scientist above everything in this world and any other; bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, he will go out of his way to help anyone and anything. He's a bit gullible, but always means well - this can get him into odd situations. Despite his age, he continually acts 17...sometimes younger.


On the Old World, Jach Swiftblade was a god.

Blessed with intelligence far, far beyond his time, Jach possessed the ability to comphrehend things beyond the ken of any of his peers - when other engineers were busily mastering catapults and steam engines, Jach was researching the atom and space travel. Convinced that there was a world beyond the stars, he left his brother Galvan Swiftblade on a quest to prove it was *there*.

He was right.

Jach traveled for years, returning with knowledge and experience that raised him above those he had considered equal just like him; the populace of his homeworld revered him as a god, a title he took with a great deal of responsibility, solving what he could of the world's traumas while carefully letting his subjects progress at their own level. He was benevolent, and he was happy, until circumstances beyond his control caused the world's destruction. He and his brother managed to escape, and decided to split up - Jach was firm in his belief that if he ever needed him, his brother would come, and he felt he needed much in the way of time alone after such a loss.

The years and centuries passed. Jach met many people - including rescuing a young synthetic human with curly purple hair - and proceeded to do many things before finally deciding that a) that synth may need him more than ever shortly, and b) he wanted to find his brother.

In the usual odd way fate works, he found both in the same place.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for.

(Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)(Sight-Based +6)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)(Balance-Related +5)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Novice
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Novice
  • Performance (Keyboard/Piano): Amazing (+5)
  • Performance (Singing): Amazing (He usually doesn't unless prodded.)(+5)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing (+1 Ability Aptitude) = (+6)
  • Investigation: Incredible (+4)
  • Medicine: Very Good (+3)
  • Law: Abyssmal
  • Occult: Abyssmal
  • Politics: Novice
  • Science: Amazing (+5)
  • Technology: Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible (+4)
  • Survival: Novice
  • Empathy: Novice
  • Animal Ken: Novice
  • Languages: English, Japanese, German, Binary, C++, HTML

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
High Science: Jach Swiftblade is incredibly gifted with computers and engineering - so much that his mind rarely stays on one thing, bouncing from thought to thought easily and quickly. He can grasp cybernetic systems of other worlds very quickly, and can easily think outside of the box.
Scouter Eyes: Jach's eyes can toggle all manner of modes, locking onto targets to aid in targeting, as well as detecting heat and energy signatures at all levels.
Repulsor Flight: Jach can fly, using his feet as repulsor points. He can go middling to fairly fast, and can even carry people using his enhanced strength, but he's weighed down by this considerably depending on the person (or object).

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Active Regeneration: Jach's nanomachines not only aid in the control of his ferrofluid abilities, but also help him regenerate from flesh wounds. He's not Cell or anything, but he can damage soak with the best of them, taking far, far more than his frame looks able to take. The pain is certainly still there, however.
Enhanced Strength: Jach's cybernetics up his strength beyond a normal human's.

Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.
Catlike Balance (2): +1 Bonus to rolls relating to balance.
Unaging (2): For some reason, you never age. While this has its benefits, if you know people long enough, they'll start to notice you not getting any older, which may cause some suspicion. While it's unlikely you'll die of old age, this merit does not keep you from getting ill or wounded. (Galvan has shared the secret of his immortality with Jach - a Swiftblade secret they guard with their lives.)
Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
Ability Aptitude - Computers (1): Jach is REALLY GOOD at computer tech, both software and hardware.
Acute Senses - Sight (1): Jach's eyes are enhanced to the point of his brother's, able to work as a scouter, identify hostiles and traps at times easily.
Time Sense (1): You have an inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Legacy Engine: The true name of Eletian Carmichael's power source, Jach's Legacy Engine is entirely non-magical, unlike Letty's - it is an incredibly powerful and durable energy source that powers all of his cybernetic systems, including his eyes. Jach is the creator of the Legacy Engine, but another, more sinister man, Dietrich Weber, has been known to know its secrets in the past.
[Energy Field] - Jach can construct a powerful domed energy shield at a moment's notice, able to deflect many types of attacks, including gunfire and laserfire.
-[Super Energy Field] - By spinning in place once with his arm extended to guide the field, Jach can extend the field *outwards* as a counterattack. As it extends with great speed, the wall can be considered a high-velocity attack, fast enough to resemble a hit by a car.
[Repulsor Blast] - Powered from Jach's palms, Jach can fire sharp bursts of energy as a projectile, or more commonly deflect assaults in melee or from range with sharp sweeps of his hands with concussive blasts. The output of these can go from simple repulsion without injury to concussive force with knockout intent to lethal with only a thought.
Ferrofluid Body: Jach's entire body is imbued with ferrofluid - his blood even has traces of the stuff in it, and a great deal of his powers come from it. With only a thought, he can call ferrofluid - liquid-like metal - from various points in his body to cover himself in armor, or to act as weaponry, forming it to whatever end he desires - shields, walls, giant fists, sword arms, anything. He can also use these to extend his limbs at the joints, greatly enhancing his reach (a la Luffy, but not rubber).
[Millennium Cannon] - Utilizing his ferrofluid in tandem with the Legacy Engine, Jach can form the entirety of his arm into one great energy cannon. The blast that results is typically a fuckoff wave that boasts incredible power, rivaling ship weaponry if he has enough time to charge (usually a turn). He can also use this cannon to blast into the ground itself to propel himself great distances.
[Ubercharge] - One of Jach's most potent abilities, Ubercharge utilizes the Legacy Engine's incredible power to funnel energy into any other mechanical or cybernetic beings, or even powered suits - this funnel of energy strengthens defensive and offensive capabilities, enhancing the power source for efficient rerouting to their unique abilities and granting a thin but potent sheen of shielding to the ally. Jach needs to be close (and hopefully behind) the target while he does this.
[Captain Cold's Cold Gun] - A versatile gun with various settings, this gun is advanced technology that can shoot blasts of cold, freezing to various lethal and non-lethal degrees. ...I lied about being versatile, it freezes.

Items Of Note

Miniature Gold Guitar Trophy- ...says 'CHILDREN READING = POWAR' on it. Won in a trivia contest in mission 82.
? Block- Obtained in Mission 93, this ? Block contains, when hit from the bottom, a magical leaf that gives Jach raccoon ears and a tail.
Capsule Corp Capsule- A small capsule that can contain anything, gained after Mission 100. Currently, Jach's capsule contains his ? Block. He has this on him at all times.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!
Hero Worship (1) - You idolize absolutely idolize someone, and disobeying them requires an effort of will . You also are at -2 penalty to any roll that may force you to admit/realize that your hero may be in the wrong... if the GM feels you should roll for this. (Jach believes his brother, Galvan Swiftblade, hung the moon and made the stars.)
Deep Sleeper (1): Waking up is hard; getting you moving is hard enough (-2 on all rolls to wake up), getting you comprehending what's going on after you're up isn't much easier (Your rolls in the next few minutes.. up to 30 minutes.. are at -1.)
Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.
Bard's Tongue (1): What you say tends to come true; you can't control this prophetic ability, and the compulsion to speak an uncomfortable truth is often very hard to resist (difficulty 8). The GM should feed you the occasional line to say out loud.
Phobia - Insectoids (1): The perennial Swiftblade phobia is familial - anything bigger than a dog that's an insect, Jach will go out of his way to avoid, due to past...bad experiences.

Ferrofluid Body: As it is controlled via nanomachines, and due to its inherent nature, magnetic fields and powerful magnets will desynchronize his nanomachines and make his ferrofluid useless. He's constructed himself with this in mind, so a simple refrigerator magnet won't make him completely useless, but a magnetic storm or something widescale will definitely deal a lot of damage.