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Kazuya wanted to be the best swordsman in all of Eorzea because he couldn't bear the thought of disappointing or failing his parents. He seeked out rumors and legends of a man who's battle prowess with the sword was so insane it crossed the line, spat on it then jump way over to the realm of insanity. This man was known as simply '[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=File:Brock.jpg Brock]'. It took him many months to even find a clue that would eventually lead up to Kazuya finding the elusive man named Brock. At first Brock rejected Kazuya, expressing he did not want a stupid and weak child as a pupil even literally giving Kazuya a boot to the ass that would send him flying down the mountain. But Kazuya perservered with his strong determination, always returning everyday after work to practice without Brock's guidance until Brock accepted him as his pupil. It wasn't until an incident involving a group of [http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=File:Kobold.jpg Koblolds] outnumbering and ambushing Kazuya that Brock witness and was impressed by Kazuya's will to fight and survive.  He also observed that Kazuya carried very rare and special gift, known as the 'Echo'. Brock intervened with the fight, telling the severely-injured Kazuya, "Get strong quickly, there's no time to waste. Pay attention kid. Burn this scene into your eyes." It was there, Kazuya witnessed first-hand Brock's insane strength, cleaving a small portion of the mountain to strike down all of the Kobolds at once.
Kazuya wanted to be the best swordsman in all of Eorzea because he couldn't bear the thought of disappointing or failing his parents. He seeked out rumors and legends of a man who's battle prowess with the sword was so insane it crossed the line, spat on it then jump way over to the realm of insanity. This man was known as simply '[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=File:Brock.jpg Brock]'. It took him many months to even find a clue that would eventually lead up to Kazuya finding the elusive man named Brock. At first Brock rejected Kazuya, expressing he did not want a stupid and weak child as a pupil even literally giving Kazuya a boot to the ass that would send him flying down the mountain. But Kazuya perservered with his strong determination, always returning everyday after work to practice without Brock's guidance until Brock accepted him as his pupil. It wasn't until an incident involving a group of [http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=File:Kobold.jpg Koblolds] outnumbering and ambushing Kazuya that Brock witness and was impressed by Kazuya's will to fight and survive.  He also observed that Kazuya carried very rare and special gift, known as the 'Echo'. Brock intervened with the fight, telling the severely-injured Kazuya, "Get strong quickly, there's no time to waste. Pay attention kid. Burn this scene into your eyes." It was there, Kazuya witnessed first-hand Brock's insane strength, cleaving a small portion of the mountain to strike down all of the Kobolds at once.
Kazuya would diligently train under Brock's guidance.. which was extremely unorthodox methods of training (surviving and walking off a kick from Brock that landed you iinto the side of a mountain, crazy shit like that) and random shouting lectures about being a man and doing manly stuff. Kazuya's parents were of course worried about his welfare and well-being, he wasn't even an adult yet and he was faced with many dangerous monsters and Brock's crazy-ass training. Many years later, after honing his skills as an expert gladiator under Brock's tutelage, Brock took him for the final test. Since Kazuya is of Ul'dahn nationality, Brock declared that Kazuya's final test is to fight a mythical magical creature of legend, the Primal known as [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXG7yfI8Eng Ifrit].  
Kazuya would diligently train under Brock's guidance.. which was extremely unorthodox methods of training (surviving and walking off a kick from Brock that landed you iinto the side of a mountain, crazy shit like that) and random shouting lectures about being a man and doing manly stuff. Kazuya's parents were of course worried about his welfare and well-being, he wasn't even an adult yet and he was faced with many dangerous monsters and Brock's crazy-ass training. Many years later, after honing his skills as an expert gladiator under Brock's tutelage, Brock took him for the final test. Since Kazuya is of Ul'dahn nationality, Brock declared that Kazuya's final test is to fight a mythical magical creature of legend, the Primal known as [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXG7yfI8Eng Ifrit]. Only the Amaalj'aa beastmen knew how to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXG7yfI8Eng summon] Ifrit but Brock bartered with them to arrange the destined fight between Kazuya and Ifrit. Kazuya would barely triumph in his fight against Ifrit. His reward? A hearty punch to his gut by Brock, forcing Kazuya to kneel down on the ground, which allowed Brock to present him with another reward. A special sword crafted from the blood of Ifrit, the King Crimson Glory. A blazing sword that matched Kazuya's passionate devotion. His training with Brock is officially over.
His parents noticed his proficiency with swords and strong vigil against robbers/unruly thugs/etc, and decided on his 18th birthday that the delivery business should not be his future. If he really wanted to help people out, they suggested that he should try to apply to join their nation's Grand Company, the Immortal Flames.
His parents noticed Kazuya's dedication to his training with swords and strong vigil against robbers/unruly thugs/etc, and decided on his 18th birthday that the delivery business should not be his future. If he really wanted to help people out, they suggested that he should apply to join their nation's Grand Company, the Immortal Flames.
== Skills ==
== Skills ==

Revision as of 23:19, 1 April 2012

Kudo Kazuya
Kazuya profile.jpg
A.K.A. The Crimson Avalanche, Flame Sergeant Third Class
Age 21
Voice Actor Reuben Langdon
Series Final Fantasy XIV (original character)
Player Tommy
  • Name: Kudo Kazuya
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: June 20
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: The Great City-State Ul'dah
    • Nationality: Ul'dahn
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Reuben Langdon
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2" (187 cm)
    • Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg)
    • Eyes: Light Blue
    • Hair: Red
    • Special: Eyes, due to being unusally bright blue.


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His parents raised him to be a good samaritan. Honest, humble and hard-working. He helped his parent's general goods store by doing the deliveries by truck to various cities and hamlets. Dislikes lazy people and hates bandits/thieves stealing from honest folks.


With his dog, Jager, sitting in the bed of the chocobo-pulled wagon, Kazuya did not have a care in the world when he was thirteen. Delivering much needed supplies to villages and cities brought him great joy, seeing the warm smiles and happy expressions whenever folks see his delivery wagon rolling into view. The happy image turned sour when he began constantly running into bandits trying to steal his parent's precious cargo. Kazuya started learning to defend himself with rifles when he first started out young delivering for his parents. Then one day got into a close-quartered fight with a mugger, defending himself against a dagger with just a simple metal pipe. It was here, Kazuya developed a liking to close-quartered combat, picking up the sword as his chosen weapon.

Kazuya wanted to be the best swordsman in all of Eorzea because he couldn't bear the thought of disappointing or failing his parents. He seeked out rumors and legends of a man who's battle prowess with the sword was so insane it crossed the line, spat on it then jump way over to the realm of insanity. This man was known as simply 'Brock'. It took him many months to even find a clue that would eventually lead up to Kazuya finding the elusive man named Brock. At first Brock rejected Kazuya, expressing he did not want a stupid and weak child as a pupil even literally giving Kazuya a boot to the ass that would send him flying down the mountain. But Kazuya perservered with his strong determination, always returning everyday after work to practice without Brock's guidance until Brock accepted him as his pupil. It wasn't until an incident involving a group of Koblolds outnumbering and ambushing Kazuya that Brock witness and was impressed by Kazuya's will to fight and survive. He also observed that Kazuya carried very rare and special gift, known as the 'Echo'. Brock intervened with the fight, telling the severely-injured Kazuya, "Get strong quickly, there's no time to waste. Pay attention kid. Burn this scene into your eyes." It was there, Kazuya witnessed first-hand Brock's insane strength, cleaving a small portion of the mountain to strike down all of the Kobolds at once.

Kazuya would diligently train under Brock's guidance.. which was extremely unorthodox methods of training (surviving and walking off a kick from Brock that landed you iinto the side of a mountain, crazy shit like that) and random shouting lectures about being a man and doing manly stuff. Kazuya's parents were of course worried about his welfare and well-being, he wasn't even an adult yet and he was faced with many dangerous monsters and Brock's crazy-ass training. Many years later, after honing his skills as an expert gladiator under Brock's tutelage, Brock took him for the final test. Since Kazuya is of Ul'dahn nationality, Brock declared that Kazuya's final test is to fight a mythical magical creature of legend, the Primal known as Ifrit. Only the Amaalj'aa beastmen knew how to summon Ifrit but Brock bartered with them to arrange the destined fight between Kazuya and Ifrit. Kazuya would barely triumph in his fight against Ifrit. His reward? A hearty punch to his gut by Brock, forcing Kazuya to kneel down on the ground, which allowed Brock to present him with another reward. A special sword crafted from the blood of Ifrit, the King Crimson Glory. A blazing sword that matched Kazuya's passionate devotion. His training with Brock is officially over.

His parents noticed Kazuya's dedication to his training with swords and strong vigil against robbers/unruly thugs/etc, and decided on his 18th birthday that the delivery business should not be his future. If he really wanted to help people out, they suggested that he should apply to join their nation's Grand Company, the Immortal Flames.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness (How alert you are.)
  • Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
  • Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
  • Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
  • Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
  • Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
  • Expression
  • Etiquette
  • Performance

Mental Skills:

  • Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
  • Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving (arguably physical, but..)
  • Survival (as in wilderness)
  • Empathy (some people have more than others)
  • Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
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Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
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Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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