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[[Vaelgir Stormblade]]
[[Toki Stingray]]
[[Aimi Utada]]
[[Luca Sparda]]
[[Kenji Kakita]]
[[Zack Strife]]

Revision as of 02:01, 15 February 2012

This section has been created for Agents to make proposals for their own personal investigations.. either in their own worlds/dimensions or just areas where they think would harbor vital information.

Investigation Entry #1

Proposal: Following up to find information on Ain and the other two companions that were present in Operation #2 and Operation #4. Going to go to Nibelheim, an old town, to see if there are any leads.

Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: FF7 World
Agent Posting: Izumi
Status: Open

Vaelgir Stormblade Belle Izumi Aku Toki Stingray Aimi Utada Luca Sparda Kenji Kakita Zack Strife