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Chaos is the term used by mortals to describe the malign spiritual force of supernatural disorder that afflicts the Known World. It is a potent force composed of pure magic -- in fact Chaos is magic -- that can unleash physical mutation and spiritual corruption upon sentient beings. In perspective, Chaos is akin to the ocean, a constant, roiling force of emotion-fuelled change, the very opposite of the rigid physical laws that govern the natural world. Like the ocean, its power is one that waxes and wanes over time, but this tide constantly batters and seeks to invade the mortal plane of existence.
Chaos is embodied by the malevolent intelligent entities comprised of pure magical energy that live in the extradimensional Realm of Chaos. These entities are shaped by the same psychic emanations of mortals as the realm itself. The beings native to the Realm of Chaos -- the entities mortals call the Daemons of Chaos -- are malicious, always watching with amusement as mortals destroy each other and the physical world.
The Chaos Gods, also referred to as the Ruinous Powers and the Dark Gods among mortals, are the most powerful Daemonic gods or entities that embody the metaphysical force of Chaos. They exist within the Realm of Chaos and their power and very existence derives from and is sustained by the darker emotions and deepest psychological drives of the various intelligent species of the Known World.[4a]
There are many minor Chaos Gods extant within the Realm of Chaos but the four major Chaos Gods -- Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle -- are particularly infamous and powerful, and possess great influence over the world. Each embodies a particular and very basic aspect of mortal existence, those being wrath, change, pleasure, and death, respectively.
Blood of the Blood God. The Chaos Warriors of Dyagon have a devotion to spread Chaos to everywhere they go, and everyone they meet. They exist to spread war and death everywhere they go, and amass more powers for their Dread Lord. King Dyagon has sworn himself to Chaos, and his ultimate purpose is neverending war, against everyone who will not bend the knee.<br>
Blood of the Blood God. The Chaos Warriors of Dyagon have a devotion to spread Chaos to everywhere they go, and everyone they meet. They exist to spread war and death everywhere they go, and amass more powers for their Dread Lord. King Dyagon has sworn himself to Chaos, and his ultimate purpose is neverending war, against everyone who will not bend the knee.<br>

Revision as of 17:37, 8 October 2023

Dyagon's Chaos Troops
Also Known As Chaos Warriors of Khorne
Organization Type Military Faction
Leadership Varan Dyagon
Membership Chaos Warriors, Chaos Champions, Chaos Daemons.
Associated With Khorne, the Blood God.
Related To Varan Dyagon

A troop of Chaos Warriors of Khorne, who have accepted King Varan Dyagon as their ruler, due to his power and charisma, as well as his pure devotion to Chaos.


Chaos is the term used by mortals to describe the malign spiritual force of supernatural disorder that afflicts the Known World. It is a potent force composed of pure magic -- in fact Chaos is magic -- that can unleash physical mutation and spiritual corruption upon sentient beings. In perspective, Chaos is akin to the ocean, a constant, roiling force of emotion-fuelled change, the very opposite of the rigid physical laws that govern the natural world. Like the ocean, its power is one that waxes and wanes over time, but this tide constantly batters and seeks to invade the mortal plane of existence.

Chaos is embodied by the malevolent intelligent entities comprised of pure magical energy that live in the extradimensional Realm of Chaos. These entities are shaped by the same psychic emanations of mortals as the realm itself. The beings native to the Realm of Chaos -- the entities mortals call the Daemons of Chaos -- are malicious, always watching with amusement as mortals destroy each other and the physical world.

The Chaos Gods, also referred to as the Ruinous Powers and the Dark Gods among mortals, are the most powerful Daemonic gods or entities that embody the metaphysical force of Chaos. They exist within the Realm of Chaos and their power and very existence derives from and is sustained by the darker emotions and deepest psychological drives of the various intelligent species of the Known World.[4a]

There are many minor Chaos Gods extant within the Realm of Chaos but the four major Chaos Gods -- Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle -- are particularly infamous and powerful, and possess great influence over the world. Each embodies a particular and very basic aspect of mortal existence, those being wrath, change, pleasure, and death, respectively.


Chaos is the term used by mortals to describe the malign spiritual force of supernatural disorder that afflicts the Known World. It is a potent force composed of pure magic -- in fact Chaos is magic -- that can unleash physical mutation and spiritual corruption upon sentient beings. In perspective, Chaos is akin to the ocean, a constant, roiling force of emotion-fuelled change, the very opposite of the rigid physical laws that govern the natural world. Like the ocean, its power is one that waxes and wanes over time, but this tide constantly batters and seeks to invade the mortal plane of existence.

Chaos is embodied by the malevolent intelligent entities comprised of pure magical energy that live in the extradimensional Realm of Chaos. These entities are shaped by the same psychic emanations of mortals as the realm itself. The beings native to the Realm of Chaos -- the entities mortals call the Daemons of Chaos -- are malicious, always watching with amusement as mortals destroy each other and the physical world.

The Chaos Gods, also referred to as the Ruinous Powers and the Dark Gods among mortals, are the most powerful Daemonic gods or entities that embody the metaphysical force of Chaos. They exist within the Realm of Chaos and their power and very existence derives from and is sustained by the darker emotions and deepest psychological drives of the various intelligent species of the Known World.[4a]

There are many minor Chaos Gods extant within the Realm of Chaos but the four major Chaos Gods -- Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle -- are particularly infamous and powerful, and possess great influence over the world. Each embodies a particular and very basic aspect of mortal existence, those being wrath, change, pleasure, and death, respectively.

Blood of the Blood God. The Chaos Warriors of Dyagon have a devotion to spread Chaos to everywhere they go, and everyone they meet. They exist to spread war and death everywhere they go, and amass more powers for their Dread Lord. King Dyagon has sworn himself to Chaos, and his ultimate purpose is neverending war, against everyone who will not bend the knee.

Known Members

Gaen Swordhand: A Blackguard whose allegiance switched to King Dyagon after meeting him during the Three Year Jump, his power and faith brought him into the King's service. He is the General of Dyagon's armies, due to his raw power, experience, and Dark Powers, though some summoned Chaos Lords and Chaos Daemons have other opinions on the topic, but none of them would oppose the King. Or last very long against Gaen.
Chaos Daemons: From the Realm of Chaos they come to conquer and destroy, creatures of magic in service to the darkest of gods. Armies flee before them. Devastation lies behind them, for destruction is the gift they bring to warriors of all races, causes and creeds. They are the Daemons of Chaos, the servants of insane and blasphemous gods, and they will not rest until the world shares their madness, until all that is clean, orderly and natural is smothered in the stuff that is raw Chaos.
Chaos Lord: A Chaos Lord is a Chaos Warrior and Chaos Champion who has earned, through the shedding of blood and carnage unimaginable, the greatest favour of the Chaos God Khorne. Every Chaos Lord is a mortal combatant who has earned the highest regard of the Chaos powers short of having achieved Daemonhood itself. Each is a legendary engine of mass destruction whose deeds have destroyed armies at a whim and whose skill at arms have decapitated rival Chaos Champions by the dozens.
Chaos Champions: Exalted Heroes, or Chaos Champions as they are more commonly called in the Old World, are mortal paragons of Chaos, usually Humans, of unusually deadly ability and lethal intent who have sworn their service to one of the four major Chaos Gods or to Chaos Undivided as a whole.
Chaos Sorcerers: Chaos Sorcerers are powerful spellcasters who use the raw Winds of Magic to cast spells and unleash Chaos Sorcery. Those Champions of Chaos who seek mastery over the magical arts are known as Chaos Sorcerers, and they are madmen and malcontents all. They are amongst the most awful and depraved of all servants of the Ruinous Powers, for they long ago sold their souls in exchange for the heady elixir of pure power. Where many of the Known World's wizards, such as those taught by the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf, glean their arcane skill from long years of painstaking research, a Chaos Sorcerer's understanding of the Winds of Magic is often instant and innate. Without the patience and wisdom that such study brings, an inexorable descent into deformity, mutation and madness is nigh on inevitable.
Chaos Warriors: Chaos Warriors are a select group of evil Men who have chosen to forsake their former lives and give themselves wholly to the service of Chaos to become instruments of ultimate destruction. Many, but not all, come from the ranks of the tribes of the Northmen that inhabit the Chaos Wastes and Norsca in the northern regions of the Old World.



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