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== Blessings ==
== Blessings ==
:Blessings are spells that the Paladin can cast to help 'buff' her teammates.
:Blessings are spells that the Paladin can cast to help 'buff' her teammates.
:This works on everyone on her side, and lasts the duration of the battle.
:This works on everyone on her side, and lasts for a short duration. (In game, technically an hour.)
:She can only have one seal active at a time, personally.
:She can only have one seal active at a time, personally.
* Blessing of Might: With this blessing, the whole group feel their damaging capabilities boost.
* Blessing of Might: With this blessing, the whole group feel their damaging capabilities boosted. This seal boosts melee blows and spellpower. (Maybe a bonus to a roll off?)
* Blessing of Kings: With this blessing, the whole group feel themselves emboldened, feeling slightly faster, stronger... overall more powerful.
* Blessing of Kings: With this blessing, the whole group feel themselves emboldened, feeling slightly faster, stronger. This makes people feel like they can move better and cast a spell more clearly. Everyone in the group obtains +1 to Athletics.
* Blessing of Wisdom: With this blessing, the whole group start to rejuvinate their mana (or spiritual energy in relative terms) at an increased rate for a short time.
* Blessing of Wisdom: With this blessing, the whole group start to rejuvinate their mana (or spiritual energy in relative terms) at an increased rate.
= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =

Revision as of 22:07, 8 December 2015

Saelina Sunstriker
A.K.A. Saelina of the Light
Age 80 (Young Adult)
Voice Actor Kana Ueda
Relatives Mr. & Mrs. Sunstriker
Series Warcraft
Player Soul
  • Name: Saelina Sunstriker
  • Age: 80 (Young Adult)
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: October 25th (Scorpio)
    • Place of Birth: Silvermoon City, Azeroth
    • Nationality: Elven
    • Specialty: Paladin
    • Hobbies: Reading, Hiking, Exploring
    • Likes: Nature in general. Quiet.
    • Dislikes: Disrespect.
    • Favorite Food: Apples.
    • Least Favorite Food: Boar Meat. She's had her fill.
    • Favorite Music: Gentle/soft music.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kana Ueda
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 109 lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Her Eyes Glow


Saelina prefers to dress in very light gowns and dresses, playing up the girly elf that she wishes she could normally be. However, due to her line of work, she dresses up in full armor with a sword and shield.


Saelina is a bright and cheerful elf, though she does sometimes seem a bit negative. She tries to care for others equally, but she is too young to act like a real adult. She has a disdain for those who practice the dark arts, as that's what once destroyed her home and ruined the Sunwell.


Saelina grew up during the third war, when her peaceful home was invaded by the Scourge. Her home destroyed, the Sunwell defiled, and her brethren turned into the undead, Saelina was thrown from her peaceful life into a harsh, cold, world. Fleeing to Outland, she learned to become a Blood Knight to survive the harsh conditions of her new life. Upon seeing the insanities of Kael'thas Sunstrider, she left and joined the Scryers of Shattrath, and eventually, the Horde, returning to home to try to right what has gone wrong. Since the Sunwell's rebirth and her home being rebuilt, she feels better, but the scars remain, and she tries to push forward as a proper Paladin of the Light.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: +2
  • Athletics: +3
  • Stealth: +2 Without Armor.
                -1 With Armor.
  • Subterfuge: +1
  • Intimidation: +2
  • Leadership: +2
  • Expression: +3
  • Etiquette: +4
  • Computers: -2
  • Medicine: +2
  • Occult: +3
  • Driving: +2 if it's an animal.
  • Survival: +4
  • Empathy: +3
  • Animal Ken: +5

Special Abilities

  • Avenger's Shield: She hurls her shield at an enemy, dealing holy damage to the enemy and silencing them for a few seconds. The shield will also bounce to hit a additional targets before returning to her.
  • Avenging Wrath: Going into a sort of berserker state, she goes into a holy power overcharge, increasing her melee strikes drastically for a short time. While this is active, four golden wings of holy power form upon her back, signifying the power boost.
  • Divine Storm: She summons holy power to strike down multiple foes in her immediate proximity. This ability manifests as gold colored hammers and streams of light swirling around the paladin.
  • Cleanse: She is able to cast a purification spell, removing poisons or diseases placed on an ally.
  • Divine Protection: A faint bubble of energy forms around her, protecting her from partial damage for a short time.
  • Divine Shield: A more powerful bubble of energy encompasses her, protecting her from all incoming damage for a short time, including fall damage. This can not be used in rapid succession.
  • Exorcism: This being a purification, as well as an offensive spell, is used to try to expel evil energies from a person or opponent.
  • Flash of Light: She is capable of healing someone of minor to moderate wounds. This spell can be cast repeatedly to heal them of more dangerous/life threatening wounds, but drains her energy drastically.
  • Hammer of Justice: Even though it is labeled hammer, it is a simple ability she uses to stun her opponent.
  • Hammer of the Righteous: A holy attack with her weapon that hits multiple enemies right in close proximity to her.
  • Hammer of Wrath: Hurling a magical hammer made out of pure energy, the hammer flies to strike an opponent down.
  • Hand of Freedom: Frees an ally from a movement impairing effect.
  • Emancipate: Unshackle your spirit, freeing you from one movement impairing effect.
  • Hand of Protection: Places a bubble on an ally, protecting them from all attacks from a short time, but also prevents them from attacking for that duration.
  • Lay on Hands: A very heavy costing heal, she is able to revive someone from almost the brink of death with this magical spell, but it takes a lot out of her and can not be used in rapid succession.
  • Light's Hammer: Hurling a magical hammer to the ground, this hammer creates a field of magical energy that arcs through the air around the impact. Lasting a few seconds, it attacks any of those weak to holy power, while healing allies before fading away.
  • Rebuke: This attack interrupts a spellcast, and prevents spellcasting for a very short duration.
  • Redemption: This spell allows her to bring someone back from the dead if they have died very recently.
  • Seal of Insight: Increases heals done to you by 5% and every attack heals by a small percentile.
  • Seal of Justice: Slightly increases holy damage and slows opponent's movement speed by 50%.
  • Seal of Righteousness: With this seal, your attacks deal minor damage to all opponents within a short range.
  • Seal of Truth: This seal deals additional damage to a target, as well as giving them a slight burn to take additional damage for a short time.
    • Note: Only one seal can be used at a time.


Blessings are spells that the Paladin can cast to help 'buff' her teammates.
This works on everyone on her side, and lasts for a short duration. (In game, technically an hour.)
She can only have one seal active at a time, personally.
  • Blessing of Might: With this blessing, the whole group feel their damaging capabilities boosted. This seal boosts melee blows and spellpower. (Maybe a bonus to a roll off?)
  • Blessing of Kings: With this blessing, the whole group feel themselves emboldened, feeling slightly faster, stronger. This makes people feel like they can move better and cast a spell more clearly. Everyone in the group obtains +1 to Athletics.
  • Blessing of Wisdom: With this blessing, the whole group start to rejuvinate their mana (or spiritual energy in relative terms) at an increased rate.

Powers & Merits


  • Arcane Torrent: She silences all enemies within melee range of herself for a short time.
  • Mana Tap: A blood elf trait, she is able to drain the energies from items or other people, replenishing her own mana reserves.


  • Code of Honor (1): You follow a strict personal code, and any attempt to make you break it or act against it via magic or other unnatural coercion (regular coercion is basically impossible) is done with an opposed roll in which you have a +2 bonus. You must write down your code of honor with a GM, and it must be followed at all times. If you break it for frivolous or even worthy reasons, you risk losing your bonuses, because a Code is to be followed for good or ill.
  • Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
  • Iron Will (5): You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.
  • Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Unique Items

  • Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful: This is a reforged sword of the legendary Thalorian Dawnseeker, a holy sword made to fight the Scourge. It was originally crafted by the Night Elves, but has been handed down from generation to generation in the Quel'dorei, until it was lost and then found. It is now in the hands of the Sin'dorei girl, Saelina Sunstriker. This sword holds within it a strong holy power.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Compulsion (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this. Saelina is a Blood Elf. During the time without the Sunwell, Blood Elves had to drain mana from objects, or even people, to sustain their mana. Some fell into despair and became wretched beings. Even though the Sunwell and the Naaru now sustain her energy, she still has temptations from darker times to draw the mana or energy out of an energy or being.
  • Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation.
  • Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.
  • Hatred (3): There is something out there which you absolutely loathe, and will do anything to destroy it. If you need to roll to resist a berserker state, your roll is at a -2 penalty. Saelina does not get along with the Undead or Demons, or those who control them. (She will be fine with the ones working at the Inn, as she knows there are 'tamed' Demons, but opponents may trigger her.)