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=Known Members=
=Known Members=
''A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.''<br>
*'''[http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Reeve_Tuesti Reeve Tuesti]''': Owner and Chief Executive Officer of the [[World Regenesis Organization]] and the [[Shinra]] Coporation. War Hero, and highly respected by all who work under him.
*'''[http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Barret_Wallace Barret Wallace]''': Former rebel, and current Chairman of the Energy Research Division of the [[World Regenesis Organization]]. War Hero. Usually lets people do the science work while he makes sure to keep them ethical.
*'''[http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cid_Highwind Cid Highwind]''': Head of the [[World Regenesis Organization]]'s Air Force and owner of its Airship Fleet.
*'''[[Turks]]''': The [[World Regenesis Organization]]'s intelligence and acquisitions division. They are still feared but a necessity, especially to make sure subsidiary companies operate on the up and up, as well as the occasional job that other soldiers would not want to do. They are mostly in charge of preventing espionage and dealing with dangerous rebels.
*'''[[Ciel Strife]]''': Elite '''Monster Hunter'''. Has a high number of confirmed kills. Has been released from active duty after an accident that left him in a coma.

Revision as of 16:34, 28 October 2014

World Regenesis Organization
WRO Logo.png
Also Known As WRO
Organization Type Military and Environmental Conservation
Leadership Reeve Tuesti
Membership Vanessa Valentine
Associated With Turks
Related To Shinra

The World Regenesis Organization (abbreviated as WRO) is a volunteer organization in the world of Gaia. Their primary objective is to help restore and protect the Planet after the events of the Jenova War, but also act as a transitional replacement for the Shinra Electric Power Company as a government and military.


The WRO was founded by former Shinra Employee Reeve Tuesti sometime soon after Final Fantasy VII. It can be assumed that the origins started with those who worked to evacuate Midgar alongside Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi. Though not related, they appear to have taken up the fight where AVALANCHE left off.
It is funded by a mysterious benefactor. It is heavily implied to be former president Rufus Shinra as penitence for his actions against the planet.
As its name suggests, the WRO was created to restore the world after the damage caused by Shinra. They form a transitional government to keep stability, along with a volunteer army to help protect against any threats to the Planet. They work to find a replacement for Mako as an energy source, a division apparently headed by Barret Wallace. They were also the ones who relocated the former residents of Midgar to the new city of Edge, and helped to construct it from materials of Midgar and the Shinra Headquarters.

War With Deepground

The WRO made its true debut with the arrival of Deepground. Upon their first attacks, the WRO's army sprang into action, fighting back and protecting the people. They immediately went to war with them, trying to discover as much as they could about their origins and keeping as many people from harm as possible.
Yuffie Kisaragi was the main head of intelligence gathering, and as the Tsviets were targeting Vincent Valentine, he was unofficially included in the fighting.
The fighting eventually escalated to the Battle of Midgar, in which the WRO, headed by Cid Highwind and the airship Shera from the air, and Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, and Barret Wallace from the ground.


The World Regenesis Organization's purposes were to fill in the void after the fall of Shinra and the crashing of Meteor. Led and assembled by Reeve Tuesti, the former head of urban development of the Shinra Corporation. Their original purpose was to relocate and provide for the citizens of Midgar displaced after the destruction of the main Shinra Headquarters and the coming of Meteor, then the rebuilding processes that came with the world in ruin. After founding the city of Edge, the World Regenesis Organization's goals took it in its new direction.

Energy Research: The first and most obvious purpose for the World Regenesis Organization is to find and develop alternate sources of energy, some that don't contain or use the Lifestream, or Mako, to prevent precipitating the destruction of the planet. Over time, some of this responsibility has been delegated to Shinra Research and Development due to their production of new technologies, but is still remains the WRO's primary purpose. Over the years, several other forms of energy, usually more than one working together, has allowed the World Regenesis Organization's goal to be mostly accomplished, but they are still in the processes of finding new and better ways to use said technologies.

World Wide Infrastructure: The World Regenesis Organization's original task was not made easy. The collapse of Shinra and their own infrastructure was a boon to countries held down by the Shinra Coporation, but it left the world at large in a state of chaos. By having nearly complete control of travel, energy and technology, it became increasingly difficult for people to go about their day to day lives, especially after the chaos of Meteor, when several of their necessities were no longer provided for. The World Regenesis Organization stepped in at that time, and took it upon themselves to take over Shinra's previous involvement, while weaning off several localities from being completely dependent on them. The WRO is still the largest and most prolific manufacturer and distributor on the Planet, but they have established a more fair economic trade between countries and cities, while providing materials and work for the previously disenfranchised.

Military Protection: The World Regenesis Organization has not, unlike Shinra before them, gone to war with various countries and cities across the world, other than dissidents such as the Remnants, the Tsviets and the J Revival lunatics. However, they have had a strong and impressive military presence, mostly due to the necessities of such after the chaos of Meteor, and have become renowned for their monster hunting division. The WRO's military's primary purpose, save for containing those named uprisings, has been protecting people and providing help in case of monsters and other unaligned attacks. Bandits, raiders, pirates, and monsters alike have been what the WRO forces have fought against since the fall of Meteor, especially in recent years.

Military Power

Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department

The Special Investigation and Development Division of the Safety Maintenance Department serves as private investigators that are responsible for solving cases and arresting perpetrators before handing them over to the World Regenesis Organization for prosecution. In addition to these functions, the group is responsible for scouting and contacting possible new businesses for the company to develop into.
They are typically referred to as the Turks, thanks to their standard uniform of dark suits. They are the ones who gather and process intelligence, and as a group, outrank almost anyone in any of Shinra's military division in influence.

World Regenesis Organization Military Force

The World Regenesis Organization Military force was originally comprised of volunteers who were part of the Midgar evacuation effort, as well as young men and women who had wanted to enlist as soldiers for the Shinra Corporation before the events of Meteor. After the fall of that company, military-minded people as well as young hopefuls thinking the WRO would change the world for the better, as it was starting from the ground up, formed the original force of the WRO Military Force. While they grew to prominence containing pirates and raiders attempting to take advantage of the chaos after Meteor, and the lack of infrastructure, the WRO Military Force had not had any actual combat experience. Due to this, they were less than impressive, especially during the Deepground Rebellion, where war heroes had to return to pull them through.
After that debacle, the World Regenesis Organization hired former Shinra military and SOLDIER members to form their recruits, leading to the development of a well oiled military fighting machine, which allowed them to far more easily contain and control raiders and pirates, forming into three divisions, and a special forces corps.
Army: The bulk forces of the World Regenesis Organization Military Force. These act as much as a deployment army as they do as a national guard, generally stationed around Midgar and Edge, but with outposts all over the world, to respond to rebel forces and raiders, as well as calls for help from various nations and cities. Any city which requested it has had a WRO outpost presence, generally from locals who have enlisted, acting as more of a highly sponsored and trained militia than an outside military force, easing the citizens after their experiences with Shinra.
Navy: The second largest sector of the WRO Military Force, their Navy exists as a coast guard against pirates and monster attacks. They provide security for material transports, as well as protection to coastal towns from both pirates, raiders, and monsters.
Air Force: The smallest branch of the main WRO Military Force, these are soldiers stationed in Cid Highwind's fleet of Airships. Originally simply used to transport ground troops, these are usually the first soldiers to get to a specific location when the call is made, due to their ease of transport. It's worth noting that other than Airship piloting and use of aircraft, there is no statistical difference between the Airy (nickname) and the Army.

WRO Danger Extermination Force

Also known as Monster Hunters. These World Regenesis Organization soldiers are specialists, and generally operate alone or in groups of three (at most). Often, they have access to Materia, either issued from the company or somehow acquired by them, making them more effective than the average WRO soldier. Monster Hunters are highly trained at fighting monsters, from the mundane who rampaged to ruins to the incredibly dangerous ones that live in remote locations. Only the best of the regular WRO Forces are asked to join the Monster Hunters, as they are their equivalent to 'Special Forces'. To join the DEF, the applicant must pass a grueling physical test, reminiscent of what SOLDIER had to go through, and then bring in a monster on their own. The purpose of a Monster Hunter squad is twofold. While most WRO Soldiers are expected to handle monsters as well as raiders, those soldiers act to protect cities and keep the open world monster population in check. They are normally able to use their full equipment, such as vehicles and artillery, allowing for easier containment or chasing off of monsters from around towns. The DEF soldiers are expected to head into areas, usually underground or interior, where artillery and vehicle protection is not available, and clear out whatever's inside. The level of danger is considerably higher for them due to their need to rely on themselves, their weapon, and one or two partners.
This is ostensibly the most 'glorious' job in the WRO Military, and has grown in popularity, due to the lack of actual war, but since the danger factor is quite high, most people do not stay in the DEF after more than a few missions. Those who do have a few perks, but are generally regarded as highly trained elite forces which are not expected to take part of regular wartime activities.

Known Members

  • Reeve Tuesti: Owner and Chief Executive Officer of the World Regenesis Organization and the Shinra Coporation. War Hero, and highly respected by all who work under him.
  • Barret Wallace: Former rebel, and current Chairman of the Energy Research Division of the World Regenesis Organization. War Hero. Usually lets people do the science work while he makes sure to keep them ethical.
  • Cid Highwind: Head of the World Regenesis Organization's Air Force and owner of its Airship Fleet.
  • Turks: The World Regenesis Organization's intelligence and acquisitions division. They are still feared but a necessity, especially to make sure subsidiary companies operate on the up and up, as well as the occasional job that other soldiers would not want to do. They are mostly in charge of preventing espionage and dealing with dangerous rebels.
  • Ciel Strife: Elite Monster Hunter. Has a high number of confirmed kills. Has been released from active duty after an accident that left him in a coma.


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.