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Revision as of 03:07, 11 August 2014

Also Known As The Western World
Organization Type Continent
Membership Bagonia, Donias, Rafisto, Nehekara.
Associated With Rankai Lands
Related To Clan Lambach; Largias Magic; The Church; Council of Sages

The Largias Continent is the Northwestern continent of the world. It is a magically powerful and ethnically diverse land.


A long time ago, the gods waged a war. It was a bloody war, and from the blood spilled, the other races sprang forth. The gods of magic fell to the world and bled out, filling the world with the different forms of magic. This war was fought by the gods' children, in the names of Hynlena and Nemesis, the Dragons. The battle was brutal and vicious, and the continent was formed with the fall of celestial bodies, and the fighting of beings beyond the ken of mortals and immortals alike. When the war was over, when the other gods stopped supporting Hynlena and Nemesis, the celestial order was restored, and peace returned to the heavens.
The world below, however, was left in chaos. The races sprang forth, with the first to harness the magic, those the gods bled on, taking an early lead. The Giants sprang forth from the blood of gods, many claiming power in the elements. The High Elves essentially claimed parts of the world at their own, making nature their own, and beginning to shape the world in their image. Many others stood in the way of the Elves. The Ogres were some of the first born from the war of the gods. They fought against the Elves at every turn. However, the Elves' intelligence and magical power was only rarely matched by the Ogres' ferocity. The Elves took many forests as their own, and decided to make this their home base to expand and take over the rest of the world, shaping it in proper Elven ways.
However, by the times the Elves had been done with setting up their civilization, the other races had already sprang out and grown to match the Elves. Their long lives had made them incredibly patient, but also incredibly unaware of what shorter-lived races would have to accomplish in a hundredth the time the Elves had. The first race the Elves encountered were the Dwarves, and the solid contrast between the two of them put them at odd immediately. Elves and Dwarves have never gone to open war, but the relations between both peoples have always been a Cold War, with humans caught in the middle. The second race that caused the Elves problems were the Orcs, whom immediately began a long-standing racial hatred between both of them, leading to many blood wars, which the Elves had won consistently.
Humans are what changed Largias. Aside from being the most prolific and rapid to reproduce race in the world, with the exception of the Orcs, Humans were also the most adaptable. They built rapidly, expanded, and unlike the sedentary Dwarves and ponderous Elves, the Humans had incredibly expansionist natures. The Humans spread out all over the place, forcing the less fertile and more xenophobic Elves and Dwarves into blocking off their lands from Humans, but without organized opposition, Humans expanded everywhere, from the plains and mountains of Donias, to the crags and cool forest of Nehekara, to the frozen wastes of Bagonia, all the way into Rafisto, where the first Empire Of Man began.

The Empire of Man

The Empire shaped the continent. Expanding from the nicest climate in the continent, Human sages and thinkers gathered, and in lieu of embracing magic and religion, developed science and war. Within a few years (by most other races' accounts), the Empire of Man had begun its expansion, and marched both Northward and to the Southern Continent. Settlements were conquered and had to support an Imperial presence. Other races were forced to stick within their borders lest they were captured by the Empire's soldiers. Slaves were made of other races of Humans, and forced to go man further outposts. Only Nehekara remained mostly free of Imperial interference, due to the machinations and power of Clan Lambach and the Vampire armies. For centuries, the Empire of Man held dominion over Largias. But all good things must come to an end.
By withholding culture and science to Rafisto, other Humans never really felt part of the Empire. By eschewing the other races from their Empire and acting aggressive, they made powerful enemies who could come at them from all sides. By expanding too far North and East, they left their outer garrisons manned by slaves and dissidents who had no love for their masters. And the corruption of the rulers in the capital led to a near complete collapse, when the less advanced Humans stole the technology of the Empire and turned it against them. When the Elves and Dwarves chased them away from their borders. When the Barbarians of the North proved too difficult to fight, and when the swamp lands extended too close to their cities, making them targets of the Lizard People. The Empire fell, and Largias grew from its ashes.

The Age of Miracles

After the fall of the Empire, Human settlements began to grow. Countries stayed as defined by the Empire, mostly, and trade with their newfound allies, the Dwarves, began. Elves, who had seen what Humans could do, began to exit their cities. Some led a massive exodus to Bagonia, no longer wanting to be close to Humans, or Dwarves. But many others traveled into Human lands, even into Nehekara, which had never held any Elves before. When encountering Humans who had begun to learn magic, ancient Elves and them, as well as members of Clan Lambach, got together to discuss magic on a continental stage, and the first Sages were formed then.
Magic began to be taught, to pupils, in schools. It was discussed, dissected, and became the main 'science' everyone in Donias and Nehekara were studying. It even found its way to Rafisto, and while many Imperials claimed to want nothing to do with it, as their science and industry was centuries ahead of others, many outliers in the region learned magic, and there, too, it spread. This era was called the Age of Miracles, because the spread of magic made what seemed impossible incredibly commonplace now, to everyone.
The other reason is because after the Imperial Wars, the Dwarves had revealed their great strength. Technology. The Dwarven technologies were at least on par with those of the Empire, but they had never really shown it on the scale required to make an impact. Cannons, gunpowder, advanced warcraft.. the Dwarves' crafts and technology became a sought out commodity, so trade was open with Humans, via their smaller and less gruff cousins, the Halflings. Actual commerce between nations became a major point across the continent.
This made repelling Orc and Ogre raids easier, as well as kept the Barbarians from being able to come back to Donias from their self-imposed exile in Bagonia, as well as allow settlers who tried to expand their lands into the north able to defend themselves. For the second time, the continent was united, if still divided along geopolitical lines, together in progress, this time mutually beneficial instead of occasionally oppressive.
Religion also returned to the world more openly now. Churches to every god (except Nemesis) began to spring up everywhere, with the priests of various faiths meeting together to discuss theology. While some disagreements arose, the fact that the truly devout felt their gods' presence inside them made doubt of their existences rather moot, and most priests simply agreed that they all had faith in 'The Gods', and their chosen deity was an aspect of reality. Together with the spread of magic, Religion became a major force in the world, with Sages and High Clerics being almost as influential as Kings and Archdukes.

The Age of Wars

This idyll would not last. After the founding of the magic schools and towers, and the Council of Sages, the Elves further divided. Some Elves who wanted to further their magical knowledge, and gain political power and influence even among Human lands, moved south, becoming the Shadow Elves, called as such and shunned by their people. Adventuring Elves became less and less known, and their existence became once again more mythical than commonplace, making xenophobia more common again. Dwarves and Elves had never lessened their antagonism, and their Cold War continues, with Human lands often stuck in the middle. While many skirmishes and short wars occurred along borders, no major war broke out, but general patriotic and territorial feelings swelled, making it all the more likely.
And in Nehekara, the Vampires grew in power. The tales of the Dread Lich had spread far enough that many either sought it out and died, or avoided it entirely. The Humans living in Nehekara became xenophobic and easily cowed, their lives essentially fodder to their vampiric or sorcerous masters. While the rest of the world knew, or at least suspected this, the corruption and simple evil in Nehekara was not going to be moved anytime soon, and most, save the most devout of Paladins, had no intention of trying the impossible to free people who did not desire it.
The Keishig became known during this era. The Khans of the Keishig became known to most Northerners, as the Orcs had stopped killing each other and began to grow as a force. Elves paid the price for the Orcs' organization, as many of their villages were raided and taken over. To this day, both the High Elves and Mountain Elves fight against the Orcs on a regular basis. Bagonia has become a four way war, between the Keishig, the Barbarians, Menelamon and the Frost Giants, with no clear winner in sight, or likely to come out anytime soon.
The Swamp Lands of Rafisto now threaten to overwhelm the region, with the great Cities still standing, but dangerously close to the savage, vicious, and expansionist Lizard People. Only the Empire's alliance with Egypt Land has kept them safe, with their troops now being recalled from across the region and Southern continent. The proliferation of bandits, Ogres and other monsters in the continent is becoming a major problem for all, the the looming threat of war makes the need for adventurers and mercenaries a more prevalent issue every day, lest the countries go to war over some small piece of land, or a misunderstanding over harboring Ogres or mercenaries.


The goal of the organization in detail.





Regions and Countries


The Lands of the Dead. Nehekara is the sub-continent to the far east of the land. It is surrounded by mountain ranges, including Mt. Karks from Failord, where various Slavic-like peoples have lived under the yolk of the undead for centuries. Other countries are vaguely aware of this fact, but due to the undead patience and apparent stoicism, no country has taken the risk to try to declare war on them since the last Plague Wars fr'om years ago. Starting from rather Northern countries with harsh winters, going down to a near-desert climate, the purported origin of Nehekara.
Luozorl: A crag-surrounded country with short summers, harsh winters, and never ending fall, it is one of the countries most open to trade with the rest of the continent. Its capital, Moribidia, is one of the largest cities in Nehakara. It has a militia, but its entire army is contained in Luozorl Castle, where the Archduke rules over the country, from his mountain-side castle, Walach. Moribidia, however, is close to all the mountain passes, and has many visitors, and most people there live in relative safety despite the rumors about their lands, due to their use for the country's economy, or so observers believe. Three Houses (Anabelle, Demion, Yzark) of Clan Lambach are prominent in this land, with House Demion being the most numerous and influential.
Slyvania: he tree-bound country of Slyvania possesses the largest fluvial waterway, the River Stier, going across almost all of Nehekara, birthing almost every major river, and going through the mountains, the only 'safe' way through Nehekara, according to travelers. However, the inhabitants of Slyvania are aware of this, and have extensive patrols from both the local militias and the Kargat, the military police which governs the land, to prevent smugglers and tax travelers. The majority of the land is a lush, forest paradise, and its purported capital city is Fort Essen, a former wartime fort built on the river itself. It is a leader of industry and creation in the country. Castle Vanhaldelschlose is where the Prince of Slyvania lives, and all divisions of the Kargat are to spend one year of service, alternating, at the castle. This land is the land of origin of Clan Lambach, and five Houses divide the area among themselves. House Lahmia, House Neteure, House Zash, House Long, and House Lambach itself.
East Zuul: A nearly barren land, built around a large mountain, appropriately enough called Mt. Zuul, or the Silver Peak. Tying into the mountain range, Mt. Zuul was purportedly a Dwarven miracle of engineering and design, beautiful, sturdy and built to last, but nothing of the Dwarves remains this day. The Silver Peak has become both the Capital and the home of the royal family of East Zuul. Various cities, forts, and trading posts are built around the main mountain, with the other peaks housing larger cities, once again taken from the Dwarves. Fortress Bludhaven practically grows out of the Silver Peak, but its main military force operates out of Zuul itself. The only sources of education and magical knowledge in this land come from Houses Anabelle and Hotario, of Clan Lambach.
Ka-Sabar: A deserted wasteland, crossing the Dead Sea, linked to Nehekara due to its purported origins as the Lands of the Dead. Formerly populated by barbarian tribes, in times long past scholars came to this land, and formed a large city, the planned center of culture for 'AGRABAH LAND'. Unfortunately, one day, a very influential and powerful family took root in the country, and before long, the barbarian tribes had been culled and herded, which was seemingly good for the city of Tien-Ahmed. But before long the entire city cut off all contact with the rest of the world. Today, only nomads live in Ka-Sabar, because it is said that while there is no larger font of knowledge than the city of Tien-Ahmed, to travel there after dark is to seek eternal damnation. The entire country's population are ghouls, enslaved barbarians, and vampires. House Lambach shares the night with the Vampires, having made a deal centuries ago with the undead lords of the place.


Northern part of Largias. There are territories up there, but generally, it is closer to clan holdings than actual lines. The Human population here is closer to barbarian tribes, as well as Vikings. Some more advanced settlements exist, but the Humans who live here are generally nomadic. The more sturdy, advanced cities are the settlements of people coming from Donias, who tried to colonize the North, but have found the native tribes highly resistant. There is proof that the sailors from the North have had trade or something like it with the South, as many of the barbarians here share Nubian traits. It also has Orcs, Ogres, and the Mountain Elves.
Barbarian Territories: The last remnants of a fallen Empire. The Barbarian tribes who populate the North colonized it long before the Orcs organized, long before the people from Rafisto and Donias attempted to move there. The harsh territory did not hinder them, and in fact, they thrived. Living as nomads, and wild men, the Barbarians grew, until the southern armies marched onto them. The massive war against their slaves, sent to die in the wastes, led to both warrior races to respect each other, and the slaves escaped to join with the Barbarians. Most Barbarians are in conflict with each other, though it is generally a warrior's rivalry, and they all band together against outside threats.
Orc Keishig: The Orc Keishig is the formerly warring, currently tightly allied tribes of Orcs from Bagonia, all working together under their leader, Khan Bilge VII. They went from rampaging, borderline barbarous and self-destructive race, always fighting for pride and dominance, to a dangerously well organized and steadily growing population of proud warriors, complete with military training and strategy, as well as an order of knights and soldiers, now making plans to expand outside of their territories. Wandering Orcs have been recalled to Bagonia to rejoin the Keishig. They have been warring with the Barbarian tribes, the Frost Giants, and the Mountain Elves.
Ogre Territories: Ogres are not organized, but many band in the deeper parts of the forests, near mountains, or anywhere they can eat and fight at will. While Ogre territories are VERY dangerous, they do not have any organized hierarchy save for bands of them, and more than half of the Ogres wander down into Donias. Various groups of Marauding Ogres, and some sort of Ogre knighthood (though this mostly means Ogres who were trained to fight and escaped, or passed on their skills, no actual codes of conduct) have formed in Bagonia, but it has served almost entirely for Ogre raids on Barbarian or Orc tribes.
Menelamon: An offshoot of the High Elves who've removed themselves from their race, and the rest of the world. Menelamon is the Mountain Elf homeland, a mountain that reaches into the skies. It is the most inhospitable place in Largias, and the hardest to reach. Elves are fiercely protective of their homeland, and have several highly trained rangers to prevent any invasion. They have been at open war with the Orcs for several years, though most fights turn into skirmishes. Whatever villages on the ground, or in forest, the Elves of Menelamon have had to defend against Orcs, usually unsuccessfully, and have moved back into the Mountain entirely.


Western part of Largias, connects all four areas. Most diverse race/species ratio, with the major kingdoms of Humans, Elves and Dwarves located here. The region is crisscrossed with roads traveling to and fro everywhere else in the continent. However, there is heavy tension between regions. The Humans have a tenuous alliance with one another, though occasional border skirmishes and disputes occur relatively often. The Elves and the Dwarves do not get along, at all, and Elves are distrustful and close-minded towards Humans. Very little trade takes place between the Humans and Elves. Dwarves and Humans neighboring their lands have a trade agreement, but generally are on neutral terms with each other.

  • Volk:
  • Ylisstol:
  • Plegia:
  • Vagold:
  • Reeshiel:
  • Zanbos:

Failord: A basic land. It is allied to a neighboring country. It is ruled by a Duke. It is a peaceful land, due to being near the center of everything, and its proximity to the Karks Mountain range, which leads into Nehekara. Failord is a country kept safe by how useful it is to travelers, and many adventurers and garrisons pass through here.
Elf Land: Where the Elves live. A huge, magically crafted forest refuge, almost invisible to any looking for it. Bordering on Bagonia and Donias.
West Zuul: The main land of the Dwarves. A massive mountain range, larger than the one in East Zuul. It is hollowed out and serves as a whole country to the Dwarves. The lands around the mountain contain Dwarven settlements, as well as other small humanoids. Halflings are the farmers and tradesmen of the West Zuul lands. They have an easy time interacting with humans and dwarves, and since their stout cousins live in the mountains, they need the Halflings to farm and harvest.


The Southern part of Largias, and the origin of most roads and civilization in the continent. This is the origin of a large, multi-continent expansion campaign. They were the seat of an all-powerful empire, which pushed several other types of humanoids away from lands held by humans. They are also the reason so many different races of humans form the Northern Barbarian tribes. The Empire, however, fell on hard times due to decadence and rebellion, and while they are still the dominant military power in the south, they have become far less expansionist, and turned to protecting their holdings. After a few centuries, there was a detente, mostly due to the presence of the Shadow Elves, and the expansion of the previously contained Lizard People, as swamp land increased and advanced all over Rafisto.
Agrabah Land: Generic Arabian Nights type place.
Rome Land: A former empire, collapsed under its own weight, and decadence. It has recently become active again, though more to clean itself up. Its technology was luminary, but it fell into disrepair.
Shadow Elf Land: The domain of the outcast Elves now calling themselves the Shadow Elves. They live by the sea and in a fully built city, bordering a large cliff. While their population is centralized, their agents and outposts are all over their small but influential lands. They restrict movement in and out of their land and police the sea almost zealously, and will generally attack other Elves on sight. The feeling is mutual.
Swamp Lands: A large, invasive, jungle filled area, home to devoted human settlers and incredibly vicious Lizard People. The lands grow a little each year, invading northward, giving the Lizard People all the incentive they need to propagate. These lands are divided in Tribal Holdings, less than actual geographic lines.


  • Making things up as I go along, so take some stuff with some salt.
  • Names are taken shamelessly from other sources, primarily Masoukishin: The Road of Erementar.