World Video Boxing Association

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World Video Boxing Association
Also Known As WVBA
Organization Type Boxing Championship
Leadership N/A
Membership Mr. Sandman, Super Macho Man, Glass Joe, and more
Associated With Punch Out Minor Circuit, Punch Out Major Circuit
Related To Punch Out

The W.V.B.A (World Video Boxing Association) is a fictional company in the Punch-Out!! series.


It was founded in 1987, called the W.V.B.A. Little Mac joined the W.V.B.A when Doc Louis went here. It says that there can only be a few boxers in each circuit. It's also not responsible for any frustration.
The World Video Boxing Association, commonly abbrieviated WVBA, is the boxing association which sanctions the matches in the No Weight Class Division. The WVBA was founded in or before the year 1984 and reached its peak between 1987 and 1990. It sadly sank into obscurity after 1994, only to resurface in 2009, better than ever.


To provide quality entertainment and sponsor new up-coming talent in the Boxing World.

The WVBA is infamous for its unique rules, including the three-knockdown TKO rule, bouts which last only 3 rounds or a single round of unlimited time, and a complete disregard for weight classes. They also forgo boxing judges, allowing the referee to decide the winner if it goes to decision. It is also guilty of looking the other way when cheating occurs, whether it be kicking, spitting, or even the use of weapons. When the WVBA returned in 2009, it added a rule which allows boxers who have suffered 100 losses to wear headgear during sanctioned bouts.

Known Members

World Circuit

  • Mr. Sandman
  • Super Macho Man
  • Bald Bull
  • Soda Popinski
  • Aran Ryan

Major Circuit

  • Bear Hugger
  • Piston Hondo
  • Don Flamenco
  • Great Tiger

Minor Circuit

  • King Hippo
  • Disco Kid
  • Von Kaiser
  • Glass Joe


  • Chocolate bars and Sodas apparently pump you up sometimes.