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The Wilds
Wilds Logo.png
Also Known As Mad Gear Lite
Organization Type Criminal Organization
Leadership Elan
Membership Officer Cherry; Sweet Daddy; Chinaman.
Associated With Metro City
Related To N/A

The Wilds is one of the gangs endemic to Metro City. Their leader has good relations with the police.


Elan appeared suddenly without warning a few years back, bringing Chinaman with him. Before long, he had cornered several parts of the city from weaker groups, and had organized himself well enough to be a power player in Metro City. When some gangs saw how well he was doing, they moved against him, but they were found dead and their gangs became part of his small private army. The landscape of Metro City had gotten to belong to The Wilds by almost 25% at this point, and none of the others wanted to oppose them.


Elan's goal is to form a private army from the gangs of Metro City, but first he has to take over what he can. His current goal is to assemble the brightest and the best, forcing his lower level gang members through mixed martial arts training and moving them into an effective fighting force, but he needs more muscle, which is why he's been researching the work of Father Bella in the last few years.

Known Members

  • Elan: The leader. A very cultured and intelligent man with incredible charisma and a propensity for violence.
  • Chinaman: Elan's bodyguard. A master swordsman and a former Shaolin Monk.
  • Officer Cherry: A policewoman who controls both the Commissioner and the Chief of Police, deathly loyal to Elan.
  • Sweet Daddy: The top pimp of Metro City. Reputed to have a stable of Kung Fu Hookers.
    • Kung Fu Hookers: Sweet Daddy's private hit squad. His hoes are highly trained in various forms of Kung Fu.



  • Elan's rise is supposed to parallel The Boss, as is his combat prowess.