Urdnot Wrex

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Urdnot Wrex
Wrex Character Box.png
Age Unknown
Voice Actor
Relatives Urdnot Clan
Series Mass Effect
Player Sean
  • Name: Urdnot Wrex
  • Tier: 2
  • Age: Unknown, is long lived though
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: N/A
  • Parents: Urdnot Jarrod (Father-Deceased)
    • Place of Birth: Tuchunka
    • Nationality:
    • Specialty: Pain
    • Hobbies: War Stories
    • Likes: Strength, Honor, fellow Warriors
    • Dislikes: People who get in the way, Salarians, Turians (most of them)
    • Favorite Food: Unknown, rumored to be Salarians
    • Least Favorite Food: Fake meat, veggie burgers
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Steven Barr
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 7'4
    • Weight: (In Armor) Roughly 1 Ton.
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: N/A
    • Special: Battle Scars, and is an alien.


See picture provided.




A famed krogan mercenary and bounty hunter, Urdnot Wrex is also one of the last Krogan Battlemasters: rare individuals who combine powerful biotic abilities with the devastating firepower of advanced weaponry. A long-lived krogan who has had many adventures

[show details]


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness +5 (Note: Has 240-degree vision)
  • Athletics +3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge +2
  • Streetwise +3
  • Intimidation +5
  • Leadership +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers +3
  • Investigation +2
  • Science +2
  • Technology +3

Other Skills:

  • Driving +2
  • Survival +4
  • Empathy +3
  • Animal Ken +1

Special Abilities


Carnage - Wrex launches a small, slightly homing fireball at the target, when it hits, it causes an explosion that affects nearby enemies. This ability is not a biotic power. (Rip a target to shreds with this vicious blast. Major collateral damage to enemies nearby. Effective against armor.)

Fortification - Between his biotic shield, and his armor's kinetic barrier, the Urdnot Wrex is a walking, charging, breathing, tank with the ability to sustain inhumane amount of damage.

Shockwave - When used, the power sends out a series of explosive biotic impacts in front of the user ignoring any obstacles. It can be unleashed along the ground to launch all enemies in its path into the air, or used against airborne targets. It is worth noting that when Shockwave hits a shielded target it will be stunned for a brief moment, losing a bit of shield depending on your skill's impact force, but won't be thrown into the air.

Statis - Stasis causes an enemy to be temporarily locked in a mass effect field, freezing the target in place and making them unable to attack. Enemies in Stasis also become impervious to damage.

Throw - Throw uses mass effect fields to hurl a target away from the user with damaging force.

Warp - Warp works by creating rapidly shifting mass effect fields that shred a target apart, similar in function to the disruptor torpedoes used by starships.

Items Of Note

ME3 Striker Assault Rifle.png
Striker Assault Rifle - The Striker is a fully-automatic weapon that functions more as a grenade launcher than a rifle, firing high-impact slugs that detonate on contact. The weapon increases its rate of fire the longer the trigger is held, which is devastating if the weapon can be kept on-target. In an attempt to market the Striker outside of the Krogan DMZ, the gun was designed to be fired by non-krogan, but its recoil tends to off-balance smaller species. Enthusiasts point out that the target on the receiving end of a Striker has far worse things to worry about than its shooter's balance.

M-300 Claymore - Very rare krogan shotgun. Deals high damage at short range; less effective at long range. Effective against armor, shields and biotic barriers. It is of human design but is only used by krogan, due to the fact that the kickback from a single shot has enough force to break a human's arm. Protected by Fabrication Rights Management (FRM) technology, this weapon is nearly impossible to reproduce and is prohibitively expensive.

Weaknesses & Flaws


"Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren's payroll. Killing the latter is business. Killing the former is a favor to the universe."
"Now we can get back to doing what krogan do best: saving everyone else from giant monsters."