Touma Jinrai

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Touma Jinrai
Touma Jinrai.jpg
A.K.A. The Lightning Lord
Age 24
Voice Actor
Relatives None
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Touma Jinrai
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Combat
  • Dislikes: Boring people.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 160lbs
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Black


Muscular, youthful man, usually wearing a modern-ish looking samurai armor, and a long coat. Carries several swords on his person.


Cool. Boisterous. Confident. Challening.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible
  • Leadership: Very Good
  • Politics: Very Good


Raioh Ikazuchijin Ryu: Lightning God Thunderbolt Style, Touma's personal style of fighting, focusing on incredible speed and powerful hits. His fighting style is predicated on moving faster than the enemy can see and striking with the power of lightning. This allows Touma to be an INCREDIBLY dangerous warrior in a fight. He can move around the battlefield ridiculously quickly, and his strikes are devastating and often hard to dodge, or even see coming, often sheathing his swords behind a troop of enemies, and letting them take the hits after he walks away, with the force catches up to him.
Raijinzen: A single stroke slash, which hits with the speed and strength of lightning, actually causing the sound of thunder. This is akin to an iai strike, from a standing position. Only someone with lightning-fast reflexes can block this attack, and it will cut through almost any physical defense.
Shin Raijinken: An upgraded version of the above. All the same advantages apply, but this time Touma rushes at an opponent from a distance, yet still just as fast.
Ikazuchi Bakuretsu Zan: Touma launches himself in the air, drawing his sword, then immediately comes down with the force of lightning, hitting the ground (or an opponent) with such force the entire area gets destroyed and explodes with debris, and the shockwave knocking down opponents. This attack is almost unblockable by conventional means, due to the sheer speed and strength of it. Generally the defender's weapon will either shatter or just be added to the impact on their body. This is Touma's crowd control attack, allowing him to knock down a charge with a single move.


Raijinken: Touma's personal swords. Each of them is amazingly resilient and kept as sharp as they can be. They need to be in order to keep up with his fighting style.


Overconfidence: Touma is arguably the strongest Warlord in Rankai. This said, he knows it and often acts like it, challenging groups on his own even before getting intel on them.
The Lynchpin: Touma's army is not as strong as it would be without him. If he is out of combat, or is otherwise occupied, his troops may or may not be able to deal with a superior force or better strategy.