The Three Ravens

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The Three Ravens
Hanemaru, Leader of the Ravens
Also Known As The Triumverate, the Three Stooges
Organization Type Ninja Team
Leadership Hanemaru
Membership Kuchibashimaru, Tsumemaru
Associated With Ura Hokage Uruha
Related To Kamen, Kurei

The Three Ravens are a group of ninja loyal to Kurei, even when he went against his previous master.


The Triumverate was a member of the Uruha under Kurei and Mori Kouran. They hunted down the Hokage, which led to their defeat. However, after Kurei broke free of Mori's hold, they decided to stay with him, as their loyalty was to him and not to their bankroller.


Three bird-themed ninjas with Claw, Flight and Beak-themed Madougu. They currently serve as three ninjas under Kurei

Known Members

  • Hanemaru: Arguably the leader of the Three Ravens, he uses the Hizanu Madougu, allowing him to fly.
  • Kuchibashimaru: The fastest of the Three Ravens, he uses the Kuchibashi-Ou Madougu, a powerful beak-like, extensible Madougu.
  • Tsumemaru: The strongest of the Three Ravens, he uses the Tsume Madougu, granting his claw-weapons preternatural sharpness.


  • Seriously these guys don't deserve their own character pages. They're in two chapters.