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Talbot, the killer.
A.K.A. Larry
Age 40
Voice Actor Jouji Nakata
Relatives Lycan Race, Iron Tribe.
Series Castlevania
Player Frank
  • Name: Talbot the Quiet Death
  • Age: 40
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Killing, violence.
  • Dislikes: Humans.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: White


Talbot is a well dressed man with a leather glove and a cybernetic eye. He usually wears nice clothes, albeit loosely.


Calculating. Far-seeing. Clever. Heartless.


  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Performance: Amazing


Talbot's werewolf form.

Werewolf: Janos is a werewolf, with every advantage that entails, such as regeneration, superhuman strength and speed, and super senses.
Hunter: Janos is a born hunter, and a natural killer. He fights with savagery and shapeshifting.
Rogue: Talbot's many Blessings are all about stealth and deception. He can hide his scent, meld into shadows.

  • Thieving Talons: Talbot can steal.. literally steal someone's special abilities for a moment. This can be a set of martial arts techniques, a spell, or a series of vampiric Dark Gifts. This only lasts for 5 minutes, and he can only steal one at a time. He needs to know what he wants to steal, or what he gets will be random among the target's special abilities or powers.

Dual Wielding: Talbot fights with twin swords. He is incredibly good with them. He fights with speed and skill over strength.

  • Backstab: If Talbot gets the first strike in by surprising people (which is what he DOES..), he can slash at two spots to disable an opponent rather efficiently. Most humans will not survive.


Assassin's Dagger: Talbot carries a dagger with the spirits of assassins and hunters. If activated, the dagger will make him exceptionally quiet, will muffle the victim's scream, and will keep people from noticing Talbot's actions until he leaves the room. (Alertness rolls are at -1 against Talbot).


Silver: Silver is poison and will kill him hard.
Wolfsbane: Wolfsbane will poison Talbot if ingested, and its touch is also deadly poison.