Takashi Aokigahara

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Takashi Aokigahara
Cousin knows best..
A.K.A. The Seer.
Age 45
Voice Actor
Series Original
Player Cinnie
  • Name: Takashi Aokigahara
  • Age: 45
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Politics, Alchemy, Finding answers.
  • Dislikes: Unknown Secrets.. things that can't be explained.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: Black


An asian man with long hair and wears ornate outfits. From the constant use of magic, his eyes have turned a solid gold.


Charismatic, polite. ...very curious.


Text Goes Here - Only list relevant, noteworthy skills
Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Good
  • Stealth: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Good
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good
  • Performance: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Politics: Very Good


Text Goes Here - List Special Moves or Powers here, keep them to the noteworthy ones please.

  • Pharmacy - Creating healing potions. ...and using them.. for various types of wounds/poisons. Also for status effects.
  • Acid Terror - Takashi can throw an Acid Bottle at his opponent with a small chance to break their armor or weapon, and inflict exterior damage. Burns ain't fun.
  • Homunculus - Takashi can summon various plants to attack for him. Depending the bottle he throws, he can summon vines to ensnare people, venus fly-traps to bite people, or a giant cactus-like plant that's meant for melee/brawling attacks.
  • Sphere Mine - Takashi throws a bottle that forms into an organic looking mass. After five seconds, the mass will explode.. dealing great damage to anything about five feet around its area.
  • Flight - Takashi uses his clans' ancient feathered robe to make him 'as light as air'. With it he can fly.


Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.
Feathered Robe


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.
Takashi's strengths is in his talking and planning. He's not a strong hand-to-hand fighter at all. He relies on his homunculii and his concoctions to play it safe.