Sister Ennoia

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Sister Ennoia
Sister Ennoia
A.K.A. The Prayer Maiden
Age 20
Voice Actor
Relatives None
Series Bayonetta
Player Frank
  • Name: Sister Ennoia
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Prayer, religion.
  • Dislikes: Abstinence.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 117lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blonde


Devastating, natural beauty, exuding femininity and confidence. Holy aura.


Pure. Gentle. Sweet. Merciless.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Occult: Very Good


Holy Power: Sister Ennoia has by far the highest potential of all the Lumen Sisters. Her natural holy power is off the charts, and her mere presence will cause unholy beings to feel faint and be turned from her. For all intents and purposes, she is a paladin from D&D who doesn't need to use a sword. Her touch is enough to damage others via her holy power. This said, like all Lumen Sisters, she is trained in many forms of combat and can handle herself with anything at hand.




Temptation: Sister Ennoia's faith is almost impossible to shake, but she is lured by the pleasures of the flesh and while her devotion is supreme, she is very very curious about life outside the sisterhood and may want to try other things, if they let her.