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A.K.A. Tarsioid Psalms
Age Hella old.
Voice Actor
Relatives None
Series Demonbane
Player Eric
  • Name: Silvia
  • Age: Old
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Knowledge, clearcut situations and orders
  • Dislikes: Ambiguity

Physical Stats

  • Height: 4'
  • Weight: 98lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Purple


Always sleepy looking, hiding her alertness behind constantly half-lidded eyes. Sometimes wears frilly pajamas.


Eager. Precise. Diligent. Obedient.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Occult: Amazing
  • Investigation: Very Good


Silvia is a Grimoire, the Tarsioid Psalms. She automatically has the following abilities.
Grimoire: Silvia is a Grimoire. She can turn into a book, and empower any device she is linked to. She also grants any magus or sorcerer additional power, increasing their capacities exponentially.
Bonding: Linked to the above. Silvia can make a contract with any sorcerer who wishes to, increasing their magical power, adding her spells to theirs, and generally making them far more powerful.

Servant Mode

Magic: As a Grimoire, Silvia is able to channel and generate immense amounts of magical energy. She can fly, generate barriers, and generate magical attacks, as well as summon familiars, conjure spirits and various other spells empowered by the Old Gods.
Danmaku Labyrinth: Only other major ability she has in Servant Mode. When activated, she takes her master in a force bubble with her and speeds away, leaving behind a sophisticated high-speed maze of energy constructs and balls that bar the way while attempting to auto-cast a dimensional warp spell. Dense energy and effect on gravity prevent any sort of flying or jumping over the magical labyrinth - it MUST be navigated if the users want to give chase. Athletics 12 check at five different intervals.

Magius Mode

As a Grimoire, Silvia is able to form a pact with a Master, and with that master, she is able to grant them the following abilities.
Magius Form: By fusing with their Grimoire, the sorcerer can take the Magius form, expanding their magical power and granting them the following abilities.
Magius Wing: Grants the user wings that can be used for flight.
Barrier: A magical barrier, which the sorcerer can use to deflect or resist incoming attacks, both magical and mundane.
Mana Blast: Simple but effective, an attack of pure magic. The sorcerer can fire these at low cost and with no casting required. Atatatata!
Magius Form Spells: These powers can be used when the sorcerer is fused with his Grimoire, in Magius form.
Border Between Life and Death: A powerful move that sends an unpleasant necrotic bolt at all living enemies, and a powerful holy-elemental bolt at any undead enemies.
Border Between Dream and Reality: Passively allows the user to see through all illusions. Triggers on automatically in the presence of one.
Border Between Worlds and Space: Creates a magical dimensional gate to wherever the user wishes. Takes time to charge.
Border Between Order and Chaos: Mass Confuse and Berserk on all enemies.
Border Between Data and Theory: Upon scanning a mechanical object, immediately instills the user with a complete knowledge of how the object or construct works.
Border Between Wave and Particle: Yeah. A ridiculous barrage of lasers spinning everywhere from the magius.
Border Between Eternity and Oblivion: GO FOR BROKE ATTACK - a non-directional explosion that emanates from the user, detonating all mana and spiritual energy around. Power is spent directly after...if anyone else survives.


She is a Notable Item.


Bonding: A Grimoire is quite powerful, but unless bonded, it is generally purposeless and inactive. Its power is also considerably limited compared to its full potential without a magus with them.
Completion: The Tarsioid Psalms are mostly complete, but severe damage can cause it to lose some of its pages, lessening the power of the actual Grimoire in both forms.
OCD/Lingual Perfectionist: Silvia can be thrown off by things out of place, misspelled or nonexistent words, badly phrased sentences or terrible grammar. This is an easy way to distract her.
