Shinji Skaarsgard

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Shinji Kageokami Skaarsgard
Shinji 'The Shadow Wolf' Skaarsgard
A.K.A. The Shadow Wolf
Age 40
Voice Actor
Relatives Erik Skaarsgard, cousin;
Ludovic Skaarsgard, second cousin;
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Shinji Skaarsgard
  • Age: 40
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Honor. Discipline
  • Dislikes: Cowards. Foul play.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Black


Shinji as a werewolf.

A strong man, dressed in classic but practical japanese clothing.


Honorable. Disciplined. Fierce. Composed.


  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Very Good
  • Leadership: Incredible


Werewolf: Shinji is a werewolf. Shapeshifting, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and resistance.
Samurai: While not an actual Samurai, he is descended from a Samurai family, and was trained as a warrior.
Blessings: Shinji has the blessings of the Shadow Tribe, despite not being of the Lord's line.

  • Lord of Beasts: Shinji can summon beasts and command them to do his bidding.
  • Inspiration: Shinji can inspire and rally behind behind him, or around him, like a warlord.
  • Spirit of the Fray: Shinji can fight with speed and skill, blessed by war spirits.
  • Fatal Flaw: Shinji can analyze his opponent's weakness and capitalize on it.
  • Ikazuchi: Shinji can strike his palms together and cause a clap of thunder to shock his opponents.
  • Paralyzing Stare: Shinji can stare into an opponent's eyes and stun him in place.
  • Open Wounds: A dishonorable technique, which Shinji refuses to use. But, he can make an opponent's wounds reopen and bleed.


Hakken-Made Silver Katana.

Silver Sword: A Hakken-made Katana, the Silver Sword is the weapon Shinji uses. The Silver Sword is made of ...well, silver, which is incredibly damaging to Werewolves and several other supernaturals. Shinji's sword can send out kamaitachi spirits, allowing him to strike from a distance.


Silver: The biggest weakness of them all. Silver destroys a werewolf. They cannot heal damage done by silver, and the mere touch of it burns them, which is why the Silver Bullet legend is accurate. If a bullet pierces the werewolf, it's presence in the body will kill him, even if it only hit the hand or foot, from it's sheer presences. A Werewolf struck by silver will need to get medical or magical attention immediately and will need rest to heal, like a normal person with the same type of wound. Any limb or organ damaged or severed by silver is gone forever.
Full Moon: Werewolves have to change during the full moon. More importantly, they also become FAR more bestial in that case, and a lot more dangerous. True werewolves can shapeshift any night of the month, but they have to change on the full moon. Only Lords can avoid transforming, but even they are influenced by it's presence.
Wolfsbane: In the presence of Wolfsbane, werewolves will flee. The smell and presence of it will drive them off. Nobles and Lords can stay in the same area, but only Lords can resist being poisoned by its contact with his blood. A Lord will be made sick if he ingests it, but otherwise, he will be fine. HOWEVER, wolfsbane will prevent any werewolf from transforming, no matter which.