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Sechs with Interactive Interface
A.K.A. GR-6
Age 2
Voice Actor Body: Nobutoshi Canna/Marc Diraison
Doll: Ai Orisaka/Patrea Burchard
Series Gunnm
Player Brandon
  • Name: Sechs
  • Character Tier:
  • Age: 2
  • Sex: Primary combat body is male
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Parents: None
    • Place of Birth: Tiphares
    • Nationality: Tiphares
    • Specialty: Combat
    • Hobbies: Combat
    • Likes: Combat
    • Dislikes: the Original
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Weapons, Interactive Interface "doll" body
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Main body: Nobutoshi Canna/March Diraison, Doll: Ai Orisaka/Patrea Burchard
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'4"/5"
    • Weight: 800 lbs/.9 lbs
    • Eyes: Yellow
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Missing an eye, has metallic plates on parts of the face, has a metallic number 6 on forehead


Body is tall and lanky, with rough features and spikey black hair. The right eye is missing, covered over in a plug type thing with plating around it. He also has a large number 6 on his forehead, dead center. Usually wears a slightly baggy black body suit with lots of straps with white body armor with shoulder plates, grieved boots, guantlets and fingerless gloves. His skin bares obvious seems and markings to indicate that it's not natural. The Interactive Interface doll rides on his shoulder and bears his original brain chip; as such is female even though it's tiny and a little cartoonish in appearance and therefore hard to tell. The doll is otherwise modeled after Sechs' original appearance.


Began life as a hyperaggressive killing machine, bent on destroying the GR-series androids and the original the androids were built to mimic, a female cyborg with incredible combat powers. Has toned down the need for killing to a sort of rivalry, which he enjoys quite a bit. He still retains his aggressiveness and has an acerbic or cocky attitude much of the time, but has only recently begun developing, emotionally. At present, seeks to find himself and become what he can believe is a true warrior, once he learns what a true warrior is.


Originally built by Tiphares as a killbot, Sechs went rogue and hunted down the other members of the GR series, until her defeat at the hands of 11 and 12. She reconciled with them and concentrated her efforts on beating the original, with the help of mad scientist Desty Nova. The original defeated her and ruined her body, forcing her to transfer her brain into the tiny Interactive INterface. After traveling some with the Original and having some time to contemplate, she decided that the original was better as rival than a target, and even learned a bit about who she wanted to be. Eventually the party came to join a solar system wide fighting event called the Zenith of All Thigns, in which Sechs was transferred into the Fitzroy Body, and later the "Super" Fitzroy, both male bodies. He still retains the interactive interface doll, which rides on his shoulder. THey are both Sechs, they both have identical brain chips, though he'll sometimes refer to the doll as the brain sinse that chip is the original.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Abysmal

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice
  • Streetwise: Very good
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Novice
  • Expression: Abyssmal
  • Etiquette: Abyssmal

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abyssmal
  • Investigation: Abyssmal
  • Technology: Novice

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Good

Special Abilities

Panzer Kunst: A Martian martial art developed for cyborg practicioners to fight with opponents of equal or larger mass. It is efficient both in gravity and zero-g, and is optimized for mechanical bodies using techniques that utilize g-force inducing movements, body-generated vibration and using an opponent's own body against them. A basic theme of Panzer Kunst techniques are fast, cyclical movements. Sechs is fuly versed in the style up through the level of the Original at the GR TUned series' creation, though Sechs generally chooses not to use the Originals' techniques.
Sechster Angriff: A derivative style of Panzer Kunst developed by Sechs. This style accomodates for Sechs' aggressive personality, is easily adaptable to available weapons and heavily features the Titan Blade. Shares Panzer Kusnt's penchant for cyclical motion.
Tuned Programming: Advanced weapons training with most man-portable firearms types, though Sechs would have to learn the particulars of a gun as he picks it up. Also contains the basis for his martial arts and melee weapons training; centering around Panzer Kunst and it's use of armblades but also around knives and poles and the like.

Powers & Merits

Super Fitzroy Body: Sechs is able to compress and expand parts of his body. This can be used to alter the density and hardness of parts of his body for defensive purposes, and also to morph his body shape for attacks.
Implosion Fist: The main attack utilizing the Super Fitzroy Body that Sechs has created; Sechs extends his arm rapidly, propelling his fist at his target at supersonic speeds. He can add extra power to the blow by first expanding his body, then forcing that extra bulk through his arm.
Plasma Manipulation: Super Fitzroy body contains plasma reserves that Sechs can use in various ways, as he figures them out. Thusfar he has discovered three techniques:

  • Plasma Ball: Not a widely used technique; comprises of simply forming a ball of plasma and launching it at an opponent.
  • Elite Plasma Boost: Uses plasma jets to accelerate himself to incredible speeds, can outrun bullets with this technique, though can only burn the jets for a few seconds at a time without risk of bodily damage.
  • Sechs Special Plasma Decoys: Decoy copies of Sechs composed of plasma that function as flares to confuse an electronic targeting system. It can be countered with an electromagnetic pulse attack.

Unique Items

Super Fitzroy Body: As previously mentioned, the body is incredibly dense; a very large ammount of material compressed into a small space. It offers immense strength and speed, twitch muscles capable of mach speed movements without much trouble. The density of the body also makes it incredibly tough, allowing Sechs to absorb vast ammounts of punishment.
Interactive Interface Body: A tiny body that acted as a control unit for the first Fitzroy body. It still connects to the Super Fitzroy, via a cable in Sechs' neck, but that body can assumably act independent of the tiny body. The interactive interface body contains Sechs' original brain chip. When in use, it rides on Sechs' shoulder.
Titan Blade: Two long blades of electroplated cryzalized titanium attatched to a long folding pole. The blades are durable and incredibly sharp. The full length of the weapon is about eighteen feet, folding down to about six feet long.

Items Of Note

Weaknesses & Flaws

Is arrogant and aggressive. Due to his age, is also immature, easily manipulated and not particularly smart. Is foul tempered and can be manipulated through anger as well as via superior intelligence. His tenacity often gets the best of him and he's not very good at backing off and exiting before he believes the fight is through.

NPC(s) to go with char

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