Samus Aran

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Samus Aran
Samus Aran
A.K.A. The Hunter
Age 23
Voice Actor Ai Kobayashi/Jennifer Hale
Relatives Rodney and Virginia Aran (deceased), Grey Voice and Old Bird (deceased)
Series Metroid
Player Brandon
  • Name: Samus Aran
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Parents: Rodney and Virginia Aran
    • Place of Birth: Colony World K-2L
    • Nationality: Galactic Federation
    • Specialty: Combat, infiltration and tracking
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her Chozo power suit
    • Level of Education: Unknown
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Ai Kobayashi/Jennifer Hale
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'3"
    • Weight: 198lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Has recieved genetic and cybernetic enhancements from her foster family


Tall, slim, toned and statuesque. Her hair is long, blonde and worn tied back usually. Her face is pretty, but usually wears a stern or serious expression. Her posture and body language is stoic, strong and confident.


Quiet and introspective, she projects a stoic, strong silent type. She is however rather sentimental and tends to dwell on things a lot. She also suffers minor PTSD from childhood trauma, and can be a bit cagey if it's flaring up at all. She has a softer side that she rarely shows. Both on and off the job she is quite accustomed to being a loner.


Born on a colony world, when she was a very small child, one eventful day would shape her entire life from that point on. Her homeworld recieved two sets of visitors. The first, were chozo, bird-like aliens on a goodwill mission; their names were Old Bird and Grey Voice. The second were not so nice, a space pirate invasion led by the nefarious and brutal creature known as Ridley. This attack massacred her entire home, endng when she herself came face to face with the beast. After a moment, Ridley called off the attack, leaving the soul survivor to die. This was not to be, however, as Old Bird and Grey Voice returned to check on the colony, having caught wind of the battle.
The chozo took them back to their own home planet, Zebes, to raise her away from the violence that nearly ended her. However she had to be augmented to be able to live on the harsh planet, and Old Bird had her infused with chozo DNA and minor cybernetics. The chozo saw great potential in her, and trained her in the use of their one remaining POwer Suit, an amazing weaponized suit of armor from the Chozo's glory days. When she was older, she left Zebes to strike out on her own, first in the Galactic Federation military, and later as a bounty hunter, making use of her POwer Suit.
He bounty hunting exploits have taken her against the Space Pirates and Ridley several times. The first, her first mission as an independant contractor, was destroying the pirate base that had sprung up on Zebes. After exacting vengence on the pirates for destroying her second home, she found work on the nearby planet of Talon IV, where pirates who escaped Zebes had fled to. Following that, she investigated a dimensional disturbance on the planet Aether, and most recently she took the fight to the Pirate Homeworld after they stole and corrupted a Galactic Federation supercomptuer, crippling the pirates' operations for at least a few years to come.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Abysmal

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Technology: Amazing

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible

Special Abilities

She has learned a mixed style, due to multiple sources, of singular combat, scouting and infiltration. She is incredibly tenacious and resourceful, and has conditioned herself for long periods of time with little to no rest or sustinance. She's an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter as well, able to integrate military combatives and techniques gleaned from the Chozo into fighting with and without her suit.

Powers & Merits

She is augmented with Chozo DNA and cybernetics, granting her increased agility, reaction time, stamina and physical strength. She is able to survive in very harsh and inhospitable conditions with little trouble.

Unique Items

Chozo Power Suit: The main body of Samus' combat capabilities lie in this suit. Per to PARADIGM's less than lethal approach to it's work, she has willfully disabled many of the more poweful weapon systems, until such a time as she is authorized to use them. The Power Suit can intergrate with Chozo tech with little effort to increase it's efficacy in combat. It can also, as evidenced on Talon IV and Aether and by the Federation "PED SUit", integrate with non-Chozo technology to produce useable upgrades, at least for a brief period of time (days to weeks). The suit enhances her strength for close combat, and includes thrusters allowing her incredible jumping and short distance sprinting ability. The suit's arm cannon minifabricates energy basd missiles as well as discharging her beam weapons. She can hot-swap between her active beam weapons at will.
Varia Suit: The basic defensive package of the Power Suit, this offers enhanced shielding and protection against extreme temperatures. Status: Online
Gravity Suit: Adds gravitic/inertial dampeners and generators, allowing for more freedom of movement in low gravity and fluid environments, also adding extra shielding on top of the Varia. Status: Disabled
Morph Ball: Pulls the armor into a sphere roughly a meter across. Allows for swift movement through cramped spaces. The morph ball form is able to hop short distances as well. This form is highly ill suited for combat. Status: Online
Spider Ball: An upgrade to the Morph Ball, adds the avility to cling to some surfaces via electromagnetic emissions. Status: Disabled
Scan Visor: One of her main tools, this allows Samus to scan objects and add to, cross reference or modify entries in her suit's onboard computer. Status: Enabled
Thermal Visor: In low-light conditions, Samus' visor can track on heat signatures instead. Status: Disabled
X-Ray Visor: Does exactly what it says, allowing her to see into or through the environment around her. Status: Disabled
Echo Visor: Allows Samus to "see" in sonar, makign this a viable option when it is too dark and the thermal visor gives her nothign to work with. Status: Disabled
Space Jump: Allows Samus to jump a second time in mid air for increased height and distance. Status: Disabled
Speed Booster: With a running start, Samus can form a ultra low friction barrier around her body and run at incredible speeds, letting her break through weaker surfaces. She can also stop abruptly, storing the knetic energy from the run to launch herself over great distances. Requires a lengthy running start and has to be in a reletively straight line. Status: Disabled
Grapple Beam: An electromagnetic tether that can be used to grapple enemies, lash onto and pull objects and swing across chasms. Mounted on her left arm, she is able to fire while swinging. She can also swing, launch and grapple again in a fuid motion multiple times, but is a somewhat easy target during such manouvers. Status: Online
Power Beam: Her basic beam attack, small pulses of force that do low damage, but can be fired rapidly. Status: Online
Charge Beam: Allows her to charge her currently active beam weapon. After several seconds, she is able to dishcharge a larger and more powerful shot. Status: Online
Ice Beam: Fires pulses of supercooled gas in a weak energy field that bursts on impact, freezing a cubic meter or so of target. Dense targets will only be frozen on the surface. This beam weapon has a very low rate of fire. Status: Disabled
Wave Beam: Fires a trio of electromagnetic pulses that can phase through some solid surfaces. THe three pulses follow a 'wave' pattern, swaying in and out from a centerline (the line of fire); one up and two diagonally down and away. THis weapon is designed to do electrical damage and is effective against synthetic targets. Status: Disabled
Plasma Beam: Fires streams of plasma at a medium-high rate, providing both impact force and sever burning damage, in many cases piercing clean through smaller, less armored targets. Status: Disabled
Missile: Her arm cannon minifabricates a small guided explosive projectile. The energy reservoire for this weapon is limited. Status: Online
Seeker Missile: A charged version of the missiles, after several seconds five missiles are expended instead of a single one, to between one and five targers. Status: Disabled
Missile Combo: Discharging a missile while charging one of her beams creates a missile combo and fires off a larger, stronger weapon.

  • Super Missile: The power beam missile combo, works like a missile but the blast is much more powerful. Expends a large ammount of missile energy. Status: Disabled
  • Ice Spreader: Combines with the Ice Beam to fire a large blast that covers an area ten times that of the normal ice beam. Expends a large ammount of missile energy. Status: Disabled
  • Wave Buster: A combination with the Wave Beam, this fires a continuous stream of highly powerful EM energy over a short distance. Can be devistating under prolonged use but burns up missile energy very quickly. Status: Disabled
  • Flamethrower: The Plasma Beam combination is quite simple, working just like the Wave Buster but with heat instead of electricity. Drains missile energy just as quickly. Status: Disabled

Bombs: Small explosive devices placed by the Morph Ball configuration. Main purose is demolitions and catapulting the morph ball over small distances when rolling is difficult. Status: Enabled
Power Bombs: A large version of the bomb pulling from a very small reservoire of energy. Another demolitions function, this creates a large, room clearing blast. Status: Disabled
Screw Attack: When performing a spin jump, Samus can wreathe herself in highly destructive energy, letting her tear through most smaller enemies or weak substances she collides with. Can perform up to five of these jumps in a row, but only in a single direction. Status: Disabled

Items Of Note

An emergency pistol that is a stun blaster with a charge function for a bigger shot. Also has a stunning energy lash for close-combat.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Has PTSD from her childhood experiences. This generally manifests as her social issues of being a quiet loner, but can also result in nightmares and under extreme duress, a nervous breakdown. A breakdown can only be brought on under certain very specific conditions that basically make her regress into the memory of the attack on K-2L. Is very much accustomed to working alone and is not well versed in group tactics. Her cold demeanor and unwillingness to say much while on the job also makes her a poor choice for diplomatic missions. Her tendency to mull over things can affect her judgement for a time after a significant event happens in her life. Does NOT take kindly to being called by petnames or nicknames or the like by people she is not close to.

NPC(s) to go with char

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