Raidou Kuzunoha

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Raidou Kuzunoha the 19th
Age 21
Voice Actor
Series SMT
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Raidou Kuzunoha
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: 07/22
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth:Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Demonology
    • Hobbies: Drinking tea, reading the paper, listening to music.
    • Likes: Green tea
    • Dislikes: Liars.
    • Favorite Food: Unagi (Eel..mmm..)
    • Least Favorite Food: Octopus
    • Favorite Music: Smooth Jazz
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: The tubes he keeps in his jacket.
    • Level of Education: College
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'0
    • Weight:
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


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Physical Skills:

  • Alertness : Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics : Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth : Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge : Incredible (+4)
  • Streetwise : Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation : Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership : Amazing (+5)
  • Expression : Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette : Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation : Amazing (+5)
  • Medicine : Good (+2)
  • Law : Very Good (+3)
  • Occult : Amazing (+6) * Merit
  • Politics : Good (+2)
  • Science : Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Empathy : Amazing (+5)

Special Abilities

Raidou Kuzuhona has been trained with a katana, and how to handle a revolver, theoretically with time and training he could teach someone to also be able to handle spirits and demons the way he does.

Powers & Merits

Raidou himself has been trained to be able to speak with all manners of spirits and demons, along with the tubes have given him the ability to bind them to his service.

  • Summons Obtained
    • Angel "Human, promise me one thing. Protect my God-given wings from impurity."
      • Dia - Small heal spell
      • Hama - Banishment spell
      • Patra - Cures Blind/Sleep/Panic from party members
      • Patradi - Cures Petrification
      • Stun Needle - Minor Damage, chance to cause Stun
      • Sukukaja - Increases Agility of allies, adds +2 to certain skills and dodge attempts
      • Life Aid - Passive; health regens at moderate speed after battle
    • Legion "For we are many"
      • Tetrakarn - Reflects damage from physical attack for 1 turn
      • Deathtouch - Damage dealth heals Legion
      • Anti-Phys - Passive; takes reduced damage from physical based attacks
      • Tempest - Moderate physical damage to all enemies
      • Hell Gaze - Small chance of killing target
      • Pulinpa - Chance of inflicting Panic on all enemies
      • Sexy Dance - Chance of inflicting Charm on all enemies
    • Gdon "The tiger mount of the goddess Durga, of Hindu mythology. Durga was born to defeat the Asura Mahisha, and Gdon was granted to her to help complete the task."
      • Agilao - Moderate Fire damage on one enemy
      • Maragi - Small amount of fire damage on all enemies
      • Maragion - Inflicts moderate Fire Damage on all enemies
      • Fire Boost - Passive, increases fire damage output
      • Evade Ice - Passive, bonuses to evasion against Ice Attacks
      • Hell Fang - Medium Physical Attack to single target
      • Counter - Randomly counters physical attacks with light attack
    • Raidou Frost

Ability Aptitude (Occult) (1) +1 to Occult Rolls
Medium (2) Can see and communicate with all manners of spirits and ghosts
Natural Channel (3) Upon obtaining his title of Raidou Kuzunoha, he gained a powerful and natural connection to the spirit world
Soothing Voice (2) Knowing how to talk well is a benefit to any who contract with beings, and he gains +2 bonus on Social rolls, +1 Otherwise for casual conversation

Unique Items

Demon Tubes : Where he keeps the demons (DEMONIC POKEBALLS!)

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Hard of Hearing (1) Born with it, nothing special beyond a -1 to Alertness rolls based on hearing
Otherworldly Taint (2) Dealing with demons and other spirits on a daily basis have left it's toll on his presence. (Alertness 7 Difficulty)

NPC(s) to go with char

Raidou Frost!