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Phantasia is a magical academy comprised of several Houses.

House Shadowfall, Magi of the Abyss - These are the black mages of Phantasia.

Black magic is powerful and easy to wield, but it comes with a high price. Its spells and abilities can warp the mind, poison the land, and turn creatures into nothing. Dark minions, undead creatures, and unspeakable horrors are native to the swamp, and they're as self-serving and treacherous as the mages who commanded them. It is not evil, though it is often portrayed to be.

Black is a zero-sum color. White mages love to create and enhance. It believes in continuously bringing things up to enhance the overall glory. Black doesn't care about glory. Instead of creating or enhancing, it takes. Any life that black gains has to come from somewhere, such as damaging creatures or players. If it draws any more than it naturally would, it has to pay for them in some permanent form (often its own life).

Finally, black mages will do absolutely whatever they have to in order to gain the upper-hand. That doesn't mean it is without limits, but they are willing to sacrifice part of themselves in order to do what it does more efficiently. They can call up fearsome demons with devastating effects, but they'll have to offer up something unusual in compensation. They could kill things for cheaper, but that means it will also have to offer something of its own in sacrifice. For a color so "evil" in nature, black places a very high regard for the rule of equivalent exchange.

Any being that can want something badly enough can be a black mage.

Magi of the Abyss are represented by one of their signature spells - The Abyss. A destructive portal is willed into being, sucking multitudes of enemies into the Dark Realms. No one knows quite what this entails, but all acknowledge that it's away from here.

House Firebrand, Magi of the Arena - These are the red mages of Phantasia.

Red mana comes from the Mountains and the fiery heart of the world itself. Red magic is filled with fire, frenzy, and storms of rock and lava. Its creatures are warlike and dangerous, ranging from mighty dragons to hordes of rampaging goblins. Mages who master red magic have no patience for talk or subtlety. They act quickly and recklessly. Red mages can channel their wild emotions to crush the ground you walk on or to wield flame like a living weapon.

A red mage likes to just rush right into things and be as aggressive as possible. They rule over the elements of earth and fire, along with anything else that may become mountain-related. This eventually resulted in being able to use ice, since mountains tend to be very cold locations. They do share electricity with its blue magerival, however. Sometimes, they doesn't even know what it's doing itself, and introduces random effects into the game. Red is based around impulse, fury and destroying things. Red is a great color for mageswho like to play fast, aggressive and keep their oppenents on their toes. It is very hard to cope against red mages because you get no time to think.

Red magi are often dwarves and goblins.

Magi of the Arena are represented by one of their signature spells - The Arena. A single opponent is forced to look and face the task mage's ferocity, and each are fueled with enough rage to charge each other, ignoring everyone else for a single attack apiece.

House Ambergrove, Magi of the Vineyard - These are the green mages of Phantasia.

Forests provide green mana, the color of the life and nature. Green spells and abilities focus on making its creatures larger in order to beat their opponent into the ground, destroying "unnatural" artifacts and enchantments, or increasing mana production. With the power of green mana you can call powerful beasts to maul your enemies to a pulp.

Green magi are often strong, centered around brute force. Their spelllist contains many large creatures that can trample their opponents. Common themes include ferocity, brute strength, instinct, and primal rage as well as harmony, tranquility and natural law. The pulse of life is the power of green mana, and as such common creature types include living trees, tiny forest creatures, and giant beasts.

Green mages understand that the world obeys the law of the jungle—everything is either predator or prey. Green mages do what they can to accelerate and protect nature: jungles expand, artifacts crumble, and creatures regenerate themselves. For green mages, even the plants become lethal weapons. At their best, green mages are instinctual and adaptive. At their worst, they are savage, unthinking, and predatory.

Elves are often green magi within Phantasia's walls.

Magi of the Vineyard are represented by one of their signature spells - Overgrown Vineyard. A sudden tanglegrowth of vines with succulent fruit and flowers appear around the allies of the mage, the scent infusing the party members with a surplus of mana and refreshed strength and stamina.

House Mindspark, Magi of the Mirror - These are the blue mages of Phantasia.

Islands provide blue mana, the color of the deep sea and the endless sky. The strength of blue magic lies in trickery and manipulation. Blue mages work behind the scenes, scheming and stealing secrets, controlling their environments completely before making a move. Blue spells and abilities focus on "borrowing" opponents' spells and drawing upon the right idea at the right time. With the power of blue, magi call weird beasts of the air and oceans to serve.

For the most part, a blue mage likes to take it slow. They despise hasty actions and are also very big on deception, cloaking the truth and concealing their true motives. As the ruler of air and water, blue magi have always found a way to make their more aggressive creatures effective infiltrators through some form of evasion, typically flying. They also have a unique skill in the matters of time, usually reversing it by unsummoning things. Blue, as the color of intelligence, takes great pride in never running out of options.

Magi of the Mirror are represented by one of their signature spells, Reflecting Mirror. This spell conjures a mirror that will deflect a missile spell or attack on the caster.

House Aegisborn, Magi of the Disk - These are the white mages of Phantasia.

White is the color of order, light, and healing. White creatures lay down the law and enforce it. Many white summons represent knights, castles and soldiers. Others represent creatures that live on the plains. Clerics and priests protect the weak and injured. White is not necessarily good, though it is portayed to be.

White started as the color of protection, defense, healing, and other such passive things. Over time, although it has retained this way with the more pacifistic sort, it has adopted more of a militaristic side, using groups of smaller spiritual soldiers or the holy wrath of mighty angelic spells. White magi don't go right for the kill as the more aggressive colors might, but they will prepare itself for the inevitable conflict. They won't let opposing armies into their territory, and should enemies declare war on white magi, white magi will take this as license to be as fierce and cruel as possible in order to protect itself.

Magi of the Disk are represented by one of their signature spells, Shielding Disk. This spell summons a glowing white holy disc that can block attacks, as well as pierce through enemies like a frisbee.