Nolan Welshes

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Nolan Welshes
Long.. live.. The King.
A.K.A. The Iron Knight; Lord Welshes
Age 48
Voice Actor
Series Original
Player Cinnie
  • Name: Nolan Welshes
  • Age: 48
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Strength
  • Dislikes: Impudence

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'4
  • Weight: 200lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Silver


A large man who dresses very regally and with plates of armor since he's proud of his fighting conquests. He also wears a golden crown on his head and sports very trimmed facial hair.


He sees himself as honorable, wise and a true nobleman. He dislikes disobedience.


Text Goes Here - Only list relevant, noteworthy skills
Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Very Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge : Very Good
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Law: Good
  • Politics: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Good
  • Empathy: Good


Text Goes Here - List Special Moves or Powers here, keep them to the noteworthy ones please.

  • Flawless Scarlet Sword - Untainted holy energy adheres to the weapon, giving the target a severe punishment.
  • Full Moon Cleave - The bright full moon gives you a sainly power. Trace a graceful full moon to heavily injure multiple nearby targets.
  • Lion King Battle Roar - The King's lion-like roar causes a chance of momentary stun (Roll off his Intimidation).
  • Shield of Discipline - Allows him to absorb a magical attack focused on him into his shield.. and then repel it back at the caster.
  • Resolution - Nolan is able to fire himself up with holy power.. increasing his speed, strength, and endurance for a short amount of time.
  • Shackles of Light - Nolan is able to summon binds of light from the ground to snare targets. The shackles are made of holy power and can damage unholy/demonic enemies.


Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.
Holy Sword
Holy Shield
Crown of Welshes


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.
Weak against dark attacks, is also item seal dependent so if his items are removed or out of play.. that would severely cripple him.