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A.K.A. The Rebellious Holy Knight
Age Appears to around 18-20
Voice Actor Johnny Yong Bosch
Relatives Sparda (Hinted by Sanctus)
Series Devil May Cry 4
Player Tommy
  • Name: Nero
  • Character Tier: Tier 2
  • Age: Appears to around 18-20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: ???
  • Parents: Unknown.
    • Nationality: Unknown.
    • Likes: Honor, Music
    • Dislikes: Demons, Betrayal, The Order Of The Sword, being called 'Kid'
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Necklace
    • Level of Education: Self-Taught
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 180lbs
    • Eyes: Icy Blue
    • Hair: White
    • Special: Demonic right arm (hidden in a medical sling when among normal people).


Nero profile.png

Nero wears a long, blue-and-red coat with The Order of the Sword's insignia sewn into both shoulders. He also wears a red zip-up hoodie/vest underneath this coat, a navy muscle-shirt beneath that, and a pair of dark blue pants. Nero wears two rings on his normal hand: one on his index finger that has the emblem of The Order of the Sword on its face, and another on his ring finger which has a rose design on its face, identical to the designs on his belt buckle, coat clasp, and coat buttons. He has white hair brushed down and blue eyes, similar to Dante and Vergil.


In contrast with Dante's laid-back and occasionally flirtatious attitude, Nero is a serious, sardonic and somewhat anti-social person. He is a choleric character, prone to mood swings, and has been seen to both cry and become very angry multiple times during the events of Devil May Cry 4. He is also very rebellious, much like Dante and Sparda before him: he wields guns, despite the Order's general prohibition against them; he doesn't really believe in the Order's religion; and cares little for the legend of Sparda. Despite this, he is also very loyal to his friends, especially to Kyrie and Credo. Even though he doesn't care for the Order of the Sword's religion, Nero still participates in some of their activities out of respect for Credo and Kyrie. However, his rebellious nature leads to the Order having him work alone on "special jobs." In fact, Nero actually prefers to act as a lone wolf.[1]

Like Dante, Nero is a somewhat arrogant and cocky person. He shares Dante's habit of casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of his enemies, making taunts and sarcastic jokes on the battlefield. Nero also taunts in a similar, sarcastic fashion to Dante: One taunt involves him bowing mockingly and asking, "Shall we dance?"; another has him aiming the Blue Rose at his enemies and saying "Bang!" instead of shooting; and still another has him applaud his enemies.

When he first received the Devil Bringer, he considered it a curse, and covered it with a medical sling to hide it out of shame. However, over time he begins to accept his demonic power but doesn't fully accept it until the end of Devil May Cry 4.

Nero is one of the few characters in the Devil May Cry series to actually swear. He calls Agnus a "jackass", tells Sanctus to "go and blow himself", could say "I'm not interested in your bullshit" in the first battle with Sanctus, and gives Dante the middle finger before being absorbed by The Savior.


Nero has a mysterious origin, he was found as an orphaned infant by Kyrie's and Credo's family and raised with them since childhood. An ex-Holy Knight in the Order of the Sword, a religious order that worships Sparda and fights to protect the world from demons. Although he has severed ties to the organization, he still upholds the ideals of protecting the people of this world from the demons.

[show details]


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Novice (+1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice (+1)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Novice (+1)
  • Performance: Good (+2)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Occult: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

In addition, to his great skills in combat, something that has earned him certain respect among his peers, Nero possesses the enhanced physical abilities of a demon. This combined with his already admirable combat skills makes Nero a very formidable adversary. He showed several remarkable feats of immense power and amazing combat prowess, including defeating several powerful demons (Berial, Bael, and Echidna), defeating countless demons on his way through the Mitis Forest, defeating Credo who had gained a large increase in power from the Ascension Ceremony, killing Sanctus while he was in his final ascended form and powered by both The Savior and the Sword of Sparda's immense energies, and striking the final blow to the Savior, something even Dante was unable to do. In addition, Sanctus remarked that Nero had inherited Sparda's power.

Nero has shown the ability to channel his demonic power into objects shown in his Charged Shot and Air Hike abilities.

Even before gaining Devil Trigger, Nero is shown to be extremely strong, able to easily block Berial's huge flaming sword, using only his left hand and Red Queen, and he even forced Berial's sword back with a strong thrust. He has also demonstrated the ability to skillfully fight enemies without his usual weapons or the Devil Bringer: he easily defeated a large group of Scarecrows using only hand-to-hand combat and a blade he'd taken from one of the demons, and one of his gameplay moves makes him perform a dropkick if he's running fast enough.

Powers & Merits

Shares similar demonic powers to the Sons of Sparda.

  • Supernatural strength
  • Supernatural speed
  • Supernatural endurance/vitality
  • Expert swordsman
  • Expert marksman (small arms)
  • Ambidextrous
Nero's Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry 4
  • Devil Trigger
    After the events in the underground laboratory, Nero acquires Yamato and the ability to use Devil Trigger with it. His Devil Trigger is quite unusual in that it doesn't transform Nero himself: instead, a blue, spectral demon manifests behind him, wielding the Yamato. This demon has a noticeable resemblance to the Vergil's Devil Trigger, mainly because of the "sheath" on its left arm, used for storing Yamato when it is not in use. Nero himself only acquires a blue aura, burning red eyes, and a deeper, echoing voice. The specter usually mimics Nero's movements, doing right-handed versions of Nero's attacks.
    After acquiring Devil Trigger Nero gains the ability to fire Summoned Swords, similar to Vergil. He also gains the demonic ability of being able to instantly heal from wounds that would be fatal to normal humans, for example when he was repeatedly impaled in Mission 6 and later healed from the fatal injuries leaving no signs of injury left.

Unique Items

Devil Bringer: The Devil Bringer is Nero's right arm, and the physical manifestation of his demonic power. The arm possesses superhuman strength, which it can also manifest through a larger, spectral arm. It is also capable of absorbing items of power, such as the Yamato or Evil Legacy, and manifesting their power.

Red Queen: The Red Queen is a sword belonging to Nero in Devil May Cry 4. It is a customized version of the blades used by the Order of the Sword and designed by Agnus. It is not a Devil Arm, but its unique construction makes it just as powerful.

Blue Rose: The Blue Rose is Nero's personally designed long-ranged weapon. It is a unique revolver with an over and under barrel style, this design allows it to fire two magnum rounds with each pull of the trigger. Nero is the only member of the Order of the Sword known to wield a firearm because they believe guns to be dishonorable.

Yamato" The Yamato is Vergil's trademark dark-forged blade appearing in Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3, and Devil May Cry 4. It is a legendary sword that was once wielded by his father, The Dark Knight Sparda, and was left to Vergil as a keepsake. Nero appears to have a unique connection to the Yamato, as he was the only one capable of repairing the sword completely, which Agnus was unable to do. The sword is also the only item known to be able to damage Devil Bringer; after being stabbed into his right arm, it seemingly drains Devil Bringer of its power and severely weakens Nero himself. Nero also appears to possess some innate skill with the blade, as he is able to use it expertly from the moment he obtains it. At the end of Devil May Cry 4, Dante charges Nero with keeping it.

Items Of Note

Blue and Red coat. Wireless Over the Ear Headphones.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Holy: Nero is part demon. As such, holy power can cause considerable and serious damage to anything he relates to, and must be very careful around it.

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