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Murasaki Akabane
A.K.A. Purple Rain
Age 20
Voice Actor
Relatives Kokuji Akabane; ?????
Series Get Backers, ???, ???
Player Sparda
  • Name: Murasaki Akabane
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Blood. Death. Quiet.
  • Dislikes: Idiots. Powerlessness

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Purple


Devastatingly pretty. Usually wears flowing clothes with an air of refinement to them


Cold. Calculating. Detached. Judgmental.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Amazing


Sword Saint: Murasaki is what could be called a 'Kensei', or a 'Sword Saint'. He knows virtually every style of swordsmanship and can use any kind of blade as if it were part of his body. His ability and skill with the sword is beyond human, and he is able to recreate any movement he's witnessed. His mind is also analytically sharper than a blade, letting him see every weakness in an opponent. To limit his ability with a sword to a 'style' would not be doing it justice. If you've heard of it, he probably knows enough about it to fight in that style.


Murakumo no Tsurugi: Murasaki's sword. It is supposedly the legendary Ame no Murakumo blade from the Orochi Legend. He himself says it's just a really good sword, that just happened to soak up a lot of blood. It was made by a legendary swordsmith, and its make is amazing, as well as the quality of its materials. Obviously, Murasaki can hide it within his body. However, he rarely draws it until it's time to kill, because he would rather not draw his blade against an unworthy foe.



Overconfident: Murasaki will not really use any of his true force against an opponent who hasn't otherwise impressed him beforehand. Which is, 90% of the time, justified.