Mordin Solus

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Mordin Solus
A.K.A. Professor Solus, Dr. Solus
Age Early 30s
Voice Actor Michael Beattie
Relatives None
Series Mass Effect
Player Brandon
  • Name: Mordin Solus
  • Age: Early 30s
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Scientific Method, research, experimentation
  • Dislikes: Misuse of science, immoral experimentation

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 146 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown/Red
  • Hair: None


Standard for salarian, tan skin with sepia mottling and dark brown streaks and spots on his face. Posesses some level of facial scarring. One of his horns appears to be broken, missing the last inch or so. May have cybernetic hands, gloves make it hard to tell.


Mordin is inquisitive, introspective and a deep thinker. He has a consequentialistic moral compass, believing the ends justify the means, to an extent. He tends to let impersonal logic guide his actions, refusing to let his conscience, personal, and emotional connections cloud his judgment of what he believes is truly best in the big picture. Socially he is affable, quick talking and friendly.


Mordin is a high tier genius and a master of numerous fields including genetics, xenobiology, pathology, bio-weapon development and dispersal and numerous other fields pertaining to biology, medicine and pathogens (natural and synthetic) in his own species and numerous alien species, including humans. HE also studies extensively in engineering for the development of his own equipment for the above fields of study. He served in the black ops unit known as the Salarian Special Tasks Group, or Salarian STG, and is the veteran of numerous classified clandestine military/scientific operations. Lastly, as a cultural exchange program, he has studied alien (specifically human) forms of art, specifically musical theater. Is a particular fan of Gilbert and Sullivan, with a talent for patter songs.
Stealth: Incdredible
Subterfuge: Incredible
Medicine: Amazing
Computers: Amazing
Technology: Amazing
Performance: Incredible


Mordin has several combative abilities built into his omni-tool.
Incinerate: Launches a ball of superheated plasma wrapped in a mass effect field that bursts on impact.
Cryo-Blast: Launches a ball of supercooled gasses wrapped in a mass effect field that bursts on impact.
Neural Shock: A burst of energy that attacks the target's nervous system, causing a brief instance of crippling pain over the whole body and paralysis.


His omni-tool is specially programmed for his work, containing numerous apps for medicine and engineering; for development, experimentation, administration and so on. His combat abilities can also be fine tuned towards medical purposes, such as cauterizing wounds. He keeps medi-gel on hand, that his omni-tool can control the dispensing of. His omni-tool also contains diagnostic scanning apps for numerous species, including humans.


As a salarian, there are several striking things about him beyond his appearance. His species has a lifespan of 40-50 years, meaning he is approaching his twilight years. This leads to a certain degree of introspective behavior regarding his life as a whole and looking back at his deeds. His short lifespan also leads him to be able to cope and deal with psychological issues faster than others; for example the time it would take him to grieve over the death of a colleague would only be a few hours before he worked throught he stagies of grief, where in others it would take days or weeks, which can lead to some awkwardness. He also has to eat often, as his life span is attributed to a hyperaccelerated metabolism. Tends to get lost in his work, mentally jugglign dozens of things, making him pay little attention to the world around him. Tends to sing during these times.